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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Did you contact the seller? You could also try the store to see if there is a redelivery terminal. LL support won't get involved in resident transactions. If you are sure it is not in your inventory, check your transaction history to see if you have actually paid for it and then contact the seller. Check their profile to see if they have any information regarding customer support
  2. Why not just contact the customer and try to help/solve an issue? Or use the comment option to offer further explanation? The thought of evaluating customers reviews is a little scary to me and will put off anyone wanting to leave an honest review of something good or bad
  3. well the easiest way is with a credit card and or paypal account linked to your account To earn lindens there is linden realms game (I don't know much about this) djing hosting creating dancing escorting check the employment forum https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/
  4. If you are a friend I think you can still see the profile even after the account is gone. In any case if he did get an email saying they were investigating, I would imagine he got one also with the conclusion of that investigation. The second option I suggested could cause a drama but he said it was from LL... Not everything people say in any world is true. *goes off to cash in her euro millions winning ticket*
  5. He will have received emails from LL explaining things. If they have removed his account it is possible they cleared out his profile. It is also possible your friend decided to clear out his account for many reasons and tell people it was LL.
  6. You nailed it in one sentence where 4 pages failed!!
  7. Apparently if you are a transvestite fox with tentacles if I read it correctly
  8. Is it possible the date of birth you entered for that account is under 18? If you think its a mistake you should contact support https://support.secondlife.com/
  9. I am resisting the urge for my confused meme ? I can't understand most of the OP but Lillith got the vampire bit. I am going to attempt the rabbit bit This is kind of an old one. Not heard of it much in recent years http://blog.nalates.net/2013/04/01/fun-april-fools-stuff/
  10. Have a look at this http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ There may be things here you haven't tried yet
  11. This brought back horrible memories of those Tamogatchi things I used to have to feed for my children when they went to school
  12. It is a steep learning curve to change everything at once. You can get some info here http://meshbodyaddicts.com/ but my best advice is DEMO DEMO DEMO and it will take time to get your preferred look. There are people that offer services (at a fee) to create a persomalised shape for you I believe
  13. I agree but there are ways to eliminate it. Tick the "copy" filter option and they all disappear
  14. Maybe its this one? http://meshbodyaddicts.com/2016surveyresults/
  15. I I don't know what kiss hub is but lining up 2 avatars has always been hit and miss with huds no matter if its bento or not
  16. She doesn't need to be a premium member. This is a residents forum. Anyone can post here. Back to her issue. Has she tried removing her AO to see if this helps? Is she wearing a collar?
  17. You can uninstall the viewer and go to your dashboard HERE and under account hit delete. Or just take a break from SL for a while until you are ready to come back
  18. I love getting text messages from my eldest son. It's like a small well worded novel of complete words. My middle son gives one word texts, though still a complete word. The 11 year old just sends emoji's for me to decipher
  19. Cindy Evanier


    Check em out https://www.lindenlab.com/tos#
  20. AVAILABLE TO RENT 4 Woodland Cabins Set around a small peaceful pond. → THE WOODLAND CABIN ← Each cabin is furnished and allows you an additional 20 prims/land impact to personalise your space. Each cabin is set in its own parcel and has "see and chat with avatars on this parcel" unchecked to allow privacy. A security orb can be supplied on request. Ban lines are NOT allowed under any circumstances. The cabin has locking door security system. Avatar names can be added on request. A radio is also placed in each cabin so you can control your own music inside your cabin. Dances, both singles and couples, can be accessed from the hybrid dance remote placed next to the pond for cabins 1- 4 and called to use inside your cabin or anywhere on the sim. Access to many facilities on the sim including horse riding, boat ride, games such as Greedy, CAH and more, surfing, beaches, meditation areas and lots of romantic spots with dolphins, whales and other wildlife. Prices start at 100 L per week and there is a 25% discount for paying 4 weeks in advance ie pay 4 weeks, get one week free! Click here to visit today. and use the teleport to the rental area. Please be aware this is an adult rated sim.
  21. To be honest I wanted to know if Jon Snow had any involvement.... I can't wait for 2 years to see what happens to Viserion
  22. Contact support https://support.secondlife.com/?lang=en-US Abuse report the the person or object too inworld via your viewer
  23. Needed some lighthearted distracting after waving biggest boy off back to university So went to an amusement park
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