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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Yes, they do! It is a nice neighborhood that may take some time to get used to, but I have no doubt that creative residents will make something amazing with their parcels. I might even try a small parcel once just for the experience and the challenge.
  2. Just to remind everyone of what the old-style neighborhood looked like. It is an update. The houses are very similar both being boxy with a flat roof. Lots of people were screaming for an updated Meadowbrook and that's exactly what this is, but more space between houses, choice of parcel size, color choices and house style choices , and now with roads and pools.
  3. So what you're saying is these won't be released next week. 😄
  4. This is a cute little house for the smaller parcel. I do like the second story deck and a little more room for outside landscaping.
  5. I don't think anyone will be jockeying for water views. That is not what this is. Maybe everyone wants a swimming pool view? This style is not for me, but it is nice to see a choice in parcel size. /me hopes for some really great Victorian abandons in the next few weeks.
  6. Open styles with big windows. Public swimming pools. Some parcels are square and some are rectangle with different prim allowances, so both sizes. The houses are big and square. Definitely meadowbrook style.
  7. It doesn't give much away. I do see a dark railing behind Patch that isn't a white picket fence. If there are any clues in the photo, I am not seeing them. I hope those are biodegradable packing peanuts 😄
  8. In my own (technology impaired) head I did consider the driver updates but couldn't be arsed to do much about it. It is now happening just often enough to be annoying. Thank you for this advice. I will try it first, then download the official viewer if it's still a problem. I generally keep my graphics settings pretty low and increase them for the occasional photo or increasing draw distance to see if I like the neighborhood while house hopping. I am not sure if there is a pattern that correlates that increase to when I crash. I should really pay more attention.
  9. I feel incredibly lucky. The region release was mentioned in the "When Did You Last See..." thread. I quickly logged in and got it on my 4th roll of the dice.
  10. Today my alt, Cora, is wearing her crown on a troubled brow. She spends most of her time in various fantasy lands. I wasn't about to spend money on a crown for a photo, so that is a child's crown she happened to have in her inventory. That's enough escapism for one day. Time to deal with real life.
  11. I don't remember the last time I used it. A decade ago, maybe? I would have to download it and give it a try. Actually I haven't checked to see if I have the latest version of Firestorm either. I'll check it out and give it a week to see if I crash in the official viewer, as well.
  12. I am almost afraid to even post in here, but I have also been crashing out of Firestorm. First it freezes, then the screen goes white, no controls work (including task manager to close Firestorm and even the mouse), then my entire computer decides to blue screen and restart. It's been happening for a few months sometimes once a week and sometimes twice daily. The only thing that has changed is I now have nice fiber connection speeds, but I can no longer hook directly to it and have to use wifi. This is apparently not what your issue was though. I'm glad you sorted it. Sincerely, pissy groaning whiny snitty little resident
  13. I did not have a home rezzed when I caught one either. I had to reset the controller about 10 times before it worked, but it did eventually reset and rez a home. I did see the creative housing options though. Those new enough to be unaware of needing to use the provided houses may be surprised to see their houses returned.
  14. I've had enough of the manipulative emotional language and conspiracy theories and assumptions of why others make the business decisions they do. If people want the Lab to work only for them, then they should provide something of enough monetary value that it makes a good business decision to follow the suggestion. The arrogance of actually thinking that if the lab would "only see the light and do things my way" the world and everyone in it would be better off. My way would make trumpets call from on high! Everyone is against me. Every decision hurts me and provides no value to others. Arbitrary this, glee that, they purposely make bad business decisions for fun because watching customers suffer is great, blah blah blah, the whole business is based on favoritism (because it's not revolving around me) Seriously, I do wonder if complaining is what people live for. They (general 'they) should do something to change their circumstances to better serve themselves or make the tough decision that it is in their best mental health interest to leave and find another outlet for their conspiracies. Offering suggestions and listening to the feedback received is adult. Making up reasons for why everyone else is bad is kind of childish. Things change. Businesses make decisions that need to be made to make their businesses more profitable whether it is for a international reasons or closer to home. Sometimes those decisions do not benefit everyone. Sometimes decisions are walked back because they did not have the intended outcome. It is not personal. It is not against a few individuals as a personal attack on them just to do them harm. Businesses are usually around to make a profit. Where can they get the biggest bang for their buck? That is where a majority of their resources will go. Belli is not the only thing that helps to make a profit, so it will not be the only thing that they want to take care of. It is "in the news now" because it has been successful, but it is not the only thing they offer or encourage. I am pretty sure any business will spread out and care for the profitable parts. No one want to put all their eggs in one basket. It is short-sighted to think only one thing can be focused on at a time. Equally short-sighted to think they do not have any future plans just because they haven't shared them with you.
  15. There we go! Now this photo is posted in the correct place. It's in at least 2 other threads now. Thank you @Eleanor Anderton So, to repeat... I can't tell if that is a door or a floor to ceiling window. It has no seams, hinges or doorknob. Smooth modern looking brick is nice. There is a tiny peek of some landscaping through the window under Patch's hands. It also shows a cement and wood beam Privacy wall? Looks pretty modern.
  16. I've been trying to figure out if its a door or a floor to ceiling window. No seam for the opening, no doorknob that I can see. The smooth modern-looking brick is nice. The teeny peek through a window of small landscaping plants. Maybe a wooden beam and cement privacy wall? Soon! Soon we will know.
  17. I questioned it because I didn't see a seam where it would open or a doorknob. Maybe its auto open. Just wave your hand or walk close and it automatically slides open Star Trek style 😄
  18. Is that a door or a floor to ceiling window? It has to be a door, right? Nice, smooth, modern looking brickwork. Wide molding along the ceiling. Exciting! I didn't see a Linden Home tag though. Maybe I missed it.
  19. Nice! Good catch. I have not caught my keeper Vic, yet. Yet.
  20. Squeeeeeee! On my 4th try I got a keeper of a spot. Now I just need the cabin to rez. Thanks for the heads-up on this one ❤️
  21. I'm glad somebody caught that. I sprinkled a few in my last couple posts. I don't want to run afoul of the mods and have them stick me in the stocks.
  22. I did some subtle holiday decorating. The house is open to explore if you want to visit. There is even a "squishy room" in back to snuggle into. I've always wanted a squishy room in real life. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peacock Bay/68/192/0
  23. This is what had originally crossed my mind. What do people want to do that they can't currently do in a moderate region? My imagination is a bit limited here. Maybe someone wants to stake out their male slave in Victorian styled lingerie in the front yard? Erotic art in the yard? Set up their gal in a compromising position for the use of the neighbors for a neighborhood BBQ? I guess it doesn't matter what people want to do as long as it follows the covenant and stays in theme. That may be the rub. How do you police what is "in theme" in each of the home styles? SecondLife is a business and having the manpower to police an adult area may not be worth it. How do you prevent someone from putting on a child avatar after they got their adult home? Who decides which implement of torture is in theme? Having Linden homes be moderate is a good business decision and a compromise to keep the largest percentage of residents happy. I'm not saying I don't think there should be an adult option or a general option. I'm just saying I understand a business decision. P.S. I personally wouldn't want to go trick-or-treating in the adult yards, but that might be REALLY fun for someone. Quick! Turn on the RLV 😄
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