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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. ...and it seems there are in-world groups devoted to trading gachas.
  2. There are a number of OLD movie screens and TV's in SL that still require Quicktime. QuickTime is no longer maintained and is a vulnerability for Windows users. Best not to have it installed. So... it depends on what you are doing when you get the message that decides whether you need to install something.
  3. There are some problems with the Preview Grid. The Lindens are busy and it gets neglected. Password updates is one issue. When you change your SL password it may not register with the ADITI login process. You may still get in using the old password. The trick is figuring out which 'old' password is hanging on in the Aditi login process. If it is your first time in Aditi, you will definitely need to file a support ticket asking for access. Support will set things up and trigger an initial inventory sync. A few of us have run into partial logins. You arrive in world and the area renders. But, you cannot move, chat, teleport.... Log off, wait 5 minutes, try another login. Repeat until it works. I find this happens using the LL and FS viewers. I suspect it is a server issue issue not a viewer problem. As it never happens with the Agni login, probably it isn't a network issue.
  4. The 4GB of system memory is barely enough. I had consistent problems with 8GB. Adding more cleared up the problems I was having. But, it is enough to launch the viewer. The 2.4GHz quad core should work. It will be slow. Qie's suggestion to look in the secondlife.log file is good. There should be information as to why it crashes without visible launch.
  5. Collect the information and send it to your ISP in a trouble ticket. I suggest you include TraceRT and Ping information.
  6. When you ask this type of question include a screen capture.
  7. You are not telling us enough about the problem. First start with machine and software details. Use the viewer's Help->About... to collect the information and post it here. This type of problem is often a connection issue. So, test your connection to the SL servers. A good general Internet connection does not mean you have a good connection to SL. Are you connecting from home, work, school... where? Are you on wifi, cable, DSL, or satellite?
  8. There are a variety of ways to sell gocha items. Some advertise and do person=to=persona sales. Sort of like RL classified or Craigslist sales. There are single item vending machines. The SL Marketplace allows selling limited quantity items. All seem popular.
  9. You can make a scripted prim that sends them to the marketplace page... Otherwise, not that I know of.
  10. I would love to know if the texture issue is just me or the viewer. I have seen the problem every time I use the viewer.
  11. That is a really old video driver. So, I suspect it. Yours 307.74, mine 388.13 Oct 2017. The video card is a 2005-06 release date card. So, it is old too. The 256MB of video memory is likely a problem too. Today 2 to 6GB of video memory is common. All the memory swapping your system will have to do could be a problem. You didn't give us a complete set of specs. Use the viewer's Help->About... to get all the driver and hardware info. A 32-bit interface on a video card is way small. My 1060 uses 196-bit interface. So... Win10 may not work well with it, at least for running SL. You can try turning off Visual Effects (Aero, transparency...). There are so many changes in Windows there are many tutorials that are wrong about how to do that. So, I gave up finding a 'how-to' with current pictures. My Win10 is up to date, I think. So, Settings->System->Personalization->Colors then scroll down and find Transparency effects. This is reputed to lower video demand on texture space. Try it. Without knowing more about the computer, I can't recommend a replacement. The CPU and motherboard decide what will work. But, there are nice video cards for way cheap on eBay. The 1060 I paid US$350+ for is down to $200. GTX 980's go for $150, GTX 780 - $110, 680 - $60-100, 580 - $50 (one today for $15), ... and here the prices sort of bottom out at $30-50 until you go below the 200 series. So, I would say the 580's are about as old one should go.
  12. You didn't give us the tech on your computer. So, we are guessing. But, video driver is the most likely cause. When you ask a tech question include your computer and viewer info. Use the viewer's Help->About... to collect the info and paste it in you post. Also, the newest driver is not necessarily the best. Search here for your video card model and see if others are having issues.
  13. Just now I see they changed SpeedTest.net. So, you can only test to servers they want to test to near you. Useless. I'll have to update the article. https://sf.testmy.net/ will let you test into the San Jose area. Check in HELP->About... for the IP address of the server you are using. Geolocate it and pick a server close to the ones you are connecting to. You can run the Ping and TraceRT to the actual Linden server.
  14. You didn't think this through. With no limit, what happens when someone that gets lots of IM's doesn't login for a year? Ever again? Why would one bother to store all that stuff for indefinite periods?
  15. If the Lab bans you, you cannot login. You aren't being clear on what you mean by ban. You can be banned from a parcel, a region, or the grid. The later preventing login. Clubs usually use parcel or region banning. You can be banned from groups, the forum, the wiki, and/or the JIRA. People can tell you you're banned hopping you are gullible enough to not come back... Tell us a bit more.
  16. Old routers/access-points will have a challenge with SL's many required connections. A restart should correct the problem for a time. Since you tried that it is likely something else. Since you ran through the steps of Troubleshooting Your Connection, what were the results? As Lindal suggests, try a wired connection. Look for things causing electrical interference. Can your laptop connect if you put it on a different network, library, coffee shop, friends? Try some place outside your neighborhood.
  17. You did not include your computer specs and driver versions. So, we are totally guessing. Open the viewer and before login, or after, click Help->About... and copy the info there and post it here. I am really confused by this, " It is like each account is independent of each other, though all crash just as frequently, which would seem odd for a network issue since I would assume both would simply crash at the same time." And that is not a realistic assumption. Running multiple viewers at the same time does not mean their paths to the SL servers is identical. Internet routes continuously change and can be different depending on start time. Also, each has its set of connections. The SL server may have problems with one and not another connection. Are you running multiple viewers at the same time? If they all crash frequently, then it very likely is a hardware problem. The avatar being stuck in place and only being able to spin is a definite symptom of a way laggy or lost connection. Having a good general internet connection does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. So, test to the SL servers. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Use a program like HWMonitor (free) to see what your computer is doing. Running out of memory, overheating.... If you are running a 32-bit change to 64...
  18. No... I think it is just waiting for the milk to arrive...
  19. Often you can login with a non-RLV viewer, like the Linden viewer. It is then possible to reset the scripts. You can join the group Fire Flower. Wendy Starfall works on Open Collar and is usually participating in the group during SL A.M. She is the authority on OC. The way you write the 'model' name I am unsure what version we are dealing with. There is a new OC version out 6.7. Rez'ing the collar with a non-RLV viewer and applying an update may clear the problem.
  20. If you take your clothes off... you are very likely to get in trouble of one kind or another. Fidelity in SL is a rare thing. That your friend was nude with someone other than her partner... raises questions. Especially if it is expected to be a problem with her partner. That she was outed is despicable. But, unless the picture publishing is an on-going thing it isn't going to rise to the level of harassment. It will take more than a one time release of pictures. I think Melania Trump has handled her nude pictures well. I think it also shows that nudity is likely not the problem in your friends case. But, whatever the case, she opened herself up to these issues. Now it is a matter of how she deals with the result. The Lab is not likely to come to her rescue. It comes down to why is the person publishing the pictures? Is it to hurt her? Break up a relationship in the hope he can win her heart? I've heard of dumber things, but not many. Do they have a business he competes with? It isn't until you understand why that you have a chance of stopping the problem. If it comes down to they are an idiot, it won't matter why. In that case study what Melania did, and take away what you think will work for you. What I do know is being a victim won't help.
  21. Inara has her review here. I have mine here. The features are awesome. The performance is fast FPS-wise. But, I had horrible problems getting textures to fully render and lots of texture thrashing. I was swapping between Catznip, Firestorm, and Linden viewers trying to see if it was a viewer, connection, or region problem. Did not see the issues in FS or LL. I made about a half dozen swaps in the Evocative region. I'll try again tomorrow. I am hoping it is something transient. I really like the stuff in Catznip.
  22. Which cache needs clearing to get in? Inventory or the whole cache?
  23. I'm not sure when they made the change to AGNI to ADITI sync, I think early 2016. It has had issues. However the normal operation is for the sync to run the next 6AM after your last login. The time is debatable and the Linden engineers we talk with are unsure too. So, sometime within 24 hours after your last login. If that is not happening, file a trouble ticket and ask for it to be sync'd. Explain your circumstance.
  24. SL is an inventory management game. You are losing... Inventory is necessary, but it can become tedious. By the time we learn how tedious, we have usually made a mess. I suspect we have all learned the the tips and strategies given here the hard way, by not using them. I have learned a lot by getting fed up with having to clean things up so I could find things. I can't remember what I have or even what it might be named. So, I have to arrange things so I can find the forgotten things I may want. I suspect each of us arranges things differently because how we think of things is different. So, you'll have to figure out what works for you. In 2014 I started using folder names with a year in the name. That is working better than most of what I've tried. But, when I want to find that oh-so-hot-swimsuit I still have to figure out if it is in Swimsuits->2015 or Swimsuits->2016... I have a lot of folders named things I hope will come up when I do searches. There is no perfect solution for 'where did I put that...'? In the game of inventory management Rolig gets extra points for a great excuse. The only tip I have is using Inventory Search with Filters and changing the sort order in Inventory Advanced Options (gear) is a WAY powerful way to find duplicates and old stuff. Firestorm has inventory tools not in the Linden Viewer. However, the Catznip viewer just released had more inventory tools, at least that is the word. Apparently some we hven't seen before. The images I've seen of the controls looks impressive. I'll try it later today.
  25. Nalates Urriah


    GAME!?! This ain't no stinking GAME! I'm teasing. Whether SL is a game or not is a long and old debate. A couple of years ago someone jokingly called it an inventory management game. (Reference) For those of us playing in SL the comment touched a tender point. I was just posting with a person that had an inventory with 300,000 items. He was crashing and some clueless or devious person told him his inventory was too big. So, he deleted 270,000 items from inventory and still crashes. So, was the advice giver really clueless and honestly trying to help or were they playing a game and messing with the one crashing? I can debate either side of that one. If SL is an inventory game, does he with the most stuff win? OR is it who can find things fastest in inventory? And when does the game end? The point to be taken away from this is that different people see and experience SL very differently. If you approach SL as a game to be won or level up in, you will most likely be confused and frustrated. SL is something between a game and an interactive-movie, something to play with and be enjoyed that you can shape to your desire and imagination. Approach SL as you do RL. Perhaps with more daring. You can jump out of an airplane 3,000m up with no parachute and survive... not even a broken bone... So, I think the trick for you is to meet some people and to read some of the blogs about Second Life. Get a sense of what is possible and what things are available to you. I like recommending Inara's and my blogs, but those are for the tech of SL. I can't think of any blog or forum post about generally enjoying SL. So, I suggest you open the SL Forum and look at the headings available. Making friends may be a good starting place. Talk to people in-world. Ask questions. Ask for help. But, remain skeptical. SL is just as full of strange messed up people as RL is. There are new-user places that will help with the mundane tasks of clothes and appearance, teleporting, getting a home, starting businesses, being creative, and of course meeting people. SL is very much like RL. The more we know, the more people we know, and the more we do the richer our experience is. Those that stay in SL the longest are those that interact the most with other people. This forum has answers. Google will get you to specific answers and subjects. I've been messing around in SL for about 9 years. I am still learning stuff. So, you might consider SL a puzzle game and spend years trying to figure it out. I think those of us that enjoy SL don't really care what it is classed as. We just enjoy what we are doing and that is different for each of us.
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