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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Dancing with my alt because the other half got held up in rl
  2. It was a known bug issue http://blog.nalates.net/2017/05/20/second-life-inventory-loss-warning-yikes/
  3. If you have followed all instructions does that include contacting support and submitting a ticket? https://support.secondlife.com/
  4. Type Bento into forums search... you will find tons of info
  5. That was when I joined SL. I just accepted it as the norm.
  6. its a sim. On your log in screen for your viewer you should be able to enter a region to log in to. In my firestorm its a drop down that says Start At. Then choices of Last Location. Home and <type region name> Type Cyclops there and you log in to that sim or any other sim name you put there that isn't currently under a restart
  7. I logged in fine on firestorm. I tried to log my alt in on the lumyia app and had no luck yet
  8. The sky was falling in about 10 minutes of log ins affected
  9. Riding out the unscheduled maintenance. Moonbathing on my opensim region
  10. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/8nmyz9t2dxb2
  11. Looks like you guys aren't the only ones. Such is restarts day. *Goes back to sunbathing on my opensim region for a while*
  12. @Kristof Maven I have to agree with this ^^^. Throughout this thread you have had help and advice and Skell went above and beyond in order to help you (and many others in future now if they read his advice on this thread) People who respond like you after asking for AND GETTING extensive help will likely put off others helping people in the future. Wouldn't it be nice if you had taken the advice given, changed your avatar and come back here to post a picture of your updated avatar and say Thank you!
  13. I had remembered, hence my playful sarcasm at the start.
  14. awww I only pass 1 out of 6. I guess I fail your criteria. Shame that
  15. I don't know about a mac but i used to have this issue when I swapped between the lumyia app and the laptop. Saved outfits on FS with the laptop were empty all the time. If you ever do use lumyia and another viewer to swap between, the fix was to completely uninstall lumyia and reinstall it. After that saving outfits worked again.
  16. Well once they have a style maybe they will attract the girls who take them to the next stage with a manners class?
  17. Understandable. it sounds like a huge job. Not just collating the information but presenting it in a way newbs would understand.
  18. That sounds like a brilliant idea. I hope you do it
  19. I guess they are possibly using this https://www.grouptools.eu/ GroupTools is actively developed, and as of January 23 2012, also approved by Linden Labs as a third party viewer, and thereby put into the official Third Party Viewer Directory. I am convinced this is how those begging IMs do it to spam groups all at once with their beggin messages. I had to use it at once club I was a host at, useful for advertising in club/music groups.
  20. This! I couldn't give a flying fig if someone is meshed or not meshed. My partner isn't (he is not allowed to be yet, I don't have the patience ) There are lots of places for help if YOU do want to get a mesh body and everyone will tell you the same thing - Demo demo demo. Start here http://meshbodyaddicts.com/ Read about the different bodies and check out a demo of those you are interested in, There is a tutorial section to help you wearing bodies, clothes, hands, feet skin appliers. If you are on a budget then Littleme's post above is the way to go with lots of places offering free stuff to get you started
  21. Also its possible you didn't verify your email account for that account back when it was being asked for a few weeks ago
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