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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Sounds interesting and I may show up next Sunday. Depending on whether it's actually a learning discussion or a condescending screaming match, I might even show up twice.
  2. Okay, I decided to play along this time. I spidered up my 4 homes, but since I tend to have homes that are off the beaten path I'm making them easy to find. There are neon, rotating signs on each of the homes. As a trigger warning for the sensitive the spiders attack at one of the houses. I only turned on the full bright for the photos, but apologies to my neighbors for the signs. It's only temporary. ETA: Coral Bay, Aramis, Domingos, and Peacock Bay. Now Everyone can have free candy at 4 houses.
  3. If it is the new theme, I would like a chance to trick or treat there. They better hurry ! Maybe I am not remembering right, but weren't 2 more themes supposed to be released by the end of the year?
  4. You figured it out 😄 Are you stalking me? I might need to make an alt with that name
  5. I still don't have the option of the open floor plans. I'm waiting!!!! (said in Vizzini's voice) I am looking forward to final decorating and need a couple of walls to disappear. I have not seen any updates from Lindens or Moles on these floorplans.
  6. I agree. I was all in on the worm hole and aliens theory in the beginning. Then later it was all faith and then Noah's ark and the composition of sapphire... I also really didn't like the character of the young lady that moved in with the main family. I know they are making one more season to wrap up the story. I will probably watch it, but only for a bit of closure 😄
  7. I don't live in a city. I am rural. There are no community health clinics near me. There is no planned parenthood clinic either. It is even a hardship without a car to get to a pharmacy. If this was an issue for me, I would be screwed.
  8. You are, of course, correct. I just wanted to balance the responsibility by pointing out the other extreme. It takes two, but women hold all the responsibility and consequences for the outcome.
  9. Not everyone can just go out and get a pregnancy test kit. Not everyone can just pull together some cash to get an abortion in a week. It is a bit entitled to think that people living in poverty can just go buy stuff or raid the petty cash fund. Maybe any man who gets a woman pregnant when she doesn't want to be should be sued and charged with an as yet unthought of crime. We should criminalize men getting women pregnant. Every sperm is a potential life. Men shouldn't be spilling that unless they AND their partners want to be parents. No, I don't actually think we should do that, but it makes as much sense as suing people who assist.
  10. I just finished the all the available seasons of Manifest. It was okay. Now on season 5 of The Expanse. The special effects are amazing, the science is sound, the politics are relatable. I really like this one.
  11. I did get the free cheater set, but before I did I figured out how to edit the shoe base I had and changed the texture to transparent. It worked. I will still try making my own as well since that is a skill I did not have and was unaware of. Come to think of it, I've never made an alpha or a tattoo either. I have stuff to learn. 🙂
  12. I suppose the humor was lost in translation. I enjoyed and giggled at the entire derail.
  13. I did not know these even existed in the universe. My SLife is better for it. Thanks!
  14. Pro-Tip! Thanks! I will let their customer service (of the skin I bought) know since they started telling me to edit a sock... ETA 11.5 years and I'm still a noob 😁
  15. I put my RL photo in my profile. It is a photo that is not used anywhere else, but I have never kept my real life a secret. People know where I live. Some know my real name since it's not that different than my avatar name. I made friends in SL that I am now friends with on Facebook with my real life account. I've never felt like I was in danger of crazies and I've known quite a few in world. I don't do much inworld that I would be embarrassed of if everyone I know suddenly found out. I guess I'm just not that worried. So if you have the urge to go to Oregon, drive yourself up into the mountains in the middle of nowhere (you'll need a 4 wheel drive), far from highways and civilization, I'll put on a pot of coffee to share. Just be prepared that if there is another fire , mudslide, or snowstorm, you won't be getting out any time soon.
  16. Just wanted to circle back around Yes, I was wearing a shoe base to lift my avatar wearing heels. Normal feet when it was taken off. I'll use hover height from now on. You were faster than customer service. I checked and I am wearing the alpha and using the eyes the head came with. I messed around with the eye sliders some more and it is not as noticeable when the eyes blink now. I fixed my nose.
  17. I will check that when I log back in. I did try on several heels and flats while updating my outfits.
  18. There is a tool you can get on marketplace that scans a region and points out abandoned parcels. I've never used it, so I don't know how well it works. There may be other tools, as well. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ArtiZan-Abandoned-Land-Finder-Automatic-parcel-scanner-sends-IM-and-email-reports-HUD-rezzable/21533770
  19. I had to get a new face because the perpetual pucker of my last face drove me nuts. I am open to suggestions and advice. My most important goal was to look like an adult. I am using an EvoX head for the first time, so I have to learn something new. Sharing my pain because misery loves company: The feet are still white even though the skin should cover both the maitreya body and the head (a note has been sent to customer service for assistance with this.) I wish the eyes were bigger, but it makes the avatar look too young. The eyes show through the eyelids just a little when she blinks. If I look closely the eye lashes don't seem to be attached to the eye lid, but floating just out front. It took me forever to realize there were special appliers for both the regular ears and the elf ears. One of the skins I got that I liked in a demo did not have matching ear skins for either ear shape. The nose isn't quite right yet. Good stuff: I like the eyebrows after layering two kinds to get the look I wanted. The lips are decently shaped. I don't look 12.
  20. What kinds of things are you into? Music? Dancing? Exploring? Gaming? What time of day are you in SL?
  21. Try looking in the Lifestyles and Relationships subforum or in Roleplay if you like cooking your friends. Usually when we lay out a spread of food to share the plates don't contain pieces of roasted friends, but maybe we can find an alternative like a Beyond Human burger or The Impossible Human sausage. Would you settle for bacon? 🥓
  22. Once again, thank goodness for the wide variety of ideal looks. I enjoy seeing the differences. Well done gents, sirs, men, fellows, misters, boys, and guys! I am uncomfortable with the mean criticisms designed only for shock value and they aren't even directed at me. I'm sure we can suggest shape edits/hair colors in much kinder ways while keeping in mind that each person posting probably likes their shape. I know - public forum... thick skin... get over it... they asked for it... blah blah blah
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