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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. How exactly would an area somewhere inworld that offered Adult Linden homes to people that wanted them affect anyone else's SecondLife in a Moderate region? I don't visit Horizons because I don't want to see it, but I would never tell someone else they shouldn't have it.
  2. Not necessarily. I live in Oregon (yes, the United States) and naked bike rides happen here. Nudity is not illegal unless sex is involved. No one is arrested for indecent exposure unless they are jacking off in public. Different strokes for different folks, but not illegal to be nude. I don't care if there are Adult Linden homes for those that want them, but I am fine in moderate.
  3. I love this! The dark ceiling and the muted tones are lovely and I prefer natural textures items like wood, leather and metals. I love that the yard is partly manicured and partly wild looking.
  4. I'm put this stilt back at 2pm SLT. End of pier spot. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Littoral Truth/32/228/0 Well... I got unavoidably pulled away in RL and didn't let this go. I apologize to anyone that tried for it. I will release in the next 5 minutes.
  5. I am all for having discussion and discourse for the sake of having it, but this Forced Migration conspiracy and paranoia is a bit much. I don't think LL is trying to homogenize their world for the sake of a few residents of Bellisseria. If you are doing so well and having people leave the stifling covenant of the new LH areas, what is your point? I am nobody's fangirl. I've tried all the areas of mainland, old LH and the new ones. I made a choice that fit for me. No one is taking away your choice by adding new choices. No one is taking your freedom to live where you want, buy land, rent parcels, have a business. You do not lose your freedom to choose by giving options to someone else. Would you take those choices from others? What would make you happy? Enjoy your debate.
  6. 1. It sure sounds like you are. 2. You may need to explain your Forced Migration conspiracy.
  7. I am not sure where some of this bitterness about Bellisseria stems from. If I ran a business that relied on people being present to use it and willing to spend a small amount of money each month to be there, I'd be all over those motivated "Community Builders" to get the word out. Someone wants to organize events for free? Yeah! Someone wants to create fun for other users without any compensation? Alright! In their free time they want to share an area they enjoy and show other people what they enjoy about the it? Let me hear more! They want to share a pretty place to run your train, drive your car, sail your boat, ride your horse, fly your plane? Perfect! I'd love to see more trains, boats and planes around Bellisseria even if the drivers don't choose to live there. If I was that business, I would actively encourage those people and even provide a bit of advice and help. I might join some of their groups to see what kinds of things they are planning. It's a good business decision. They are Community Builders that bring more people in. I don't want to spend my time planning events, but I am very happy that some people enjoy that. I take advantage when I can. I tried the old Linden homes. I tried the mainland. For a while I enjoyed my parcel and freedom. Then the neighbors abandoned and a rotating selection of terrible builds and breeding farms eventually surrounded me. I CHOSE to move to a place with a covenant, a transportation system of roads and waterways, a pretty parcel with the home already on it and no common boundaries with my neighbors. I wish I had heard about it earlier. If you (general you) feel like Bellisseria is somehow competing with your rental properties, then provide more things your tenants want and become the Community Builder for your rentals and for Second Life. As far as I am concerned these (mainland and LindenHomes) are two very different options providing very different choices to some very different kinds of people. It's okay if it's not for you. If you want the ear of Lab employees and contractors, then provide something for free that increases SL's value and brings more people in. If you don't have a service of value for them, you are just a customer. I am just a customer. I don't rent mainland out or create items for sale in the marketplace, but I enjoy the heck out of my time inworld because I occasionally go to these free events that bring people together. I love my obelisk. However, @Abnor Mole, could I get a version that is resizable and tintable so it better matches my gardens or can fit on my porch? 😁
  8. I'm aiming for a 12pm release of this pretty trad in (I think you guys call it the squishy pickle) Hammond Park. Beautiful view of a decent sized lake in the back yard. I caught it a couple weeks ago, then got distracted by decorating other houses and trick or treating and real life and what not. So here it is. I hope someone loves it. I miss having my one hopper free to find new locations. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hammond Park/180/140/0
  9. It is interesting. I chose to start dressing boring and conservative several years to avoid discussions that make me uncomfortable. At times I even chose non-human avatars and stopped going to clubs even though I enjoyed the music and light banter in public chat. I know I didn't have to react that extremely, but I have had much more fun and engaging talks with new people when I am not dressed sexy even when I would have loved to dress in more enticing clothing. Yes, I believe it is cultural and recognize that I myself obviously hold some of those opinions or I wouldn't hide my cartoon avatar when I would rather not have to think about what I am wearing or how other people perceive it. I know other opinions should not matter and should be able to feel powerful in my sexuality as a female instead of suppressing it even in a cartoon world where I can just teleport away or log out. However, I called myself on my own judging just yesterday. I was shopping and in my tiny petite avatar. I heard the ding of an IM coming in and panicked when I saw it was a huge, hulking Gorean-looking avatar sending it. I prepared myself and opened the window. Hulk: "That is a very well put together tiny fae. Nice job!" Yeah, that was me judging the other avatar by its looks and assuming I knew the intent before I even looked at the words he sent. Of course, I thanked him, He was just a nice person complimenting an avatar he saw while shopping. It turned into a lovely 5 minute exchange that needed no offers of friendship and had no innuendo.
  10. It had been mentioned a while ago that there might be a possibility of using the mailboxes/house changers as a way to reach each and every home owner with an official Linden message. I don't recall reading how this would be implemented, whether it was in progress, or just a thought, but it has been brought up. I wouldn't mind the occasional update (no more than once monthly) letting me know of an official event, new house design, open floor plans released, or whatever official Linden announcement might be put out concerning Bellisseria. Not everyone wants to be part of chatty resident groups and even fewer read the forums or blogs here in the website.
  11. Seeing all the spooky Halloween decorations has inspired me to wander around and look for winter decorations this year. I don't need another "how many clicks can I do" contest, but if it was going on and I was wandering around, I would click on a winter item as well. With Halloween most people that played along with the theme decorated their front door/front yard area and just a few decorated inside. Since I didn't bother looking at Christmas decorations much last year I wonder if more people decorate inside as well. I am a bit concerned about whether I am allowed to go inside peoples houses to enjoy their decorating. Beyond leaving the front door wide open and not having a 15 second warning timer to "get out", I always question checking out the inside. I wish there was a community accepted sign that residents could place on their mailbox saying others are welcome inside. That way as I am wandering and pass a sign I'll know that is a house I can enter. Other people can get a sign for their home for free by clicking any one else's sign or it can be an option in the mailbox itself (since it isn't actually within the parcel boundaries) Little lights on the mailbox: Green - Anyone can enter and look around Yellow - Orb security, Group access or limited in some way (like "my ban list is longer than the Nile River" ) Red - Get off my Lawn! No Shenanigans!
  12. We ARE an opinionated bunch. Here's mine: I agree with Derrick Linden in this case. It is cheating to take in an alt army daily and click/abandon 5 times every day in each account.. The person(s) doing this KNOW they are gaming the system and using it as a way to get ahead in the collecting numbers by constantly moving their buckets for personal gain. Being an adult I have a personal sense of ethical game play and taking in 10 alts for an extra 50 candies every day that no one else has access to is obvious "gaming of the system" in an unfair way. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Just how long do the rules have to be? As soon as one loophole is closed, someone will find or create another one. They know what they're doing. Cheating. One bucket/one click per account owner (not parcel) regardless of whether they choose to move or not. All this "you didn't specify that this isn't allowed" stuff is bunk. One bucket/one click per account. So, yay? You found a way to get hundreds of extra candies that no one else has access to. Here's your bear. Congratulations on your innovative approach. /S off
  13. Nothing in that notice says anything about groups of avatars doing nothing but wandering around for the sole purpose of looking for those evil wrongdoer orbs. It asks that you not name, shame, and give out slURLs in the group chat, but to move on and/or report it yourself. A Bellisseria Militia does not exist, so there is no reason to conspiracy theory one into existence or to try and make the person in the wrong the victim. The garbage truck role-play does, but if you stick out a belli-pin and your recycling bin just to instantly eject the garbage man home when he arrives to empty it, expect that person to report it.
  14. Has anyone watched Midnight Mass, yet? I am considering binging something spooky this weekend. Was it any good?
  15. I don't think requiring someone to follow the rules when they choose to live in a neighborhood with an HOA is harassment. The thing with the illegal orbs is it might be pure ignorance on the part of the account that has that parcel, but it is the responsibility of the account owner to know. I've never seen or even heard of groups of vigilante avatars doing nothing but wandering Bellisserian neighborhoods looking for orbs that break the rules. Where have you seen this? I've seen plenty of people wandering around looking for candy buckets and finding themselves back home with no warning and then going back and reporting it with an AR. If an account requires that kind of security, then a home in Bellissaria is not a good fit and they should upgrade to the mainland where they have the right, the power, and the tools to accomplish that. There will always be people petty and paranoid enough to manually fill a ban list just because they can. That is their right and within the tools they have access to. There is a covenant. If you (general "you") choose to not read it or follow it and your orb is reported, it's not on the reporting party to feel guilty for pointing it out. Fix it or move.
  16. I love the darker colors and eclectic decorating style.
  17. This belongs in the Lifestyles and Relationships section of the forums A visit from this one might not be so bad if it was temporary. Permanentholiday Linden is not my friend.
  18. Squeeeeeeeeeeeee! The at the little anger buggie! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  19. A lot of people have bug phobias. I love them! Nothing scares me in SL. In real life - heights, weapons in other people's hands, dying of long wasting diseases (I don't want to see death coming.) All of these fears depend on the amount of time I am exposed to them. With heights I can go zip lining and crawl across sky bridges and such, but if I have to wait at the top for some time, I'll freak out and climb back down. I can make it through a self defense class on disarming, but I will fall apart at the end badly. I don't believe in any kind of afterlife, so I don't want this one ending. I can handle anything for a little while. There was a part in a horror move, The Ring , I think. Anyway a creepy little girl crawls out of a TV and for some reason it was terrifying at the moment. I try to relive it now in my head and it all seems so silly.
  20. The Lindens must use Grandma's secret recipe. We may never know the secret ingredients to the amazing Belli pie. 😄
  21. @Rabid Cheetah found your parcel, got some candy, and raided one of the many food carts. That is one huge burrito *burps*
  22. I am having a lot of fun finding the buckets. I do get a little frustrated when I passed through 4 or 5 regions without finding even 1 bucket. (what is wrong with you trad owners not having buckets?) Since I am literally running my avatar in a grid pattern back and forth I get to see a lot of the regions, the decorating, the amazing landscaping. I've finished the southern Vic areas and the few regions south of that. I am done with the bottom third of the older trads and campers section. @Rabid Cheetah I haven't gotten to the middle section yet, but I will find your parcel and snag some candy eventually. I will continue my way north and then east into the stilts, chalets, and fantasy as time permits. You will know when I have visited, because my alt Zerrine Fyrewik sends every house with a bucket a Thank You note. I am pretty sure I've seen several forumites homes on my adventures. @Marianne Little @Sparkly Rainbow @Polenth Yue (because the shroom lives near me) and many more. I've been ejected home 2 or 3 times and booted to the street a few times when I wasn't fast enough. I don't know if I've been banned from anywhere. What would it look like if I was? I have 116 candies. All found without landmarks or teleporting. I am sure the top 10 are all over 500 candies by now.
  23. I am not exactly sure how the releases are done, but I have noticed a few regions where only a few houses are claimed and the rest are unavailable. My guess???? Is that the alt armies who play GoH will claim a bunch of homes to force the release of the next region. When the army has the homes they want in that region, they release the older homes they only claimed to force the release the new one. Then a bunch of old ones are available again and the release of new ones is stopped. The only ones who know how this actually works are the Lindens who designed it, so your guess is as good as mine. I've stumbled on regions that have been partially or re-released before - 5 homes claimed 2 weeks ago and 20 all still Governor Linden and never released or claimed.
  24. Just a bit of encouragement: It is a lot to take in and it might very well feel like rocket science. Technology does not come naturally to me. My degree is biology/zoology. There are days I struggle to figure out things that come so easily to others. I procrastinate updating my avatar with the latest and greatest new items until I am up for a challenge, then I jump in. You'll get there. Don't be discouraged if you don't instantly "get it." You'll make a ton of really funny mistakes while you're learning. Make copies of everything, so when you turn your avatar pink, or have five eyes, or find your face upside down, you can laugh it off and start with a fresh copy. I'd love to see your progress as you learn how it all works. We can giggle about your learning adventures together. As @Echelon Alcott said blogs and tutorials will be your friends. You got this! Now back on topic. Let's see those pics of male identifying avatars ❤️ ETA: EEP is just the inworld lighting. It only changes your view, but, of course, certain lighting settings are more flattering than others. Almost anything is more flattering than the default setting.
  25. This is one of the available homes (the Rosebrooke, I think), but customized. It has a shell on the outside so the texture can be changed to stone. A round tower was added to the roof. Stained glass textures were added to prims on the windows. It looks lovely and unique. Good job whoever put it together.
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