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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. This isn't a glitch in the game/viewer. If it were, we would have thousands of people complaining. So, you are seeing a local problem. Lindal has made the best suggestion. I suggest you go looking for something that is causing CTRL-Alt-Shift-9 to fire. Remove all gestures and scripted attachments. If that solves it add each item you wear back and item at a time. You might also as in the Firestorm in-world support. If people are having similar problems, they will know. If not, you'll get a deer-in-the-headlights response. If it doesn't solve the problem, switch over to the the Linden viewer and see if you have the same problem. (Basic troubleshooting requires 2 or more viewers. For issues that escalate to Linden Support you need to be using the Linden Viewer.) If not then it is a Firestorm thing. Try deleting your settings and letting the viewer revert to the default settings. If that doesn't solve it, look through what is running on your computer. It is tedious but you can shut down most Windows background tasks and apps and restart them one at a time until you find it.
  2. Yeah... it isn't shape that determines gravity. But, gravity does determine shape. It is why RL planets are spherical. None of which matters inside the computer, SL.
  3. Since I started flying I've found loads of interesting places and clubs. Exploring those is really slowing down my progress. I now believe only the most boring places show up in search... events... destinations... Not sure how that happens. For years we have complained about how hard it is to find things in SL. The Lindens keep trying. But, no solution yet.
  4. As to what you can do... wait. Ban lists are limited. Only so many people can be banned. Then the first-in become the first out. You wait to age out of their list. Time is not the determinate. The number of people being banned in an area determines how fast a list fills up and prior bans get pushed out. In a busy place that can take 3 or 4 months. The less busy a place is, the longer it takes. There is no way around a ban list. If you are banned, you are banned. Fair and unjust have nothing to do with it and there is no Appeals Court.
  5. There is no anything in the SL world. It is all simulation, a mathematical concept that the computer uses to draw a picture. If we measure a distance within SL, what are we actually measuring? We aren't actually measuring between things. There are no 'things'. We are literally subtracting coordinate values and determining the difference between numbers. Time is unique in RL. It isn't exactly tangible. It is a thing we experience more see or touch. So, we impose our concept of time in SL. Time in SL is not a thing independent or outside of RL. And depending on how one chooses to think about it, there is no time in SL. There is no entropy or anything else in SL that ages with time. It is numbers representing our thoughts so our computers can draw an animated picture.
  6. This may shock you... but people lie. You'll have to decide if they are yanking your chain.
  7. Non-fancy is anything you type in from your keyboard using standard keys. No alt-key number combinations. When you type in alt-key combination and paste in characters (unicode, etc) then you are getting fancy. There are a number of posts in this forum about which characters can be used. Be aware that over the years there have been changed. So stick to recent articles, say 2016 and later. But, I haven't seen any perfect list. So, you may have to trial and error it a week at a time to get what you want... or something near it. A significant number of residents hate those 'fancy' names... f-names... ?
  8. Nalates Urriah


    This can also be caused by getting a run-animation in the stand-animation slot. Check how your AO is setup. There is a keyboard shortcut Ctrl-R that sets the avatar to always run. But, when you stop walking/running that animation should stop. Rolig is right that a poor connection can cause the problem too. Press Ctrl-Shift-1 to open Viewer Stats. Long ping times and lost packers (>1%) are signs of a weak connection to the SL servers. Having a good general Internet connection do NOT mean you have a good connection to the SL servers.
  9. @Jennifer Roundfield You may not know this, but Second Life is an "Inventory Management" game. See Is Second Life a Game? You are SOooOOoooo losing ? Technically there is no limit on how many items per folder imposed by the SL servers. However, your computer, connection speed and quality, and region server load all contribute to a soft limit. When people started going over 5k items per folder some had problems logging in. They made a tool for the support people that organizes you inventory in folders with less than 5,000 (?) items. You may want to organize by year. That is about as simple as you can get. put 3k in 2017 and everything else in 2018. Next year put new stuff in 2019. However... ? If you want to compete in Inventory Management... ??
  10. Four days no answer and nothing on Google... you are probably on your own. The only thing I can think of is disconnecting all you other sound output devices. Then may be the viewer will see it.
  11. Oh... I found it. Viewer Texture Memory Buffer. Pref->Graphics->Hardware
  12. What you are seeing happen is the viewer and video card shuffling the card's cache content. As you zoom out the card only needs the lower resolution textures inside the JPG2000 file. It discards the higher rez stuff to have room for the additional textures in your expanded field of view. As you zoom back in, the video card has to retrieve the higher rez parts of the images it just discarded. Until it does, you see gray. Increasing the viewer's cache size will help a bit in the speed with which gray renders to color but it isn't that cache that is filling up. It is the cache on the video card. There is no setting to change how much of the cache on the video card can be used. There used to be in Firestorm. I think it is gone in 5.1.7. Video card caching is complicated and no one really understood how to use the setting. Most set it at max, which generally was a good idea. Now the viewer handles it automatically and does a better job on unique video card/machine combinations. You can decrease the overall quality of textures used and enable texture compression (all in Prefs). That will decrease the number of gray textures... maybe. But, the overall texture quality will suffer. You can remove HUD's and reduce Draw Distance to reduce the number of textures the viewer finds in your field of view. OR buy a video card with more video ram... Getting rid of the gray is a matter of reducing the number of textures the video card needs to render.
  13. Not true. I have folders named ADITI spread through my ADITI inventory. They stay there update after update. The AGNI to ADITI update is a sync NOT and overwrite. I suggest you go through the 'Missing Inventory' steps on ADITI. The Sync will grow your trash folder on ADITI. Things deleted on AGNI are not deleted from ADITI inventory. You'll find them in their pre-deleted folders and in trach. When I reorganize folders on AGNI, I just delete all of the folders in that section from my ADITI inventory. It gets the new folder organization next sync. You can delete any AGNI folder and have it reappear next sync. So, it is ONLY the ADITI folders I have to be careful not to delete from ADITI, which is why I name them with ADITI in the folder name. If your stuff is being overwritten... that is a bug. Report it, JIRA.
  14. There are some unique oddities in how ADITI updates your inventory. I suggest you switch to Ruth/Roth test avatars and rebuild your appearance on ADITI. I would also login, do whatever log off. Come back in 24 hours and THEN rebuild your appearance. The logoff triggers an inventory sync that usually happens around 6AM SLT but, can be whenever the system gets around to you. You can put a folder in your AGNI inventory, I use a date for the name, so you can tell for certain when your inventory has updated.
  15. Windows in its power options has a setting for allowing the network card to be shut down to save power. Check those settings. AFAIK, there is nothing in the viewer that shuts down or can shut down the network card.
  16. I'm not sure if you mean streaming up to or down from YouTube... Down, using the viewer means you are likely using the viewer's built-in web browser, which gets used for all M.O.A.P. type stuff. That browser and external browsers depend on components of Windows. Make sure Windows and your graphics drivers are all up to date. There is also the problem of using other people's stuff (TV's) to watch the stream. Things get out of date as YouTube changes and SL creators get behind. See: Second Life: Using YouTube for Media
  17. There are two types of text that you may be asking about. Tips - for which Ctrl-Shift-T is an ON/OFF toggle. It works in FS and some third-party viewers. And Prim-Text which can be somewhat controlled but not completely turned off. Your image shows a Hover Tip text. It helps when you say which viewer you are using. If those settings are not working for you, ask in whichever viewer Support group in-world. You can look in you Debug settings for ShowHoverTips... You normally get to Debug Settings via the top menu Advanced (Ctrl-Alt-D to put in menu)->Debug Settings. Then start typing the setting name. It is responsive so you don't have to type it all. Changing the setting in Pref or Debug should instantly change the behavior. No restart required. If not, you have probably found a bug in that viewer. In the Linden viewer try these Debug settings; showAllObjectHoverTip, ShowHoverTips.
  18. I think you are talking about skill games. You'll need to ask your question of the region owner/game owner and/or the game maker. The Lindens won't address the problem if it is in things made by third-parties.
  19. "Esperando la conexión con la región..." "Waiting for the connection with the region ..." Después sale un cuadro de texto que dice lo siguiente: Quote "Tenemos problemas de conexión. Puede deberse a un problema de tu conexión a internet o de Red de Second Life. Puedes revisar tu conexión a internet y volver a intentarlo en unos minutos, pulsar Ayuda para conectarte a Portal de Soporte de Second Life, o pulsar Teleporte para intentar teleportarte a tu Base." Then there is a text box that says the following: Quote "We have connection problems, it may be due to a problem with your Internet connection or Second Life Network, you can check your internet connection and try again in a few minutes, click Help to connect to the Second Life Support Portal, or Press Teleport to try to teleport to your Base. " Intenté reiniciando mi laptop, revisando el Firewall de Windows, desinstalando y volviendo a instalar Firestorm Viewer, ingresando desde el Second Life Viewer oficial, desconectando y volviendo a conectar mi Wi-Fi, conectar mi laptop al modem/router directamente (por si era problema de una conexión Wi-Fi inestable) pero nada de eso funcionó. Aclaro que este problema ocurre luego de haber instalado una actualización de Windows Update en W10 Pro. ¿Alguna sugerencia? I tried restarting my laptop, checking the Windows Firewall, uninstalling and reinstalling Firestorm Viewer, logging in from the official Second Life Viewer, disconnecting and reconnecting my Wi-Fi, connecting my laptop to the modem / router directly (in case it was a problem of an unstable Wi-Fi connection) but none of that worked. I clarify that this problem occurs after having installed a Windows Update in W10 Pro. Any suggestions? All of these problems have two basic causes. You may have a connection problem. Resetting the computer and router can fix the problem if it is on your side. If it is a problem on the ISP’s side or SL’s side, you’ll still have it. Use the trouble shooting guide to find where the problem is. Todos estos problemas tienen dos causas básicas. Puede tener un problema de conexión. Restablecer la computadora y el enrutador puede solucionar el problema si está de su lado. Si es un problema del lado del ISP o del SL, igual lo tendrá. Usa la guía de solución de problemas para encontrar dónde está el problema. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ The alternative is your home region is down. Try logging into a different location. Where it shows ‘home’, type in Pooley or Smith or another region name. La alternativa es que su región de origen está inactiva. Intenta iniciar sesión en una ubicación diferente. Donde se muestra 'home', escriba Pooley o Smith u otro nombre de región.
  20. It is a fair enough question. The mesh versus prim thing is just SL jargon. Everything in SL is mesh. We call it a prim (primitive) if the mesh is built into the viewer and does not have to download. What is downloaded is a set of parameters that tells the viewer how to deform the built-in mesh. So, you can twist a cube or 'shape' and avatar. Prior to sculpties and mesh SL was a parametric world... one set of parameters rule them all. We call the avatar built into the viewer the classic or system avatar. Whichever, that 7,000+ polygon mesh does not have to download. In our jargon 'mesh' isn't the literal mesh the entire SL world is made of. It is the editable list of vertices that make up the item which we uploaded to SL. So, whether body parts, clothes, or buildings we refer to those items as 'mesh'. Technically what we call mesh is just a special type of primitive. It is fair to say everything is a primitive. With mesh-prims we can control the vertex list as another parameter. Stay technically precise greatly complicates conversation and many wouldn't understand anyway. So, we have jargon to simplify things. But, then that jargon has to be explained too. Thus, giving rise to your question. The Lindens have an aversion to breaking legacy content that is second only to the users' aversion. At various points in time the Lab has broken stuff. The blow back from users is huge and ugly. The times that stuff was broken were usually in areas the Lindens thought it wouldn't matter all that much. Wrong! So, now they are extremely cautious. Some think too cautious. But, using unsupported features steps outside the realm of 'legacy is not to be broken' motto and is fair game for a break. The result is the Lab has so far refused to change the classic avatar. Most professionally designed and optimized avatars use ~5,000 to 10,000 polygons. So, the current mesh bodies (only some) using a million polys are considered excessive. So, we see things like Bakes-On-Mesh and ARCTan in development to hopefully counter the trend. I stress 'hopeful' in relation to BoM as I'm doubtful.
  21. Glad it works. Save a lot of brain damage. ?
  22. @loobyandlouie I suppose the tech is a bit deep for you as it is for many. I'll explain it in what I hope will be understandable terms. In simple terms all the information exchanging between your computer and the SL computers is traveling in 'letter' like packets, just like paper mail. If you were sending letters explaining how to do something and one of the letters got lost, it would be a problem. You would have to realize a letter/packet was missing and ask for it to be resent before you could proceed. That all takes time. Only limited time is available. Think of it as 'child rearing' information. At some point the kid grows up and leaves home. That letter on diaper changing is no longer of use. Everyone gives up and moves on. So, the problem is in finding where the letters are getting lost or delayed. Packet lost is about how many letters/packets were lost. PING is about how long a letter takes to get from you to the server and an answer to come back. The the letter asking about diaper rash has to get an answer while the kid still has a rash and/or wears diapers. Otherwise it is useless. The trouble shooting guide (http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/) is about how to do that. The reason you have to do it, or you have to talk a friend into doing it, is because customer service at an ISP is a cost to the company and they tend to do whatever is quick and expedient. That usually means they blame everyone else; you, SL, a politician, moon phase... The troubleshooting provides the information to show whose problem it is; SL's, yours, or the ISP's. You then have to send them, SL or the ISP, the information to get them to stop pointing fingers and do something.
  23. The NVIDIA control panel will let you set up individual game profiles. http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/ That it doesn't show a viewer in the NVIDIA control panel is not a problem. You can add any program to the list of profiles. There may be a problem with the NVIDIA chip. The chips are typically soldered in place. So, replacement could cost as much as a new laptop. Check eBay for a few days and see what's available.
  24. It won't be possible to get the right fit if you wear someone's mesh feet and a classic body. Those shoes (yummy as they are) either work with the classic body of NOT. If NOT then there is nothing to be done. You can try changing the body shape to get a fit, but that likely won't work for some hard to explain reasons involving how classic and mesh bodies differ in shape changes. Rigged mesh just can't be resized as a prim can be. Rigged is locked to the avatar shape and changes with it. Make the avatar smaller, you make the shoe smaller... still doesn't fit.
  25. LittleMe and Alyona are right. The difference between ARC and ACI is time. ARC came first. When it was revised it became ACI and Jelly Dolls were based on the new algorithm. The 'I' for index is because the number has no true meaning. It isn't like horsepower or watts or miles. It is a number calculated to give users a reference point. In general lower/smaller is better. With all the different video cards the number is just an indicator. What may be easy for one card can be difficult for another. So, the number isn't a uniform indicator of difficulty across all cards. It just sort of works. Next is ArcTan... as the servers and viewers have changed since ACI was implemented the algorithm for calculation of ACI needs to change. How the system uses resources has changed and new incentives are needed to get get designers to build better stuff for the current way SL works... better being things the computer can render faster, easier. We see the new ACI/LI values with the coming Animesh, mesh things that can be animated. Those changes in ACI/LI calc for animesh are going to propagate to the grid and affect everything. But, the Lindens are collecting ACI/LI data and deciding if the algorithm should change in other ways. Whatever the change it will be a slow change. The Lindens are worried a poorly tested change could result in loads of stuff being returned from regions all over. It has happened before. The Lab is determined it won't happen again. One of the basic ideas is to close loopholes that make poorly designed content cheaper to upload and have on one's land than well made content. For clothes and avatars the cost will likely change to put pressure on designers to stop making ridiculous LoD clothes and onion skin bodies & heads. The coming Bakes-On-Mesh is another step to improve content. But, a number us have our doubts about BoM.
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