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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Yeah, but I can't help it. I am curious who I must have had an issue with 3 years ago. (even if I was in hospital 3 years ago and SL drama was the furthest thing from my mind)
  2. haha delusional she was on about something she says I need to drop from 3 years ago. I guess since I have no clue who's alt it is; I already dropped it a long time ago
  3. I can't reallty help with clothes to fit your avi but you do know 100L is only about 40 cents? I wouldn't call that a little much for the work a creator puts into creating an outfit especially when you are looking for an outfit to fit an avatar body outside of the normal popular range of bodies. I would advise you continue to search the MP and make the use of demos to rest on your avatar before making any extravagant purchases.
  4. I don't think you have read the TOS specifically this explanation in bold that Rolig gave you TOS (Sect 3.4): "You may permit or deny other users to access your Virtual Land on terms determined by you. Any agreement you make with other users relating to use or access to your Virtual Land must be consistent with the Agreements, and no such agreement can abrogate, nullify, void or modify the Agreements." If a landowner on Adult land wants to be more restrictive than the Maturity Ratings allow, that's fine, because she is not allowing people to do something that the TOS forbids. That landowner may not allow people under the RL age of 18 to enter, however, because the TOS specifically forbids G-rated people in Adult regions.
  5. I decided to check out some Halloween hunts dressed as a virgin sacrifice
  6. I am not sure if there's a question here. If you are aware of the update then you are aware prepaid cards don't work?
  7. You need a credit card or a verified paypal or skrill account .
  8. *takes the bait* You have replied to a 6 year old thread here. Most of what is said is likely out of date. If you want to earn L$ search the forums, there are dozens of posts on ways to do that. If you want to buy lindens same rule goes.. search the forums or knowledge base for how to do that with paypal
  9. It looks low something.... Type Harley Quinn into the marketplace search box.. then use the category filters Avatar Accessories - Hair and you will start to see lots of this style>>> Harley Quinn
  10. OMG I have been cloned from RL.. that's my rl hair on a good day as well as my height and errr
  11. I have never had a mirrored inventory on the beta grid. Its always pretty random there. I do believe you can file a ticket with support and ask them to synch it https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  12. Aha I thought I had come across this before.. when I replied mid first cuppa of the day . now I am starting to wonder about suspect advertising
  13. Cindy Evanier

    Login Issue

    I guess you need to contact support then as your log in message says https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  14. I can remember being bitten back in 2009 when I was about 3 days old (clueless noob) I didn't wear any hud I just remember the blue box (it was also around the same time I was told I was going to give birth in 9 days but that's another story) clicking to accept and then some time later was advised to wear the garlic necklace. I can't remember much after that but nobody has tried to bite me again
  15. There are loads of hairs in that style around. If you want that actual one, you are best to ask the creator of the ad picture. A polite notecard or IM to the MP owner is probably the quickest way.
  16. You need a credit card or a verified paypal account
  17. *watches your L$ draining from your account* love that store
  18. Gawd what am I doing today (not including rl child to school and dog stuff) I have; made a quiz for an event on Friday made a playlist for an event on Friday rescued my brother from a teleport putting him inside a window (oldest noob in sl) written marketplace text and keywords for 3 items tested and triple tested perms and functions on same 3 items as next owner taken on a new blogger and gone through stuff with her moved stuff around in the store to make space for new items I am now sitting quietly with a coffee before logging back in to report to the boss what I have done and join him to take pictures *wipes brow* ?
  19. Yeah thats always possible but he was able to rez it in a sandbox just not at home.
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