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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Some of you are aware that Strawberry Singh, a popular blogger/vlogger in SL for 10+/- years, received a Copyright infringement notice. The Lab thumped YouTube and YouTube thumped Strawberry. Her side of the story is here: https://strawberrysingh.com/2017/12/13/trademark-complaint-received-linden-lab/ I agree with her undrstanding of the Trademark Guidelines. The problem is she showed the SL sign up page with the Linden logo in a video tutorial on to how to sign up for SL. Now there are copyright and trademark infringements and then there are copyright and trademark INFRINGEMENTS. Generally use of a copyright that does not pretend to be the owner of it or pretend to offer a product made by or endorsed by the copyright/trademark holder is considered permissible. Some more enlightened companies appreciate the free advertising and promotion. Coca-Cola allows broad use of their copyrights and trademarks. They also make sure everyone know who owns them. So, you see © ™ symbols in videos with a credit in the 'credits' and sometimes even in audio files (podcasts) and certainly on printed material. I personally think that the Lab's take down notice was way too heavy handed. Their idea to 'take out the signup screen...' from a tutorial about signing up for SL is/was dumb. Telling Strawberry she has to acknowledge the Lab's ownership in the credits or on the YouTube page seems much more practical and reasonable. We have seen this behavior from SL staff before. Do something dumb and then fight it and stonewall. I expect the same this time. This is also one of those cases where little things pile up that eat away at the membership. It is nothing that will show up in accounting or user stats. So, management will have no clue what is happening. Of course, we cannot provide hard numbers as to how many users will never sign up because they didn't see Strawberry's tutorial. So, in many ways this is a battle of opinions with no facts to point to. But intuitively, we know it is a problem. Strawberry's solution is simple. Stop making those videos. Obviously this will be to the detriment of the Lab's SL. Want to say something to the Lab? Jump on Twitter and tweet @ebbealtberg using hashtag #berryCopyright. Polite tweets only, please.
  2. The Environment Enhancement Project (EEP) is underway to make changes to the way days and WIndlight work. One of the changes will be to the 4 hour day cycle. Various cycle lengths will be possible. There is talk of people planning to match the SL region time to a specific RL time zone. There is, however, some thought to allowing specific Windlight settings on a per avatar basis controlled by script. So, from the west coast of USA I could visit 1920's Berlin on Berlin Germany time without jet lag... meaning for me where it is daylight at RL home it would be daylight in Berlin... How that would work with people from multiple time zones being in the same place.. probably isn't that good. But, scripts controlling individual WL settings has possibilities. Entering a cave or burning building the script could adjust your WL without having to adjust the WL of others not in the cave of building. Possibilities. Things are changing.
  3. Rolig can't give you much of an answer because you haven't told us much. I would guess English is not your first language. If you write short, grammatically correct sentences in your native language, Google translate does a good enough job of translating. So, you might try that. Otherwise, complete English sentences. HUD's do break. Depending on the HUD a script restart will fix it or completely kill the HUD. You need to ask whoever made the HUD how to fix it.
  4. I do not have a flat inventory. Lots of organization and subfolders. I am pretty sure I don't have a single folder with more than 100 items. I have run into the problem with different viewers; FS 5.0.7, Alex Ivy different versions, Animesh different versions, and Black Dragon. They all have separate caches. Alex Ivy has the biggest general cache as it uses the Main Viewer folders now that it is RC. I assume all three inventory list caches would be the same size. Usually by the third try with the same viewer I can get a full connection. But, it isn't consistent. If, the third try doesn't work I change login regions. That usually works after the first fail in that region. Once in I tp to wherever I want to be. When I'm testing in ADITI I get more tries at logging in. I have a another project so later this week or next I'll try to be more methodical.
  5. Always run is a checkbox in Preferences. But, Ctrl-R toggles it on and off. I use W and mouse-steer in 3rd and first person. The mouse buttons work differently in the two views. In 3rd person one left-click-drags on the avatar to steer. In first person no button click needed. Just move the mouse. If Firestorm isn't working this way you may need to clear you settings and start over. Visit the Firestorm wiki for help resetting your settings. (http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clearing_settings). Depending on where you are clicking on your avatar can be tricky. Club lights, grass, trees, particles, and other stuff with some transparent areas can get between the mouse and your avatar without you noticing.
  6. Of course the easy way to get some L$ is buy them. If you prefer to earn some, Rolig has given you the basic facts of life in SL. However, you can find people looking for employees here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/ You can visit clubs and often find places looking for employees. Use in-world search to find groups catering to employees and employers. Some are old and dead, others are new and kind of active. You don't say how much you want to make. There are people that have made L$260,000,000 per year (net). Several have made L$13,000,000 per year. There are people that make their RL living using SL. I think all these people run a business. In-world jobs pay pennies per hour. Modelers and scripters are making decent RL money. Apparently there is still good money in SL real estate... which is probably an oxymoron. I wouldn't plan a long term business in real estate, things are changing. But, I could be wrong about that. You might get a job as a bouncer. AKA a region or estate manager. Most of those jobs are about dealing with griefers, those causing problems in a region. There are places that pay one to stand around (camping). Camping has lost popularity in SL. But, there are still some places. Contests often have decent cash prizes. They range over a wide variety of competitions. Pictures, beauty, one and on. You can search this forum and find several. In-world search has 4600+ hits, but many of those are for products needed to run contests. AND... there is gambling, well games of skill. But, they are not free. The house is the usual winner. AND... ssssssssh... there is an adult sex trade. If you are just wanting to get some clothes or home furnishings, there are freebie shops. There are a lot of them. Also... there is Premium Membership. Being a member pays L$300/week. On an annual basis a premium account is VERY cheap.
  7. In world look for the Blender-AvaStar group. They can help whether you have AvaStar or not. Chic is right. We can't read your mind or see your screen. Give us lots of information and PICTURES.
  8. I don't use just Blender because of the various gotchas going from Blender to SL. I used to. But, it became too tedious. Doing bare Blender you have to have the SL Bento Skeleton (armature). You can get that from the SL Wiki, see Bento. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Project_Bento_Testing There are rotation and scale mismatches between Blender and SL. The X axis direction in Blender is different than in SL. Sorting out which bones do which and what gets weighted to what is way complicated. So, most of us use a starting point model previously weighted; the SL avatar, or a dev kit from a mesh body maker. We copy weights from those models to our model. Then we tweak from there. AvaStar is designed to make this work flow easy. I just updated my Blender-AvaStar setup to use the Slink Physique body. The weights transfer from the Slink model to mine is way easy, click, click, done. Simple things require little to no twerking... er.. tweaking. I just did a set of mesh pasties that work with breast settings 0 to 100 without have to adjust anything. I can click a vertex of the Slink body while in weight-paint mode and see which bones the body maker is using for their weighting. In AvaStar they have control to show/hide bones so I don't have to sort out which bones to weight to. Everything I do with AvaStar you can do with plain Blender. There is just a lot of learning without AvaStar. Examples https://blog.machinimatrix.org/avastar/reference/weighting-with-blender/
  9. Three or 4 years ago the cache was changed to use an indexed database for find files and for deleting old ones. At that time clearing the cache for performance became counterproductive. Once you have filled a 10GB cache clearing it means you have to re-download the 10GB of stuff and decompress it. That slows the computer. The cached files reduce the load. The amount of time saved in the database searches between say a 2GB cache and a 10 GB cache is way small. So, the advantage from a cache clear for performance is too small to perceive. The size of inventory is not a serious factor. That is why we have an unlimited inventory. Your inventory is a list of names and pointers. Each entry is ridiculously small. The asset servers and your cache hold the actual items. So, your viewer only ever holds the items it needs to render the current scene. The only exception may be the Calling Cards. Long ago the cards had a serious impact on performance. That impact was reduced and now most of us ignore them. But, loads of calling cards could have an effect on performance. But, not much of anything else. An exception is flat inventory, meaning all your 40,000 pairs of shoes in a single folder. On a good connection people started having problems at about ~5,000 items per folder. Problems like not being able to login. Seems inventory downloads folder by folder and has a short window to do it at login. I'm not sure how it works exactly but it is like the download clock resets with each folder the viewer asks for. So, more folders, more time. A year ago, more+/-, the Lab made a tool for support people to go in and break up large folders into several less full folders, because of the number of people having trouble with flat inventories keeping them from logging in. So, cleaning out is not as important as keeping it organized. As to always better... I would say often better. 4G wireless is supposed to run at 100mbps, twice my cable speed. In practice 4G is more like 15mbps. So, a number of factors coming together can have an in-home wireless connection run at more than adequate speeds. Some of the new in-home gateway/routers are running connections at 50mbps. COX is promoting their in-home 100mbps wireless service. The same as wired. While wired is supposed to run at 10/100mbps various factors combine to slow that down. Depending on where you are and what service you have, it is a toss up whether wired or wireless is faster. It is changing. The world is going wireless. How else are those self driving cars going to work?
  10. One of the things you can do is sign up with hunts. These draw new people through a region. There are some SL businesses that run hunt listings. Visit any large merchant and look at their events listing. You'll likely find some hunts. Running a store is enough of a pain. If someone handles the marketing, signs up the hunts, it is an attraction,
  11. ...and they have this thread classed as NO BEST ANSWER.... how is that possible?
  12. No one mentioned it, but KITS are available in the marketplace. So, you can get the base mesh model and then texture it and sell it as yours. There are various restrictions on these kits so read the fine print. Examples
  13. This temporary condition has lasted 18 months and it does not appear will be corrected any time soon. I have also been hitting the problem of partial login, I appear to be logged in but cannot move, chat, or teleport. I may have to log in multiple times to get a working connection. I seem to have better luck if I type in the destination region name on the first try then use the Last Location option for the second try. Is anyone else seeing the problem?
  14. I've started clicking the 'Mark this section read...' button and checking dates before posting. But, I suspect this will be an unending problem.
  15. This is an interesting social dynamic. When we are harmed we want to save others the same pain. Unfortunately, the methods we use are often used by business competitors willing to lie and griefers (whether mentally anti-social and in need of help or pathologically defective and in need of containment). The result is society has built up a set of laws for living in a free society. Understanding the principles of freedom and the free market is necessary to understand how the SL system of correcting wrongs proceeds and why it is complex and slow. Justice is NOT intuitive. Also, the allocation of very limited 'law enforcement resources' is more money oriented than we like. So, the dollar value of damages is often the deciding factor. This tends to lead to vigilantism in SL being popular with the less well educated, which has a long history of running amuck in SL and RL. If you are truly interested in justice versus revenge, be sure you understand how things work in a free society.
  16. I'm not a Mac person. But, I have noticed news, the last couple of weeks, about Apple having software issues. They have had to rush patches out to correct them. About all one can do is stay updated. I suggest you keep digging for an answer. The lead software engineer for SL uses a Mac. So, while SL's Mac users often complain of feeling ignored, they do have a heavyweight in their corner. This also suggests there is a problem unique to your computer. If it were an incompatibility between the OS and the viewer, there would be many more complaints. https://www.theverge.com/2017/12/2/16727238/apple-macos-ios-software-problems-updates Also, while I did not dig through all the pleas for help in the forum, there are not many that request help with a Mac High Sierra system, 33 over more than 2 years (search: Mac Sierra). Many of those are problems accepting the SL ToS. This also suggests the problem is not general but specific to your machine. The only piece of information you gave us is that you run Mac High Sierra. If you want help, you need to post specifics. Open the viewer and before login open HELP->ABOUT... and copy paste in the information revealed. We may be able to see a problem.
  17. What you describe is not a Firestorm problem. I've seen it in all viewers. With any viewer, if you stand on a slope that is steep enough your avatar will slide down. What may appear visually as stairs, maybe a ramp, flat sloped surface and is easily slid down. Because of how mesh and physics work in SL the visual and physical nature of objects is not always as it appears. I suggest you and a friend go to the same place and see if both avatars slide or only yours. Then you'll know if it is you are the build.
  18. That is really hard to say... There are modify shapes, some free some sold. Since I make my own shape, I have no sense of the proportion of No-Mod vs Mod-OK shapes available. Of course looking in the marketplace the impression is No-Mod is dominant. Digging through the freebie places, not so much. So, I would say if you spend some time looking you may find what you want, likely even. I think a good portion of residents by body parts; body, head, hands, feet. Mesh bodies are affected by shape sliders and skins, tats, underwear, and clothes are added via appliers. So, while no-mod they are very modifiable.But, probably not what you want if you plan on scripting them. However, you can animate them if that helps. Mesh clothes do mostly come as No-Mod. But, there are mesh clothing kits. With these kits, you are buying full-mod rights. I think you have a very good chance of coming up with what you want. Also, as many of the kits provide the DAE file you can modify the base mesh with Blender, Maya, or whatever. When kits are uploaded you have full-mod rights and can script them. there is a whole other aspect of SL that operates with RLV (Restrained Life Viewer). Many, most?, third=party viewers use RLV. This is a system that allows a scripted prim (HUD or worn thing) to talk to the viewer and control it One of the features of RLV is the ability for scripts to attach and detach clothing items. You may want to read through the RLV specs at Marine Kelley's blog or visit the Open Collar site and read the RLV manuals to see if they are already doing what you want. Also, it sounds like you are trying to duplicate OUTFITS. I skimmed this thread so, forgive me if I missed the point. But, Outfits are saved sets of clothing and HUD's that are worn with almost a single click.
  19. This is getting way too technical.
  20. There is no setting to solve the problem. You are dealing with CHAT LAG. The packets of chat leave your computer in the order you type them. They travel to a chat server. The chat server sees packets of text. They are NOT serialized. Your packets and everyone else's packets are flowing into the same multiple-server system. Your first packet may land in one server and the second in another. Depending on the load on the individual servers the packet landing in the least busy server may leave first. So, they can arrive in other people's viewers in reverse order. There is nothing to be done but assure your packets of text fit in a single packet. Even then the order in which people respond can get out of order. We see that all the time in busy groups and busy Nearby local chat. It was way worse a couple of years ago. Chat actually works pretty well these days.
  21. When you resize an image in PS there is an option in the dialog to hold the proportions. Disable the option. In Photoshop you can set the canvas size. Then redo the image to get the best looking 700x100 image.
  22. It may just be the body is not that well made. The tattoo is usually an Applier. So, if any part of the tat shows the texture has loaded. It should all be visible. A complete texture downloads or any partial downloads are discarded. When it isn't, as you images show, there is a problem with the mesh it is being applied to. Changing your viewer's LoD setting to 4 is a lame solution to circumvent a performance feature of SL to offset poor design. Unfortunately, a personal viewer change in LoD affects everyone as it increases the amount of data being downloaded which affects the region and asset servers. It isn't a huge impact, but a region full of avatars run by viewers with a setting of LoD 4 has a significant impact. So Drake1 is enabling poor designers by using LoD 4 full time. Long debates have raged because Firestorm uses a default of LoD 2 and designers build for 2.0 in place of the more performance minded LL Viewer default 1.5. The FS techies get on about the 0,5 increase. You may not be aware that the Lab is looking at revising Land Impact and Avatar Complexity Index costs this coming 2018. Plus they are thinking about changing the mesh uploaded to add cost when poor LoD models are used. Neither of these is certain to be implemented.
  23. IF you are going to use a different name and email address, just open a new account.
  24. I would give it a day and retry. They are having some issues with the websites. You might also try another browser. If you use Firefox, try using Chrome or Internet Explorer. The cookies used by the website may be tripping you up.
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