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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Personally, I'd be fine with LL adding higher land impacts and max capacities on avatars, 'cause I buy mod stuff only from decent creators and I know even if they don't push updates, I can replace the texture myself to fix the issue. If you've been buying no modify 1024 everything all these years, you've been making the same mistake as the creators selling this stuff, and I have no issue with mistakes having consequences.
  2. Penny nailed why it matters. Because many games do many of the same things that SL does, but they do it with less lag, higher framerates, and on lower spec computers. And whenever a new user comes along and says "Why do I get 90 FPS in my other games, but only 18 FPS in SL?" everyone tries to justify it by arguing that SL isn't a game, when we should all be asking why LL isn't looking at what these other game devs are doing.
  3. When I was a kid, my family had so little money that when the other kids had Atari, I had rocks. "Rocks" was my second favorite game, behind "Sticks". Combine Sticks and Rocks, now you have an exciting weekend. You better believe Rocks is a game.
  4. No, that just opens up access to the PvP cash shop. For actual PvP you need to go to one of the PvP arenas, like Somalia or Iraq. Or Chicago.
  5. Lots of the stuff LL does with SL would get most any other AAA MMO laughed out of business. It's shocking how much we tolerate with the "because SL" excuse. It's on my wishlist.
  6. I'm fairly certain that SL was originally conceived as a game by LL. I even recall seeing terraforming done via projectile weapons. Both SL and SE get laggy when you start filling the servers, yes. Just another thing they have in common. I do find it interesting that SL has thousands of small servers, but SE has far less servers that are millions of times larger. Which is, again, what the point of this debate morphed into, as noted in the first few posts. Imagine if LL had focused on quality over quantity, the sims we could have?
  7. In SL I can attach a HUD to emulate SE's survival mode. That makes them both games, by that definition. The real fun in this debate though? SL server: 512 meters with build limits well below what the server can handle. SE server: 987,345,946,560 meters (yes, that's the real number, 6.6au) with no build limit until you crash the server. And for a fraction of the cost.
  8. The number one complaint on the SE forums is that there are no objectives. In fact, the creator described it as purely a building sandbox with a survival mode attached later. So we're back to SE not being a game if we're using that definition.
  9. Wait. Are you saying SE is a game because it includes a mode that does everything SL does, but SL isn't a game because it does what one mode of a game can do?
  10. Space Engineers, particularly in Creative mode, has no set objective either. So by that definition, Space Engineers is also not a game. However if we consider the previous post; then by that definition they are still indeed both games, and therefore should be able to learn from each other.
  11. You can't pop into someone's sim in SL like that unless their rules allow for it, either. Having compatible rules is much the same as having compatible mods. The only real difference is that SL has many more of those compatible sims than SE has compatible servers.
  12. SL has far more rules and limitations than Space Engineers, and that's just regarding prims, physics, and simulator size.
  13. Every reply I have for this is a joke that will get me banned from the forums.
  14. Well, I'd been getting overshadowed lately. The subtle stuff just doesn't work anymore.
  15. It was a joke, 'cause they all do that already.
  16. Well. I had to undo all that goodwill I built up in the other thread. That's really the point of these discussions. Looking at things that SL could do so much better if they just glanced at other platforms and mediums for a few minutes. That's the best kind of troll. I would love to see the client and sim share the physics, collisions, and detection load like most FPS games do, so then you'd only have to grapple with desync instead of streaming all that data. Any time someone in SL asks me to join their combat sim or wear a combat meter, I can only laugh at them.
  17. Psh, to us Muricans, it's all just a bunch of Euro Peons.
  18. By almost all definitions of the technology, SL is a video game. If Second Life isn't a video game, then games like Conan Exiles or Space Engineers or Empyrion or Ark Survival Evolved aren't video games. Discuss.
  19. So you would make every other building MMO on the market?
  20. Very true. Things like industry standards are for nerds anyway.
  21. Most MMOs and other services allow you to input your own, and simply compare it to a blacklist to make sure people don't abuse it. The few that slip through and game the system get reported.
  22. Searching your name online gets a ton of hits. Wouldn't be hard to trace a couple back. Especially if you use Facebook with your real account and that account on the same computer.
  23. Done. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Forum-Cartel-HUD/15216714
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