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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. You have a "look" started here with tattoo, all black, and longish hair. If you were looking for advice on updating without using much to any money, you still have a week to run out and find those amazing free gifts that a lot of creators put out for avatars under 30 days old. If not and you are happy with your look, then so am I. I find those who are only looking for the superficial look of an avatar are club hosts, the occasional RP areas, and the rare person who thinks their opinion needs to be stated bluntly and rudely. My SL partner never bothered to update his avatar - no mesh body or head and he doesn't spend money on clothes. I don't care now and I didn't care when I met him. (Okay, maybe I think avatar feet are ugly, but most people wear shoes.) I don't know how long you've been away from SL. The learning curve for all the new stuff is steep and is constantly changing. If you choose to, there are free mesh bodies and free mesh heads that will help you get the hang of things. Also, when you learn EEP, some of the environmental setting can really make an avatar look good whether it is mesh or not and really, your view is the only one that matters.
  2. I did think about that when I put it up. It's within the height requirement for decorations, it's not full bright to shine onto neighboring parcels (it doesn't even compete with the night glow in Fantaserria), and it's temporary. Still, if a neighbor sent a message and said they didn't like it, I would remove it. Besides, how else can people this doesn't impact at all find something to complain about? Consider it a service I am providing you personally.
  3. I wonder if that's mine. I put giant neon rotating signs at my houses. It's hard enough to find a bucket without it being hidden.
  4. I am definitely in it for the long game. I run a grid pattern on an area of Belliserria for the small amount of time I have inworld each day. It's not really trick-or-treating since the buckets are so spread out (families will not enjoy taking the kids out looking for candy), but yes, a quest to watch my number slowly going up. I enjoy walking/running around, but at that speed I do miss some stuff. The creativity of some of the residents Halloween decorations is amazing. I've never wandered around looking for Christmas-type decorations, but this has motivated me to do that this year. For me it's more of a personal challenge than it is a contest. I would trick-or-treat without any bears or rewards just for the entertainment value. I even stop to take the time to send a thank you message to the owner of each of the houses I stop at. So, if you haven't gotten a message from Zerrine Fyrewik (the alt I chose for this quest), I haven't found your bucket, yet.
  5. I've only seen 5 of these and only one in the top 60. I agree that a lot of shows are missing. The good thing is that now that I'm using streaming services instead of just the 4 networks, I can choose from a much wider variety and find some international gems. The only ones I've seen: The Good Place, Lost, Stranger Things, Steven Universe, Avatar the Last Airbender
  6. As Bree said, check what other animations you have running. I just got a new mesh head. It has animations/emotions built in. My previous head was a static mesh head, so I had some AO animations with face/eye movement to compensate and have a more natural look. It took me some time to figure out that the 2 animations did not play well together. When both were active the blink was... uh... deep? The head blinked so hard that the eyes bugged through the eye lids and the lashes floated in mid air. I removed those animations and do not look like a shocked meth head anymore.
  7. Have you talked with the @Slenderman Bellisserian? He might be evil enough to be stealing your candy. So far I have not had issues with collecting candy, but I'll pay more attention to see if any is disappearing.
  8. That's the fun part. We're wandering through virtual neighborhoods, visiting virtual houses, and collecting virtual candy for a virtual collectable bear. Running a virtual gauntlet actually adds to the fun. I put a bucket out at my virtual house, but as soon as you step on to the parcel spiders attack. I might feel a little sorry for the people with actual phobias, but not sorry enough to remove the attack spiders.
  9. People are teleporting between SLurls on a master list to get their high numbers. I am running through neighborhoods and flying low and slow over houseboats looking on for buckets on porches. I've found about the same number - 13. I am really enjoying the few Halloween houses and seen some amazing decorating on my exploration. I appreciate the people that put out signs that draw me in. How many Belli homes are there? Thousands and thousands. How many residents put out a bucket? A few hundred if we're lucky. It's definitely a treasure hunt. How ever we all decide to play at least I'll get one bear for the effort and a good look at some neighborhoods I haven't visited. There is also the fun challenge of running close enough to touch the buckets and running back out again before the security systems boot me out.
  10. EEEEk!! /me looks for the full body alpha to hide
  11. I would love a mushroom shroom shrooom shrooooom. I will be looking for your home as well. Can I have a clue?
  12. Is this a previous incarnation of you? I recognize the name, but I can't remember from where. Were you active in the forums a decade ago?
  13. Yay! I'll be out locating your house tomorrow! ๐ŸŽƒ Trick or Treat
  14. ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ง (you and your daughter) ๐Ÿคนโ€โ™‚๏ธ (This is not a man juggling, but your daughter choosing hair color) ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™€๏ธ (This is you with your magic wand of hair dye) ๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ (That "oh crap" moment when she realizes she can never go into public again) ๐Ÿฆš (you saying "if it's good enough for a peacock...) ๐Ÿง• (you suggesting a headscarf for a few weeks) ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿฆฝ (your daughter suggesting you'll be in a retirement home before you touch her hair again) ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ (Facepalm) Or maybe that's just my experience?
  15. Truth My real life ankle hurts today and I didn't sleep well last night. I'm not looking forward to meeting up with my ex tonight, but I am mostly adult and will pull it together with a minimum of bad feelings and grudge holding. Thanks for [not really] asking.
  16. I fear you're about to be roasted, so buckle up. I'm doing well today. You?
  17. I didn't, but that would have been a memory worth keeping
  18. Joy Division. Wow. That brings back some rather drugged out memories from my youth. ๐Ÿคช Sometimes I'm surprised I made it to full adulthood.
  19. I smiled all the way through this โค๏ธ
  20. Today I pulled out an avatar I got in 2012. I am still obsessed with spiders in all worlds. The avatar stood the test of time and the textures still look pretty good. The AO is spectacular - bite, attack, wrap, hang, burrow, and dead. In celebration I ran around Logland and Fantasseria like this today. No one came out to say hi. ๐Ÿ˜ช I have candy ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ
  21. A few hours ago during a region crossing my viewer froze and started buzzing. No controls worked. I had to reboot my computer. I haven't tried to log in since. I took it as my cue to take a break. At least I wasn't alone.
  22. I'll skip the pins, as well. The neon sign over my house should be enough for those walking and in vehicles. Teleporting from pin to pin doesn't seem to be in the spirit of walking neighborhoods and knocking on doors. I have nothing against others using the system. Best of luck!
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