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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Alwin is correct there are steps to check your order before finalising the purchase. The merchant may refund you for a double purchase if you explain, especially if it was a copy item. If it was no copy but transfer then you can just pass it to your friend anyway. I suggest a friendly note card to the merchant or whatever method they use for customer services. Check their profile.
  2. I'm moving. But in response to your very interesting post, I suggest contacting billing support and seeing what they say about adding more special cases
  3. I think there are loads if you type AFK in search with adult enabled
  4. I am a diva, I have my minions do it for me ? I should have clarified, I just used the Maitreya hands and feet instead because I am too lazy to mess with all the appliers
  5. I am glad I don't need that. My other half just texts me if there is any reason he is logging in earlier or not at all to our arranged time
  6. I used .to be similar before I got a head, I had maitreya body, classic head, slink feet and vista hands. I used Pink Fuel skin and all their omega appliers to make it work. I got fed up with messing about with more appliers when I got my head so ditched the feet and hands and just used maitreya body and lelutka head, so only 2 appliers to mess with
  7. Well that's taught me something. 1. How hiding your status works (never done it, I just use auto respond if I am busy) and 2. Don't try and answer questions when you don't know how status hiding works. (which I think I do now)
  8. There could be many reasons. First place to start is open his profile and see if there is any info there; specifically is the option to ADD FRIEND available. If not and it is greyed out, then you are still friends and logging in at a different location could sort out your friends list but as he is not visible on the website or in world, it seems most likely he has removed you or possibly deleted his account.
  9. I better not post mine then. Haven't got time to tidy up
  10. My friends all got together to get me this bento horse for my birthday last month. I decided I should exercise him and get some sun
  11. I must resist, I must resist *sits on fingers*
  12. I don't have an answer but just wanted to say sorry for your loss and hugs, I hope you can find one
  13. I do this when I do a hunt too. Nothing worse than a distraction mid hunt before you have opened your grabs and you find something 3 months later called FH2#5 and
  14. Nothing absolutely nothing today. Nothing at all
  15. I spoke too soon, today I have been having mini freezes. Nothing major but it is Sunday so I have restarted the router, checked for updates for the laptop and restarted my sim where the freezes were happening. We will see later if this has stopped the freeze ups
  16. Have a look at the tutorials and FAQ here. Ignore that they are mostly talking about female avatars, the same principle applies when it comes to mesh bodies. http://meshbodyaddicts.com Its a lot to digest but this is a good reference point to start
  17. I've not had any of those problems and have been online for hours today. Are others reporting it too?
  18. You should probably see if the brand has a support group inworld first as there might be others with a similar problem
  19. Did anyone mention the importance of DEMO?
  20. Have a look here. Great resource for information on mesh bodies and heads http://meshbodyaddicts.com/
  21. 1. Demo what you like, costs nothing (mostly) I am not really a big shopper of clothes. If I see something I like I will buy it but mostly there are much more fun things to be doing than shopping. 2. I don't think so. I have clothes from a while ago that are much better quality than some recent purchases 3. You can't wear system clothes with a mesh body. You need mesh and appliers 4. The demo rule always applies no matter where you go. If you like it, go for it. You might find a gem in a smaller store that nobody else is wearing. Disclaimer: I am not a big clothing shopper. I live by the; ,I like it, I need it, I demo'd, fits, I bought it kind of rule.
  22. This! I was looking for a particular style dress the other day and tried 10 "Maitreya" demo's. Out of those 10, which all said they contained a Maitreya fit, TWO actually fitted. I wouldn't mind clicking the odd alpha cut but not the majority of my body.
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