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Resi Pfeffer

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Everything posted by Resi Pfeffer

  1. My favourite tag is "I´m doing fine, thx."
  2. Talli, i try sooo hard to be not that prude!
  3. Please inform me, as soon as you managed to find that skeleton. I also need it. Months ago i asked the same question in this forum, but no one seems to know or maybe its a secret!?
  4. Being a SL citizen since 2007, im still amazed about the different kinds of people you can meet, and about the experiences you can make in this wonderful world. Not to mention the evolution from the early standard avatars to the beautiful mesh fashion dolls we have today.
  5. There could be a way to adress as many people as possible. Combine the golden cut with a few tiny and almost unnoticeable assymetrics/imperfections.
  6. For me there is a 10:1 ratio The most of the friends i have, are in my list because i added them, or they added me somewhere at a time i cant even remember. We have not that much in common except a few chats in the past. I probably never start a conversation by myself with them ever again until they delete me. And then there is a small but special group of friends. I know who they are and where i´ve met them, know their name and story, i start conversations and meet them sometimes.
  7. Can someone please explain, why i should pay a few hundred bucks for a single colored piece of fashion (Erratic), if i can get the same look and quality somewhere else for just 250LD, including a 30 colors and 20 texture HUD (Hilly Haalan)? Why? See, its just about personal preferences. Some people dont care about paying 400 LD for one single colored shirt, others do. And therefore they dont even visit shops like Erratic. And thats what you also should do. Just visit stores offering free demos.
  8. Wakey, wakey! like Littleme already mentioned, the last post is from september 2015.
  9. You started to give answers for questions probably no one even had in mind. I never said, SL is just about clubbing. I just mentioned, that not even in techno clubs jeans and hoodies are a big thing. Try to calm down, i bet it was just your translator what messed things up
  10. He just needs to wait for the pickup. Quinn is probably cruising around the block already.
  11. Ok, luckily i never got into a situation like this... so i better shut up, because i dont know how much you stalker affects you. Even though, stay with your main! But the link you shared looks like, its just a shape. Nothing else. Although the headline says something different.
  12. I dont want to tell you what you have to do, and i dont want to turn the topic into something else, but you should ask yourself, if you really want to dump your main avatar because of someone else? What, if he/she finds out about your alt one day, somehow? Starting all over again, with a freebie mesh head and body? Im sure there are better ways to deal with stalkers. Like ignoring, if you have the strength to.
  13. I tortured my brain for hours, but finally i found a possible solution. Probably he was hungry and he forgot to type one essential word after the term "club". Well, thats also my application pic
  14. I dont even get, what he/she wants. Im just guessing, but Joker could be trying to find some girls for a nightclub and wants pics to make sure, just maitreya/lelutka combinations are going to work for him/her. Maybe im wrong, and its just a attempt to date someone!? Well, then its still the wrong subforum...
  15. Thats just plain wrong. Have you never left your home/sandbox and went to a public place like a club? Even if you attend a techno party at the boiler room, where you will see fashion what comes very close to RL... You will spot some girls with hoodies, but they likely wont use jeans in combination. What are you talking about?
  16. This should be displayed whenever someone creates a new topic in this subforum.
  17. Nothing i would use, but thanks for sharing.
  18. Ich glaube, sie meinte gar nichts. Wer auf Antworten von Forumsmitgliedern nicht mal eine Rückmeldung geben kann oder will, der hat wohl auch kein Durchhaltevermögen, was Kreativität angeht.
  19. There are not that much nice things being heard about madmainland. Why is it still something, people head for? Its cheaper than the private owned sims?
  20. Sadly i cant help you out at all, but i like the fact you are listening to your customers. What do you sell, if i may ask?
  21. Just imagine the typical "client". He is german, about 50 years old, he lost a lot of hairs on his head but gained weight on his hips and belly, he works since 25 years in a small office and earns not that much money (for german standards), and maybe he is still virgin and lives with his mom. And maybe he has an SL account (doesnt matter if he appears to be a male or female inworld" And now think about the typical asian women. Most of them are beautiful and gorgeous. And probably they have even less money than the german weirdo. Do you think he feels more willing to talk to asian men or to women?
  22. SL is known to be a dating platform for a lot of people, even if they dont flirt from the first second. And asian countries like thailand are known to attract a special sort of men from western countries who try to get, what they cant have at home. I never heard about western woman or men going to thailand because of the men living there... Please dont take this as an offence. Its just what i can say as an european citizen.
  23. No, i just met 2 persons from the forum inworld. There was no reason at all to hide the forum identity inside SL. I think, I even would dare to meet Quinn over there ^^ Have you ever bought something expensive for someone else because you felt pity for him/her?
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