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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. When you downgrade, you do lose access to some premium benefits, including land/housing. It's best to downgrade closer to your end date for this reason. This is the official stuff on this: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/premium-membership-r346/#Section__7
  2. You can check what the physics of the building is doing. I don't know how to set this in other viewers, but here's how you do it in the official viewer. Go into "Preferences" and go to the "Advanced" tab. Put a check in "Show Develop Menu". You now have a menu called "Develop". In that menu, go down to "Render Metadata" and choose "Physic Shapes" from its submenu. Coloured shapes showing you the physics shape will appear over things. If the doorway is made to be a door, you should see a space there. If not, it'll be a solid colour like the walls. This can also highlight if your decor has a weird physics shape that sticks out past the object. That can also stop you getting through doors.
  3. People can't trade houses, so it's not that people are being mean. There just isn't a system for that outside of abandoning at the same time and hoping for the best.
  4. To be fair, that mantis deserves attention. Just look at those wing patterns.
  5. I'd assume they plan to make other continents with other themes, simply because they'd need a lot more land space to replace the old homes. They're also going to need a range of themes to appeal to as many people as possible.
  6. This is more like some games noting that online interactions aren't covered by the age rating. It's possible to assign an age rating to the set parts of the game, but you can't assign one to the behaviour of random other players. In the same way, it's not possible to know what someone will build with the tools in Second Life. It wouldn't be possible to have official warnings about every location, because there are too many and they're always changing. It is possible for the community to provide warnings or information where appropriate, which is where things fall down. There isn't a culture of that in SL. There's a reverse culture, where people will lie or evade questions about accessibility. "Are there a lot of tight spaces?" "Do the lights flash?" "Does this ride have fast movement?" "Do I need to use sound?" "Are there jump scares?" Which should be simple questions, but too many people assume that nobody really needs to know those things, so they lie about it to get people to visit anyway. Which results in people getting sick, having panic attacks, and so on.
  7. There are people who cross the line in the forum towards those who are sad that they don't have houses (and the mods have been dealing with that from what I've seen), but I've not seen anything to suggest they enjoy the misery. More that they get frustrated about it. Which means some people really need to stop reading/posting to the venting threads, but it's not the same thing as rubbing their hands in glee because others feel bad. I have seen some going after people with houses who possibly do enjoy the misery. Not so much here, but inworld. They target those who've just got houses and are happy about it, because it's easier to crush someone at that point. It's that sort of behaviour that made me leave the groups behind. Based on that, there are some people who I won't feel happy for when they get houses, but at least it might make them leave other people alone for a bit. For most people though, I am happy for them, and that was a thing about being in the group I liked. I just wish it could have been more being happy for people and less abuse.
  8. They'd have to make a whole new system to tell who has a new home and who doesn't, which could well end up taking longer than it would to make the required houses. A workaround is not to worry about who is who and just give everyone an increased stipend for six months (or something like that). I could see that also smoothing concerns about premium increases and such, as it'd give everyone more reserves. This is a bit like how the winter fuel allowance works in the UK. They don't means test it, because the resources to do that would cost more than just paying everyone over a certain age the fuel allowance. Sometimes the simple method works the best.
  9. Your previous thread was merged with the one I've linked to below, and people replied to you there. This thread will also probably get moved there, and then people will wonder what I'm talking about, but that's how it goes.
  10. I have two alts. One is a backup admin alt for my group. The other was my "poor newbie" alt, where a bunch of us from the forum started a new alt with no money to see if we could earn a target amount. I've sometimes used them to test scripted items, but I haven't needed to log in either of them for some time. I don't have social alts. If I go to an event, explore or do anything substantial, I use the same account for that. I also have executive dysfunction, so it's better to keep as much as possible on the single account and have very clear (and narrow) purposes for any additional accounts.
  11. They still haven't named the Penitent Beach bar or put out the free pickles. I hope if they release the houses they don't forget to come back for that.
  12. There's a high demand for the new houses. They'll only show on the page when one is available. The threads about Bellisseria are the ones about the new houses.
  13. Send me an IM inworld when you're ready and not in "do not disturb" mode or anything.
  14. I have no idea how this system worked, so I don't know if the eggs need a server to hatch. But I got an egg years ago and you're welcome to see if it'll hatch. Looks like the creator is selling forever food to keep them alive, even if you can no longer do the breeding thing.
  15. I can't see many people going for ideas that result in low quality builds rushed out quickly. The whole reason people are waiting for the new homes over the old ones or mainland is to get a house as nice as the current new houses. I live on the mainland, so it's not that I don't appreciate open building areas... but if someone wanted that instead of a new house, the mainland is already waiting for them. I'm sure people realise they won't make every theme suggested and some themes might be years in the future. But if a theme is chosen, most people will want it to be done with the same care as the current themes.
  16. The bit that currently interests me is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE185/131/68/23 It's a region with a ring of road around the edges. No inner roads and nothing in the middle. Before, I'd have assumed they were going to fill it with houses, but they've put in the houses all around it now, with no signs of placing anything in the space. Maybe a pending community area? A really giant waffle house?
  17. There isn't a diner category, but I'd place it based on what goes on there. Whether it's a music venue, chat spot, roleplay or whatever else.
  18. I've sometimes had posts removed because they were in response to the main target of the removal. So sometimes a post can be mild and you won't get warnings for it. Just it was part of that line of conversation and some people were not so mild.
  19. What are you doing to advertise the sim? Are you involved in any other communities? If the answer to that is you're not doing much and you don't know anyone, it's going to be a slow and painful process. If I held an opening party somewhere, I'd invite people I know to make a starting crowd.
  20. This can't happen. Even if you have a USD balance, and even if you don't log in for twelve months, it cannot take your balance below zero. You can't go into the negative and you won't be charged a huge bill somewhere down the line. As others have said, it doesn't look like you're someone who'll be impacted by this in any way, other than having to click "accept" when the new system goes into place.
  21. The official thread looks fierce! I've met some of those owls, and they always look at you like they'll mess you up if you get any closer.
  22. Though you might hate them, I can see their potential for someone who wants corner flower beds in their garden. They'd add a nice outer edge to that.
  23. That's true, but then they made the houses bigger, so that advantage was mostly lost again.
  24. It's not that I'd mind helping find good pieces of mainland, but if you suggest this to most people they explode into a cloud of drama. They want a new house, not an old house or a piece of mainland. Something that would soften this would be if premium had more tier than could be used on a single Linden Home. Then people could have a piece of mainland in addition to a house, which would mean they wouldn't have to choose between the two, it'd distract them if the home was delayed, and it'd fill up some of that mainland abandoned land. But if that does happen, it won't be tomorrow.
  25. I think telling people less would be what people need, even if it's not what they want. The greatest aggression in the groups comes after one of the announced releases. Which has a darkly funny side, as the people who immediately come to the groups to be abusive will therefore miss any houses that are immediately abandoned, but I don't suppose they thought of that. Anyway, the point being that I do think it'd reduce the outright abuse and harassment. People won't be happy about not knowing, but I'd rather "I'm grumpy I don't know what's happening!" over someone harassing everyone who got a house for an hour.
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