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Resi Pfeffer

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Everything posted by Resi Pfeffer

  1. As i live on a lonely homestead, there is absolutely no need to lock anything. Hardly the neighbours are online once a week, or less. The security orb is rezzed, but just to tell me who was there.
  2. Its not meant as harsh as it sounds, but i wouldnt date anyone who is needlessly insecure about himself. I recommend you to slide the shape sliders until your mouse pad starts to smoke. Just stop, when you are completely satisfied with the result. You need to like the way you are. That will reflect on other users. No need to change the angle of your forehead, just because someone else thinks its too steep at the moment.
  3. Someone told me, there is a very popular adult addon for females, what literally sticks in a sticky way to your skin. And if you open the menu of that addon, it will give you a list of all the guys using a scripted dick you have been "connected" with.
  4. Now i really would like to know more about the questions i would be asked, if i would call in. Is it that insecure? Like that typical security questions... "color of your cat" or "name of your father"? Anyway, welcome back
  5. Try it in the spanish subforum https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/276-foro-en-español/
  6. Nichts für ungut, aber wenn Du schon ein einem eigentlich werbefreien Subforum Werbung für einen Shop machst, dann wenigstens für etwas, das man auch guten Gewissens kaufen kann. Heutzutage macht sich wohl fast niemand mehr die Mühe , seinen Shape für Mesh Standardgrössen anzupassen, nur damit es dann am Ende doch vorne und hinten nicht passt. Fitmesh für Maitreya und all die anderen verbreiteten Bodies sollte es schon sein. Zum Preis sage ich jetzt mal gar nichts.
  7. Ahm, the original post is about a newbie having a unexpected threesome, and it happened 16 months ago. You better post your technical question as a new thread: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/308-second-life-viewer/
  8. That could mean anything from "Its just a static picture - you still would have to get used to 15 fps" to "amazing, that shiny butt cheeks"
  9. What do you want to tell us by reposting Cekas picture without any text?
  10. Play the new battlefield game and shoot everyone who looks likes an enemy. You are welcome.
  11. Its better to avoid reading an ugly text wall. Its like someone just spits into the forum and we have to clean it.
  12. Hi Bastian. Ich habs mir selbst noch nicht gekauft, aber das hier sieht recht vielversprechend aus Laut dem Video doch recht einfach zu verwenden, und es macht schöne Kamerafahrten... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CameraWorks-PRO-HUD-CAMCORDER/3931442
  13. Die Veranstaltung selbst möchte ich nicht bewerten, aber zum Technischen etwas sagen. Wenn Ihr Euch schon viel Mühe gebt, dann lasst das doch nach Möglichkeit von jemandem aufzeichnen, der es auch cineastisch ein bisschen besser rüberbringt. Mit einem machinima movie tool kann man inworld wunderbar vorher schon seine Kamerafahrten planen und speichern, und drückt dann nur noch auf den Knopf, wenn es so weit ist. Spontanes herumklicken auf den camera controls, das manchmal leider auch daneben geht, oder 20 Minuten lang eine starre Aufnahme, kann man damit schön umgehen. Das Offensichtlichste war aber, dass der Rechner des Aufnehmenden ein bisschen überfordert war. Es läuft zu keiner Zeit flüssig, aber im Teil 3 ab Minute 5:10 ist es nur noch eine Diashow mit einem Bild pro Sekunde. Lieber etwas weniger Partikel und dafür mehr fps
  14. Thats exists already at "The Sands", for example. When the user count hits the limit, a blue menu pops up, where you have to press OK in order not to be temp. kicked to make space for others.
  15. I wouldnt necessarily say you are right. Its better to melt a entitled snowflake before it developes into a giant avalanche.
  16. Thats why someone very well known calls it madlands, and i only can agree with that.
  17. I know, my answer sounded a bit rude... Just wanted to be sure, its not another single post from a sock puppet, who asks a question, and then replies never again. Happens quite a lot.
  18. I had better times in the past, when building with prims and sculpts was still a thing. Sitting in sandboxes with friends and doing something creative. But that changed a lot since mesh came up. Since then im more into filling up my wardrobe, simhopping, trying to make mocap dances and animations... Glad, you are that amazed about SL. Welcome.
  19. Greeeat idea! Lets stretch your goal a bit more. Imagine: -I want to dance at franks jazz club, but the region is full. Your solution: Someone with a standard head has to be banned/kicked/logged out, because i am full mesh, and i just look better. I spent more money, so its fair to be there. -I want to dance at Big Daddies 80s Club, but cant get in, full again. Ahh, there in the corner is a girl, still using her 13 year old dances (caramel). How ugly. Lets kick her! I just bought fancy bento dance animations.
  20. Why dont you tell us first, what you did already inworld, and why it made you asking in the forum? Are you bored already?
  21. The one who spits (fire) is you, not Alyona. She has the right to say what bothers her, especially when its said in a polite way, what she did. I wonder how you react in case of a customer complaint, if you cant even stand a harmless rant, what has nothing to do with your own business (poses).
  22. /me jumps and lifts her arm to be noticed "I am and always was 1.61 meters (5´3)" Never got kicked, so far. But being asked about my "avatar age" is not that uncommon.
  23. Whats that count exactly? All the logged in Sansar users, or just the ones who use Steam to log in? In some terms thats pretty similar to SL, especially when it come to load avatars/attachments... but the major difference is, i just can go/fly/swim/teleport to the next parcel or sim. That illusion of freedom makes SL much more attractive to me.
  24. But you should, you really should... That would keep us from wondering about your excitement, and you would be able to wear amazing coats. Both sides win ^^
  25. You tend to overreact sometimes? Maybe? Even though women clothes in SL is mostly about mini skirts and bras barely covering the nipples, there are a plenty of designers creating awesome fashion, hairs, etc. Have you ever been at the SL marketplace?
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