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Resi Pfeffer

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Everything posted by Resi Pfeffer

  1. What means "has had"? LL already adapted to SL, what he has suggested?
  2. Wow, i didnt expect it to look that good. But talking about you sitting in front of the mirror... That might work for pictures, as you have proved, but you know what happens when you stand up from that seat
  3. For some its more like: Having to buy a Maitreya in order to look good when naked
  4. Have you sent your application to LindenLabs? Posting your ideas in this forum wont spark off a single line of code.
  5. It would be even more awesome, if you could explain, why your SL gf/model needs a designer from the UK. Would you deny someone from Dublin?
  6. Agree. Its a world without preset quests or desirable achievements. Its all about the users very own and specific road to the goal, whatever that might be. But there is not only black or white. I met a lot of "hybrids". Some manage to be in SL for 10+ years, but still they dont know what to do here... When i log in, very often the IM bombardement starts like: "What are you doing?" "can we meet?" "Im so bored" "tp me." Would be better having them signed up at GTA, heading for a mission.
  7. How did you make the transformation? I was setting up big pics of my system face behind my mesh head and then i spent hours in moving all the face shape sliders until i was satisfied. Im also a fan of GA.EG heads, despite the fact there are really not a lot of addons available, compared to catwa or lelutka. Its even possible to make the Mia and Barbara model almost look the same
  8. As you probably dont want to pay the many hours of work someone would need for creating your ear rings, you are better off here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com If im wrong, just contact the jewelry creators you find inworld or at the marketplace and ask them, if they would do a custom job for you. But expect a bill about 25,000 LDs
  9. I bet, chopping off the head was less painful than having the tattoo being stitched.
  10. Waiiiit! No locking yet, please. Im a noob since almost 12 years and never have seen anything else than pie menus, despite the fact im mostly running the latest FS release. Thanks for the hint. Will have to have a look at the settings...
  11. Im glad, i dont have any crashes at all. So my sentence was just a way to get out of a situation. But thanks for the instructions. Sounds pretty useful to be able to change the settings in a convenient way when teleporting from home to a crowded club stuffed with 45 avatars.
  12. Hmm, after all this one might just be faulty somehow. You could try the demo version, if available, or get a redelivery. Or ask the creator kindly to send you a new one.
  13. Why dont you just connect your laptop to that screen using a hdmi cable?
  14. Say "There is so much lag, im going to crash anytime soon", before you hit the quit button. That saves a lot time you would waste for a long conversation including a "no, i wont stay for another hour" or a "yes, i will come back for sure" 😅
  15. The artist could put his "copy/nomod/notrans" art into a delivery box by himself and then give you the box back. Maybe?
  16. Did i just get it wrong, or how can i loose SL inventory on my computer as it is stored on the LL servers?
  17. Have you tried to login or to reset your passwort at the SL homepage already, before you open a case? https://secondlife.com And think about the password you had, when that happened. If it was something like "123456", "letmein" or "nIcEgAlHaPpEnS", its very likely, he guessed it. "84Hfb150/BBo$kloeee%br4" should be harder just to guess.
  18. First, go to a sandbox, or to any other place with low lag and a small amount of users. A full club may not be the best place, especially when you already expierienced some problems. my first guess...
  19. Nice idea... if i forget to detach my avatars physics, some body parts will look pretty windswept. We already can choose in the graphic settings and within the "photo tools", if we want to use shadows or the advanced lighting model, for example. Why that wouldnt work with a mirror surface? Leave it up to the user, if he/she wants to toggle a mirror button, or not.
  20. A good quality version of B2´s hairs (Neir:Automata) can be found at Monso.
  21. A minimum of 9 years, i would say. As much as i can remember, Tempura Island always had the mirrored ballroom.
  22. Damn, my 12 MP DSLR cam still needs a sense for a good photo subject, decent illumination, and all that stuff... I just should upgrade to 24 MP, right?
  23. Im not sure, if its that useful to talk about upgrades, as its up to the sim owner, to do something about, or not. Just go to "tempura", for example. That sim must look like being stuck at the stone age for you, but its still crowded, at any time of the day. So maybe not everyone wants and needs the latest mesh improvements to be happy.
  24. With that assumption, you wouldn´t need a one-way derendering at all. The way it is at the moment is neither fish nor fowl.
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