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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. Avatars with catwa in their names are going into regions and sending people something that's labelled as a free Catwa head. Old scam with a new wrapper. I guess they saw Catwa offering a real free head and thought this was their moment. (For anyone new, don't accept or wear random objects sent to you like that. Only accept objects from people you know and trust.) The link has an extra . at the end. If you remove that you can see the screenshot, but a number of groups have been discussing this.
  2. I can't see a way around boxing things to sell unless you hire staff to roleplay serving someone, taking their money, and handing the items over. However, a box doesn't have to look like a box. It could be a plate from a food display or something like that. You could have an NPC waiter telling them to make a selection from the display or something like that. Same technical stuff, but a different ambience.
  3. Some moles are working on the birthday right now (which I should be doing now, but instead I'm on the forum, so there we are). They also have behind-the-scenes work on new themes. So you will see some moles working on builds I'm sure, but they have other projects as well.
  4. It seemed like they were working on ideas for it when they had the working copy of the continent. There were possible plots marked out, which is why people wondered if it might be a market area. Then they covered up the working copy so we couldn't map spy. The working copy doesn't seem to exist anymore, whatever was on there. The main copy had a train station and camels. And then the volcano arrived on the main copy and killed all the camels. And that's the story so far. In other words, nobody has a clue, but I vote for a giant chocolate lake next.
  5. You are being your own pet peeve, where you treat others as nothing and expect them only to discuss things you want to discuss. For example, you said people who were sad their friends died were pansies. You were expecting them to be just like you and not care about that and not talk about it. There's a balance when it comes to not caring what people think. I wouldn't take it into account if someone thought I should wear an avatar they like better, but it does matter if I punch someone in the face and they don't like it. I couldn't say it was their problem for taking that badly or that I shouldn't care what they think. If I felt you were only here to hurt people as much as possible, I wouldn't be trying to talk to you again. As it stands, my current impression is you wanted a positive response, it bothered you enough that you didn't get it to have peeves about it, and you really don't understand why people reacted as they did. This is a time where you just might want to listen to what people are saying to you. Not because you have to be like everyone else, but simply so you can understand why it went down like it did. It's not because people had big egos... it's because you punched them in the face.
  6. Most of the reviews on beds sold for that price seem to be from 2013. Maybe there was a push to get group members to leave reviews or something, because it's odd to have almost all reviews from the same year and all of them positive. But that was also seven years ago, so buyer beware outdated stuff. The most recent review I found on any of the beds was one-star. This is why it's important to look at the content of reviews and the dates. The overall star rating doesn't mean much. It was funny to check the review dates and then see this... you nailed the date.
  7. The birthday isn't long away, so it'll be interesting to see if there is a new theme there.
  8. It's a badly constructed wall, but it didn't crash me or slow down my movement. My computer is not good, so if it's going to cause client issues, it usually will. What I did notice is the scripts. There are a lot of active scripts. There's little spare time in the stats. You can see this by first activating your "advanced" menu (the option will be in preferences somewhere), go to "performance tools" and then "statistics bar". Or look around a bit if it's in a different place for your viewer. Anyway, that's what's causing the lag. You can help by making sure your scripts are as low as possible, but also keep an eye for anything that might be using more than a fair share of resources (such as large numbers of breedables).
  9. I downloaded the EEP update and then switched to Firestorm so I can avoid EEP for as long as possible. I do like the environment part of it, but the way it messes up materials is not great. It breaks old content on a scale that means redoing years of work. Even with my small shop, that's daunting. Now, it might have been intended to break everything, but I can't see why. It's not realism to have a sun that doesn't reflect off anything except the most shiny of chrome textures. It's just odd.
  10. You can set a landing point on any parcel. You can then decide using the "teleport routing" options whether people can go "anywhere" (they can arrive at a different place if they have the landmark/slurl) or "landing point" (they can only teleport to the landing point and no other place). What you can't do is have a bit of both. You can't make someone go to the landing point on arrival and then let them teleport around freely if they're already there. Either they can teleport freely or they can't. However, you don't really need what you want to do. Setting a landing point and then setting the teleport routing to "anywhere" works in most places. New visitors will end up at the landing point, as that's where they'll be directed by search. Most people are not going to attempt to teleport elsewhere unless they already know where they want to go... and in that case, they'll be annoyed if they get sent to the landing point each time.
  11. I've never owned a house and the only building I have with a door is my shop. Though if strangers want to wander around my meadow and see all my cute pets, they're more than welcome.
  12. Knowing when you log on or off is pretty irrelevant. The issue here is that she tells your friends who tell you and that upsets you. She's using your friends to harass you. So tell your friends that and ask them to stop taking part in this. Ask them not to pass on the messages she gives them. She shouldn't be using them to get around a block.
  13. This is an error if you have a premium account, you have your free tier remaining, you're trying to buy mainland and not private land, and you're sure it really is 1024 and not 10024. If it is mainland, the seller has no control over any tier charges.
  14. On moderate land, adult content/services can't be promoted. There's a difference between saying people will do what they want behind closed doors and renting them somewhere explicitly for that purpose. Adding in the furniture does move it in that direction, as it's more like adult clubs that offer private rooms for hire. Now, it could be it'd be deemed acceptable if it was never promoted. That'd have to go to a Linden for a final answer. But that creates a really weird situation. The unrented houses couldn't have the furniture, because that's publicly accessible. The information about the rentals couldn't contain information about the furniture, because it can't be promoted in any way. Which means... "So, just one question about my rental... why did a sex bed appear there overnight?" "We cannot speak of it." "..."
  15. I would not suggest placing adult furniture in your rental houses, because that'd mean you're renting out adult furniture to people.
  16. The main way is to see if the creator is actually doing anything at the moment. You could find out I was active by seeing that I'm posting here and there's a poster for an event going on right now in my shop. But most of the time it isn't really needed. Unless you're trying to do something like complete a gacha set or buy something expensive, in which case it'd be worth checking.
  17. No, but you can use linking to related items to show there are other variations.
  18. The reason decorations are mentioned at all is that some people felt they were not in theme and should not be allowed at any time of year. The compromise was to say decorations were fine, but only actually at the holidays. In other words, yes, some people would absolutely be upset if the decorations were still there in July. They didn't want them there at all. I'd hope all the Lindens/Moles would do is return them to the person's inventory, as there's a lot that could stop someone logging in and sorting it.
  19. Do you mean a bumper car ride? How was it broken exactly? What did you try to get it working again?
  20. The picture on the land page is a generic picture, not the exact houseboat you'll get. But the good news is you can change the houseboat to any of the available houseboat styles. The controller is a life ring for the boats I believe. That means you don't need to abandon and try again if you don't like the style. You just change it.
  21. The issue is that people don't want the unpopular last names any more than people wanted them back when they were unpopular. They want the popular last names, which have fewer first name options to go with them. I can see why they went with fresh names. It gives more naming options for people.
  22. I get the impression you just tl;dr that. So in short... 1) Make rides and sell them. 2) Use that money to buy a premium account / pay tier. 3) Expand as you make more money. I had to cut down on land when my finances changed, but I make enough from selling things to keep my premium account (which covers my shop land in the free tier) and have money left over to spend. You can still do something fun with small spaces. There's also the option of setting up temporary fairs at events that have exhibit space.
  23. If I feel someone is doing something that others need to be warned about, I'd certainly tell people. But most bad experiences are simply people being rude that one time. That's a lot of time to take on writing up complaints and dealing with the fallout. It'd create more drama than someone with an "I don't like drama" profile. I like to consider which battles are worth fighting so that I don't end up doing nothing other than fighting. Which is the potential risk the original poster faces. It might be all the complaints are valid, but whether it's worth following up on them is another matter.
  24. Slightly better than last year where they did an environment patch on the day Fantasy Faire opened and broke the windlights on the regions. This year, there are a few days to go to fix anything it breaks.
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