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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. For Singularity support from people that use and like Singularity use the in-world support group secondlife:///app/group/4fa278be-b621-9447-0958-85af4b01cdab/about
  2. Get the free tool CPUID HDMonitor. Check what your computer is doing and the temperatures. NVIDIA GT's are not that great, but it shouldn't be crashing. Look in the SL log files and see if you can find the cause of the crash. See for how to instructions.
  3. @RavenEmmaRiddle When asking a tech question use the viewer's HELP->About... to get us the tech info we need. Paste it in with your question. Freeze... there are lots of different kinds of freezing in the SL viewers. Viewer freezes - never recovers, or recovers after a a few minutes or seconds, or freezes for <1 second. Or freezes the entire computer. Until we have more info, there are too many possible issues to start listing them. To do more on your own get the free tool CPUID HDMonitor. Check of overheating. Look to see if the GPU and/or CPU are hitting 100% use. You can use the Windows Task Manager and Resource Monitor to see what your computer is doing when the viewer freezes.
  4. You can read up on how UUID's are created. It is amazingly hard to create unique ID's that are never duplicated or that won't reoccur. So, the algorithm is based on time. It isn't perfect. But, the chance of duplication and/or repetition is for practical purposes so near zero we consider it zero. In a world where computer clocks tic once every quarter billionth of a second (+/-) and a bit of fancy computing avoids any two people coming up with the same UUID. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier
  5. Since others see them OK that narrows the possibilities to your connection, viewer, or computer. Do the easy, quick, likely to solve the problem steps first... Before one starts reinstalling or clearing cache, try another viewer. Many of us have both Firestorm and the Linden viewers installed. The Linden viewer is needed if you resort to Linden Support. They only help those that use the Linden viewer. Firestorm support will also ask if you have the same problem in the Linden viewer. So, it is a key troubleshooting step. If you render correctly in another viewer you have eliminated cache and computer problems. If not, you have eliminated Firestorm as the problem. This gives you a better direction for determining next steps. Since the viewers changed how the caches work and use mostly HTTP for downloads the texture and object caches seldom get corrupted. So, clearing those are last resort steps. However, Firestorm seems to have some problem with the Inventory List cache getting corrupted. The symptom of that is missing inventory, not things failing to render. You can't get to them to put them on or take them off. Connection to the SL servers is the most common problem. Good Internet connection is NOT the same as a good connection to SL. So, test that early on. Also, most people think of the Internet as an unchanging, stable, and reliable. It isn't. It changes by the millisecond. Also, the SL servers are constantly changing as people move into and out of regions. So, eliminate the connection as the problem early on. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ So, move to another region. Take off the problem attachment before changing regions. The servers package up information about your avatar and send it to the server you are entering. So, if that info is corrupt you'll likely see the same problem in the next server too. To get the cleanest reload, log out and log into a different region. You need to know at least a couple of regions names for empty and deserted regions for times when these problems come up. I use Pooley and Furball, just because I remember the names. These are Linden regions that are mostly empty and deserted. Often in the troubleshooting steps, the problem suddenly disappears. Avoid jumping to the conclusion that what you just did was the solution. Remember what you did and try it first next time you see the problem. Often network problems resolve while you are logging out and back in. So, it is difficult to tell if it was the viewer that needed a restart, the network self-healing, or the SL server recovering from an overload problem or what. SL is likely the most complex and largest multi-component software you use.Lots of places and things to go wrong.
  6. Attending the Beta Server UG and answering questions in ANSWERS I hear various stories of login problems from people trying to get into Aditi. A consistent part of the stories is not everyone has the same issues at first Aditi login. However, these days almost all first time login people have an inventory issue. It takes support's help to get past it.
  7. It is a horrible video, quality-wise. But, some interesting content. Runs 55 minutes. I have an index up with each question time marked: http://blog.nalates.net/2018/03/19/more-ebbe-altberg-from-2018-vwbpe/ You can quickly skim the questions and go for those that interest you. For SL residents there isn't much in the way of new information. Unfortunately Ebbe and Bret apparently did NOT control the quality of the recording. The render looks like something from 10-years ago. Maybe they can get some quality control going for interviews, like must use computer built after the change over from stone to silicon... And is use of Classic avatars for Lindens meeting the public a policy thing? And those Places Pages... has anyone found one of those in a search engine yet? Is the 'Do NOT Index' flag set or what!?! At least if you search for Second Life for educators you get this page: http://go.secondlife.com/landing/education/ That works. The second result is a wiki page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Education/Resources. (Bret did update the wiki page in Feb 2018) So, there are Linden pages that place well in search results.
  8. I generally provide an index with time marks. I paraphrase most of what I write and my take is never exactly what they said. So, for nuances in the participants comments one has to listen to the video. See http://blog.nalates.net/2018/03/17/ebbe-altberg-third-party-dev-meeting/ And now I have an index up for the VWBPE interview: http://blog.nalates.net/2018/03/19/more-ebbe-altberg-from-2018-vwbpe/
  9. Regardless of how much you know about 3D modeling, texturing, and programming you'll find SL has a lot of quirks. So, take it one thing at a time as recommended. I made a tutorial for building Slink Appliers. All appliers are similar. It is here: http://blog.nalates.net/2017/01/05/tutorial-2017-how-to-make-slink-nails/ There are numerous YouTube and Vimeo videos on clothes making. There are free templates (Chip Midnight - Robin Woods) for the classic avatar. Mesh body designers provide Developer Kits. There are free models of the avatar that work in Photoshop, Blender, and other programs. Both the SL Wiki and Knowledge Base have a load of information. Within the forum is a huge amount of technical information on mesh and building gleaned from user testing. Way too much to provide links. Search.
  10. Rolig mentioned the HUD rotation problem. I recently wanted to relocate a HUD so I could have it on screen with other HUD's while putting an outfit together. When I re-attached it to a new HUD attachment point it was invisible. The problem was/is the designer did not design the HUD using the correct face... so I had to rotate it to make it visible again. You may be having the same problem. HUD's are almost always a cube, 6-faces. If you attach a cube as a HUD, it is the positive X-face that is turned toward you. Most designers make the other 5 faces clear. If you rez a HUD on the ground and cam around it you'll see the problem. From any angle other than in front of the +X-face the HUD is invisible. So, if the designer builds the HUD on any other face, it has to be rotated You can rotate a HUD after you attach it. When it is invisible press Ctrl-Alt-T and it will show. Or as Rolig wrote, you may have to select another HUD, Edit, and scroll out to find it. Edit it and find the rotation controls. By default all values will be at zero. Try 90, 180, and 270 in the X-axis then Y-axis then the Z-axis. Return to zero before moving to the next axis. Once the HUD is visible, you may have to rotate on a second axis to get it right side up. It requires some trial and error. In SL even professional modelers have problems with SL's X-Y-Z axis orientation. It's a bit odd. Then there are those that have yet to figure out how HUD's attach by default.
  11. @PixieAlice Lionheart Over time you'll find you occasionally do get banned for no reason. The owner or manager clicks the adjacent name in a list or misspells a name and you get zapped. For many places things are so busy and hectic they mistake the one causing the problem. You get zapped, wrong place wrong time. The Ban System has no place to enter why a person is banned. It is just a list of names. Many places have multiple managers with ban power. So, most will have no idea who banned you or why. So, asking why very seldom gets an answer. Busy regions have churn in the ban list, meaning it fills up. Meaning people banned some time ago are pushed out of the list to make room for the newly banned. Once out of the list, you are 'unbanned'. It may take a month or five. But, eventually, you come off the ban list. If you think life is fair and just, you should probably reexamine your beliefs. The world is mostly impersonal and SL especially so.
  12. @drstoney Don't feel bad... most of us have answered a necro-post. The forum sort walks you into it. Now we check dates.
  13. Every other week the Lindens and Third-Party Dev's meet. The idea is to keep both the Lab and Dev's on the same page in regard to viewer development. This week Ebbe Linden dropped in. Ebbe usually talks about where the Lab is going with SL and Sansar. He did this time too. The meeting ran long and there is lots of interesting discussion. For a couple more details see my blog.
  14. Start here: As pointed out there are various ways and problems to get stuff out of a box.
  15. Your symptoms are connection related. A good internet connection is not a guarantee of a good connection to the SL servers. Test your connection the SL Servers. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Once you eliminate the MOST COMMON problem then move on to other possibilities.
  16. @Deidia You can change your LoD to 2. That will reduce the connection load. Max Bandwidth is a setting more for the server than the viewer. Empirical information is the max setting should be =<1500. If you set it higher, the server may have issues. You can experiment with settings from 500 to 1500. If you want to experiment with higher settings, remember that the max value you can run is dependent on the specific server you are connected to and how many others are connected. If you leave the Viewer Stats open, you will probably see Packet Lost or Ping drastically increase just before you are dropped. While you may have a great Internet connection in General, that does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. Open the viewer HELP->About... to get the server IP. Geo-locate that and test to that area with SpeedTest.net. From your command prompt run a TraceRT to the IP Address. This will show if you, your ISP, or the Lab has a problem.
  17. Even once I know a designer's stuff usually fits me, I still try the demo. Some stuff that looks good on the model in the promo picture, I don't like on me. I am also interested in the ACI and script load. I have to have the Demo to get those numbers. The good designers are pretty consistent in these areas. But, they do make mistakes and sometimes forego optimizations for better looks of some garments. I want to walk with my animations to check poke-through. I have some awesome dresses that suck when I walk. With good designers, the poke-through is usually small spots. I have to decide if it is too much for me... With cheap things... I may buy them without a demo. Cheap like L$100 or less. But, I think that encourages the designer to forego making the demos. So, I do resist purchasing anything without a demo. But, cute can out weight my resistance.
  18. I've added a lot of people to follow on Flickr. Plus, a lot of people have started following me. Thanks. Some are awesome photographers-artists. Others are way cute. I certainly get my daily dose of eye-candy. This is a Blossom's little black dress that I couldn't resist. And my new Jennifer head (GA.EG).
  19. Rolig is on the right track. But, there is more. The Max Bandwidth setting is for the server, not your viewer... well a bit for your viewer. The empirical best information is to set Max Bandwidth at 80% of your max download or 1500, whichever is smaller. This is the setting that gives the best general performance over the most connections. Start experimenting from there. You may find lower or higher settings work better for your connection. And that may change from day to day. Having a good Internet Connection and lots of bandwidth is not the same as having a good connection to the SL servers and THEIR having lots of bandwidth available. Plus because of Voice, you have to deal with the Vivox servers. The problem is in the connection service. While it may not be at your end, it is the connection. After the recent DDoS attack that took SL and a number of big-name sites down one of the Lindens mentioned they are almost always fighting off a cyber attack of some kind. The same is true of Vivox. So, there is a lot going on that you cannot see and will likely never be informed of. The thing is, there just isn't anything for you to fix. The viewer isn't broken. Vivox is not broken. We are just stuck dealing with the problems of cyber life. The Lindens and Vivox are constantly working to make things better. There is also a world of clowns working to make things worse. Voice and viewers do break. So, troubleshoot your problems. Visit Voice Island and test your connection to SL and Vivox. Just remember the likely cause is not on your end and hold off doing drastic repairs on your computer that do nothing but waste time until you are certain you know the cause of the problem.
  20. Make sure you have the NVIDIA control panel set for PERFORMANCE and not Power Saving. On WIn10 you right-click on the Desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel. Then set up Program Settings for the SL Viewer. See http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/ If the laptop does not recognize the SL viewer app it may switch you to the HD Graphics and lower system settings to save power. AI is just wonderful...
  21. That cache clear is the drastic last ditch fix. If the problem had been caused by a poor connection to the SL servers, a cache clear would most likely have made it worse, which is why that is no longer standard advice. Clearing the Inventory List cache is more common and a better early step in troubleshooting. The main cache very rarely needs to be cleared, it is a last step. Often logging into the region where you encountered the problem allows it to persist. Try logging into a different region than the one from which you logged out. Pooley and Furball are good alternate log in locations.
  22. And we also have Experiences... they can do this type of thing.
  23. Fancy display of names is fun and seemingly popular. But, you've run into one of the problems of attempting it. The answers here are from the practical people If you don't mind pissing off some people, I say as if it is possible to be in SL and not to piss-off someone, then the fix is trial and error. Often a single character triggers the problem. Omit it and the others work. Sometimes it is the font. Occasionally it is the space-character in a font. Shifting case also adds complication. Try all upper or all lowercase. You can test characters in a notecard. Any that display as a block will likely trigger the problem. But, it isn't certain. So, lots of trial and error. And the practical people are right, the fancy names are a pain for anyone that wants to talk with you... or more importantly about you .
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