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Resi Pfeffer

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Everything posted by Resi Pfeffer

  1. You know hundreds of people who reported thousands of trolls and griefers? 🙄 May i ask what you use SL for?
  2. We should leave that up to the user. What you do, might not be ok for others. Speaking for myself, i rented my first parcel to make it my hideout. No one knew about and i was happy to have a small place to decorate and to change clothes in privacy. These days i dont want that anymore, because i thought about why i still like SL after all these years. Its because you see something new every day. And nearly everything is made by other users. So i thought i have to pay back, somehow. Therefore i got much more space, tried to make it look nice, removed ban lines and orbs and made it a public spot you even can find using the search, what attracts a few visitors a day. People are different, and people can change their opinions.
  3. @A3lrys You need to "ADD" the shoes instead of "ATTACH" when rightclicking the shoes in your inventory. Why? Your feet and the shoes use the same attachment point on your avatar skeleton. If you use "add" your feet wont be removed. Works also with other attachments... If you want to use two necklaces at once, for example.
  4. I have the same issues, since about 2 weeks or so. What seems to work for me, is not to click the teleport button directly. Im taking the detour of clicking the map button and then inside the map window i teleport. Dont want to say its a good workaround, because i didnt make a allocable test, but i cant remember being disconnected that way.
  5. Im afraid its similar to RL. If some "just" stands on the walkway staring into my window, the police will tell me "Sorry, there is nothing we can do, since nothing really happend yet" Therefore i think, an AR will just work, if the stalker is going to threaten someone.
  6. As i dont know the TOS very well... is it really against the rules to use a script to know if some is logged on? If i would join the same group as my "victim", in most of the cases i also would see if he/she is online.
  7. But thats the one and only indicator a normal user like me is able to read and to understand. Or can i do something else to identify a lag monster besides a heavy script load?
  8. Thats also up to the customer, not only to the creator. Demos also can be used to know before, how well built a mesh item is. Its not only me who tries to look as good as possible while heading for a renderweight as low as possible. Mostly i am between 50K and 70K. No, not naked at all. Mesh Body, head, hairs, eyes, ears, teeth, tongue, top, jacket, pants, shoes, necklace, wrist watch, anklet, navel piercing, earrings.
  9. Im glad, the band aid turned into a full body plastic surgery for the avatar. There is no better way than having the development being propelled by supply and demand. Combined with LindenLabs technologies like materials or ALM, a lot of user created mesh clothes/attachments look very real these days.
  10. About 12 years ago you could have seen the rise of a lot RL companies, schools or any other kind of institutions in SL. As soon as they found out, not enough people are willing to buy virtual Nike shoes or taking classes in a university, the decline began. But that should not stop you. Build, whats in your mind, and if you need answers, you probably can get some qualified ones by visiting the "builders brewery" YouÂŽll find them inworld easily using the search, or have a look at their sheduled classes first.
  11. @AnneBardot Hilly Haalan once sold just what you are searching for. But the product is retired, as it is no fitmesh... If i find something similar, ill let you know. I dont use mine anymore these days, but sadly there is no way to sell/gift it to you. (No Transfer)
  12. Wenn möglich, und falls Du in keiner Skybox bist, ziehe die Boxen zum Entpacken lieber auf den Boden Deiner Parzelle, und nicht auf das Prim, das den Fussboden darstellt. Das kann nĂ€mlich schonmal Probleme geben. Wenn die Kiste steht, reicht entweder ein Klick drauf, oder Rechtsklick - Öffnen, und dann wird Dir der Inhalt als neuer Ordner ins Inventar kopiert. Und von diesem Ordner aus ziehst Du dann den Tisch, oder was auch immer, wiederrum an den Boden (deiner Parzelle). Wenn er steht, rechtsklick drauf, bearbeiten, und dann mit den Pfeilen dahin verschieben, wo er letztlich stehen soll. Es reicht schon, wenn Du rĂŒckmeldest, ob es funktioniert hat
  13. Got my home set up on a homestead. Checked the "scripts run" quite a few times and always have about 98-100%. Same numbers on the sim nearby. my 2 cents...
  14. Edit your viewer task bar and drag the movelock button onto the bar. So you can check it, whenever you got stuck.
  15. Why dont you put your poses into a HUD? Then you can use them everywhere. I guess, you want more to adjust the distance from your feet to the ground, what can be done by altering the hover height.
  16. Whats wrong with a necro? Gave us so many laughters in the past, and still will do.
  17. Its not my first memory at all, but a few weeks after my first login i attended a party in a crowded club, and i think i paid about 5 Lindens to the "sploder" above my head, while all the others went crazy, stuffing tens and hundrets of lindens into, until it exploded. The biggest chunk felt on me. About 600 Lindens. I still remember, how happy and lucky i felt. That was a huge amount of money for me in these early days.
  18. That was really not meant to be offensive to anyone. If you manage to stay in the forum for a while, you will realise, that very often new members show up, throw one post into, and never come back. Thats what i was assuming in this case. And there is no way for me or others to know, Ally was sick.
  19. If they are not even able to answer other users questions, you can imagine how the payment will turn out.
  20. Everything can be done these days with an amazing level of details and functionality. You just should be aware of the fact, that probably no one will build your different plane versions for 1000 LDs. Better expect several hundred US Dollars for all the time an effort what needs to be put in into that project. Its a niche product, and unlike adult furniture, a plane will not attract a lot of other customers.
  21. Fange doch erstmal mit Voice an. Wenns mĂ€nnlich klingt, ist das zumindest schonmal ein Indiz fĂŒr einen Mann, ansonsten deutet die Resonanz eher auf einen weiblichen Kehlkopf hin. Vielleicht schafft ihr es auch zu einer Cam Session. Ein Bart und breite Schultern soll angeblich auch eher MĂ€nnern vorbehalten sein, lange Haare und BrĂŒste sind hingegen bei Frauen vorzufinden. Zu guter letzt könnt Ihr Euch theoretisch auch treffen, nur damit Du Dir auch ganz ganz sicher sein kannst. Ok, vergiss meine ersten Zeilen Geh lieber in eine Bar oder Hunde ausfĂŒhren. Da lernt man genĂŒgend Leute kennen.
  22. /me pets your head "Shhhhhh, dont worry, there is a positive vibe between your lines. No need to be nervous" And welcome!
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