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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Second Life est plus une plate-forme pour les jeux que c'est un jeu. Il y a cependant des jeux dans Second Life. Ils vous indiquent généralement les règles ou où les trouver lorsque vous entrez dans la zone de jeu. Second Life is more of a platform for games than it is a game. There are however games within Second Life. They usually tell you the rules or where to find them when you enter the game area.
  2. When logging in there is a lot happening. The servers and viewer have a lot to discuss. If you have a network problem or have you viewer's Max Bandwidth set above 1500 or more than 80% of your Internet speed, the UDP traffic can lose information and you have these problems. You can use Viewer Stats (Ctrl-Shift-1) to check packet loss. Open the panel before logging off. Then you'll be able to see it as soon as things start to rez. If you are losing packets check your Internet connection. A good general Internet connection does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. See http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ A large flat inventory can cause similar problems. Flat being a huge number of items in a single folder... Consider a 1,000 items per folder a soft limit. Around 5,000 problems can get serious, like not being able to get logged in. Logging into a busy region can cause similar problems. Or a region that is having problems connecting to the backend of the SL system. Travel to another region, preferably a deserted empty region, Furball, Pooley, ... log off and log in. All of these are related to how well the server and viewer are communicating. If it gets out of sync on something and times out, you can be screwed for the whole session. Relogging into a different region is the common solution.
  3. The SL system ha not moved to the cloud. That is in the plans and some of backend services have moved and others were there long ago. But, AFAIK most of the system is still running on Linden Severs.
  4. As others have said, an Alt probably won't help with this issue. But, having an Alt is a good troubleshooting option. But, if you do set one up, understand they are not that useful for debugging network issues and often confuse people. The problem comes from how fast the Internet changes. By the time you can log off or crash out and re-log with an Alt the Internet has changed. So, it may not be the choice of avatar that is making the difference. There are avatar/account specific problems. So, the Alt's are handy to have. Just avoid jumping to bad conclusions when using one. Consider as many possibilities as you can until they are eliminated.
  5. I assume you have read the Omega instructions. Now you'll need to talk to Omega support to get some help.
  6. This is an on-going nationwide DDoS attack. Things are returning to normal. But, until they locate the bad actors and shut them down things are uncertain. If it is a state actor... it may be a long term problem.
  7. This is not an SL problem. It is the product of a nationwide/worldwide DDoS attack. We are in the crossfire. So... there is no answer to your question. As of 1 PM SLT 2/27 SL was pretty much back to normal with 45+k users signed in. There is no guarantee the bad actor(s) won't throw another round of attacks.
  8. There is a nationwide (worldwide?) DDoS assault in progress. The Lab has posted about it. Unscheduled DDoS. It has been in progress for 24+ hours. Word is SL concurrent login count dropped to high 5,000's. When I logged in this morning the count was in the low 7,000's. It gets better. Then it gets worse. The hope is the big kids will get it sorted and shut down.
  9. Yay! Welcome back. With any luck Support found him... her... it... whatever. That 9mm might be a bit small. How about something from this Page or this one.
  10. Mystic Timberland is having a photo contest. L$ prizes. I'm still sorting out the easy way to get the original size image from Flickr...
  11. It is a known bug. The work around is to move to another region and relog.
  12. You can run the Singularity Alpha version viewer. And I think Cool VL Viewer. XP will suck with either, but I understand it is possible.
  13. The biggest problem is Windows XP. Your idea that it should work, is mistaken. The System Requirements have excludes Win XP for some time now, even when CtrlAltStudio was being updated. If you are going to stick with XP, try the Singularity or Cool VL Viewer. The CtrlAltStudio viewer is for those experimenting with VR. It is out of date. It does not support the new Bento avatar. Plus, I think it is pre-Bento enough it doesn't have the handlers for not crashing when a Bento avatar is present. But, then I have run it and photographed misshapen Bento. They did that 'no crash' change when they wanted to put the RC viewer out and allow Bento on the main grid. They knew not everyone would update until Bento went gold. So, there is no-crash-code that I am pretty sure is not in CtrlAltStuidio until a July 2016 update... See: VR in Second Life.
  14. Nalates Urriah

    mesh issues

    We need more information, but it probably is a weight issue. What happens if you don't wear it and just rez it? If the problem is ONLY there when worn, it likely has something to do with the weighting.
  15. I correct Callum on voting on JIRA issues. The Lindens pay NO attention to votes and only 'some' attention to 'Watch' numbers. If you are interested in the JIRA item, a watch will get you an email when it updates or changes.
  16. Is that possible? Some I've seen would say no...
  17. Don't be surprised when you ISP tells you it isn't them. You will likely find out later it is. The Troubleshooting article will show you how to get the information you need to show your ISP to get them to move.
  18. Some months ago AT&T and Yahoo parted ways. So, the AT&T email accounts hosted at Yahoo mail have evaporated. That may not be your case, but it might be.
  19. These are typical problems from a poor connection to the SL servers. So, check your connection to the SL servers. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ A good Internet connection does NOT mean you have a good connection to SL. Check it. Another possibility is a bug the Lindens are working on. The servers send bad information to the viewer that triggers a crash. Restarting the region resolves the problem for awhile. This may be the problem as others are crashing too. You can try another region. That may help you decide if it is you or the region. Try another viewer and see if it has the same problem. Download the Maintenance RC viewer from Alternate Viewers. If the problem persists, look through your logs and see if you can find a reason for the crashes. See: SecondLife.log files.
  20. The most stages I've seen is 4 or 5. Each stage is the clothing item modified to the desired stage of undress. So, with 5-stage panties, there are 5 copies of the panties each copy in a different position. As Sylvannas says, the script changes the visibility of each copy. As you may imagine, the modeling is tedious. So, 'Strip-Me' clothes tend to be expensive. There are several brands of Strip-Me or Undress-Me clothes. Pink Pearl Design, Vanilla Bae, Layla, and others.
  21. You hit a basic Windows gotcha. Reinstall FS and it will change back to using FS. Just install over the top of the existing install. Your settings and stuff will remain. Windows uses the last installed program capable of opening a SLURL. The FS team makes a tool (SLURL-Proxy ) you can use to set which viewer you want SLURL's to use. Save's doing re-installs. You may just want to get it and forget the re-install.
  22. The 200 to 300ms ping is not horrible. A few years ago that was sort of average. It may make your mouse and keyboard clicks feel sluggish. But, it shouldn't crash you. The Troubleshoot Your Connection post you have been linked to should help sort out where the problem is. It explains how the viewer PING is different from the computer's system PING. So, get the IP Address to PING from the viewer's HELP. The system Ping to that address is what your ISP will be interested in. I suggest you look in your log files to see if you can find a clue. Refer to this post for info on the logs:
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