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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. @Ceka Cianci I just had that Hell Yea moment listening to Freedom 🤯
  2. Wow! Thanks for sharing. I've never heard of them.
  3. I like seeing how some forum regular's looks and styles stayed similar through the addition of mesh bodies and heads and some have changed considerably. Fun! There are some people I miss a great deal. I'd love to see them post again.
  4. Since you asked for feedback... I like the wider nose of the old look and the narrower lips of the new look. The eyes and brows are beautiful on both. The new look appears a bit younger if that matters to you. As was mentioned, a more even lighting source would help with comparing the two.
  5. I have no idea what is being planned, but with each new release there is a shuffle of available homes. Supposedly there are a few more themes being planned, so people will eventually abandon and try new themes making older themes more available. People like new shiny things. There are some people who own multiple homes within every single theme. They'll let them go eventually when they want to play GoH again or force the opening of unreleased parcels. Until then they'll just hold on to them. When the Newbrooke theme is released, you will have more choice.
  6. Sometimes it takes time for inspiration to take hold. What a fun decorating style! I can't wait to see more rooms.
  7. I've seen people bend over backwards to help people who aren't native English speakers. They'll go to online translators themselves to try and figure out what people are saying. I've seen them excuse/ignore rude comments in the beginning knowing that there are cultural differences and not every thought translates correctly. I don't usually see people instantly attacking new-to-the-forums people. After reading several posts from a person and having a pattern of rude behavior become obvious, it doesn't matter what your native language is. There is definite push back. You can only get away with making excuses for your behavior for so long before it becomes obvious to most others that your actions are purposeful. Maybe you meant to post this in one of the many "I need a sugar daddy" threads. 😄
  8. Alright @Garnet Psaltery @Ashley Darkheart @Madelaine McMasters here's how the evening went. I couldn't decide on a movie, so we agreed to watch the first monster movie that "Alexa" recommended. It was a movie called Beyond White Space. It was a Moby Dick trope, but I won't ruin it for others who enjoy junk food TV. First, within 15 minutes, we placed bets on who would die first. None of us won that, so we all got our money back. Then we snarfed boatloads of cheese fondue with various dipping items and several glasses of white wine. Then we spent the rest of the movie slamming the science. My 2 oldest slammed the physics. I slammed the biology. My youngest went off on the special effects. (This is why I love watching B movies with my family) There was one "I didn't see that coming" moment that was great! Mostly we laughed at what was never supposed to be funny. Peanut butter cake from a local bakery. (By local I mean within 20 miles - a.k.a. right around the corner)
  9. It's my birthday today and I have to pick a movie to watch tonight. I like monster movies, fantasy type movies, B movies, and sci-fi. I need ideas! What should I watch tonight?
  10. This one is the very first thing I tried to decorate in Bellisseria. I had nothing much in my inventory and didn't have a clue about LODs. I didn't like it much, but over the years I have gotten better and smarter with my decorating. Of course, my inventory no longer bare, but bursting at the seams. I've had a few campers over the years. I wish I could find photos of my beach themed camper, but I must not have taken any. I haven't had a camper in a while. I imagine I would do something completely different now.
  11. It's been a couple years since I owned any Mainland. It might be time to try again. I don't like the idea of renting, but maybe it's time to give ownership another shot. I sometimes miss the full creativity and mixed in with all the bad neighbors were a few gems.
  12. Eternal fiery torture in hell is not mentioned as a place for sinners to go anywhere in the bible. A fiery pit is mentioned as a place where your satan character was thrown, but not people. It's not there. If you think of hell as a place for the unrepentant and nonbelievers with fire, lava, eternal burning, pitchforks, and screaming masses of humans that aren't you, that's fine, but it doesn't make it a real bible story. If your version of hell is just being removed from your pretend jealous, sadistic, violent sky daddy, then that's not torture. Show me a few verses describing the eternal fiery pit that humans will wallow in for not fearing and worshipping your god. I won't derail this thread further. Believe what you want, but don't expect others to bow to your fantasies of wanting others to suffer for not believing it.
  13. Still listening to the radio. (Language warning)
  14. I've read it cover to cover twice and did group Bible study for 3 years. In this case, I'm not ignorant, but you are for making the assumption that you know my history and knowledge.
  15. To get back on topic, real friends don't let their buddies mislabel dough stuffed with something edible whether it is fried, baked, or boiled.
  16. These are pizza rolls here in the US. Meat pies? Ick. Pies are for sweet desserts like apple pie or pumpkin pie. They are not for meat. /me laughs at the crazy dialects in the world (I guess I can make an exception for Chicken Pot Pie and Shepherd's Pie which doesn't even have a crust. So, is it really a pie at all?)
  17. For me SecondLife is a connection to the rest of the world. A reminder of the diversity beliefs and cultures on this planet. My favorite SL activity is picking up random people for dancing and chatting. I love to hear people's stories.
  18. I'm not scared of hell. Even if I had a belief in a deity of some kind, nowhere in the Christian Bible is hell mentioned as a place for people to go after death. It's just not in there. The idea of eternal torture is man-made. I am scared of dying though. I don't want it all to be over.
  19. @Tama Suki several people in these fora already have you on ignore, so you will not get as many replies as you have in the past. You have fun and thought-provoking ideas for posts, but unfortunately in a page or two they become flame-fests and personal insults. They then predictably get locked. This wave thread may not have been well thought out because there are science nerds, engineers, and doctors of various sorts here to call out the incorrect thinking and fallacies and explain in a nauseatingly long and boring maths lectures where you went wrong(I actually enjoy those posts a great deal 😁.) Yes, you can block/ignore people and not see their posts.
  20. My only issue with the starters avatars is that you can't even mix and match clothing between the styles. You are stuck with what you have. It might be nice if you could modify what they are to be taller, skinnier. or to fit some free mesh item you picked up or even to have the ability to use an alpha. I don't think they need to look better. SL wants people to spend some money, but letting people practice some dressing and body slider skills wouldn't hurt.
  21. If SecondLife is unplugged tomorrow and all our virtual stuff disappears, we may mourn our loss, but we will adapt and find new ways to socialize or make money or waste time. It's what humans do.
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