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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. ooops I posted my reply as you did sorry
  2. This is a resident forum. You will need to contact billing support https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
  3. Feeling cheeky enough to even wear footwear
  4. Ignore this. Caught by the sort by date randomly changing to sort by vote and being blonde and not noticing
  5. My best friend is an aussie, I am from Liverpool. Our constant insult trading is a source of amusement to everyone and ourselves. The things I say to him I wouldn't dream of saying to others and likewise from him to me. Our humour just matches. Its a type of sarcasm but also self depreciating not everyone gets it no matter where they are from. That being said I know what not to joke about with him and what subjects to never touch on and vice versa. You just need to be aware of who you are joking with/about. If you deliberately choose to joke with someone about something you know hurts/is not funny to them/is against their beliefs then its not funny anymore and is trolling. LL won't ban you for this but sim owners/managers can and will. There is actually a huge difference between rudeness and joking and I think we have all at some time said something unwittingly that is rude to someone, we learn from it, apologise and don't do it again.
  6. Back when I won Miss Freebie Store Queen February 2009
  7. I had to use it for a week when my HD killed itself. It was good as a chat app. Even listening to a DJ and dancing via my hud. I could rez things but with difficulty and when I got back online properly, laughed at where the stuff was rezzed. Building would be impossible. I could change outfits easily with saved outfits but after 2 days I wanted to throw my tablet out the window in frustration. I repeat, It's a good chat app if you need to be social but if more than 2 people IM and then groups start popping open... prepare for typing in the wrong box
  8. Are they even legal anymore? I haven't worn one since my brush with bling shoes with click clack heels back in 2009
  9. You all look great. I however am ignoring the fact my skin did not want to log in to the Aditi grid with me today
  10. I believer this is a good idea for the founder of Tari's post as urmm dammnit I forgot why but now I am vaguely interested to know what happened to cause the OP to need this silly founder permission
  11. If the group is that important to the founder then don't make anyone co-owner apart from an alt. Again, the officer role is there for this eventuality. Nobody needs an extra permission. Founder has every option there to keep their group status safe. If THEY choose to make a co-owner, they know the possibilities are limited if they want to get rid of the co-owner. Any more first time posters coming for a say?
  12. Many things could cause this.. out of date credit card/paypal you should contact support. https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  13. It depends on if it's a statement piece of your outfit. Colour matched of course
  14. Funny you should say that, I thought my mouse was playing up too this week. I was moving our complete store into its new building and wore so much furniture it was ridiculous I thought i was just tired, the weather and laptop were hot and I was annoyed at having to do it all myself. A couple of times I looked back to my avi to find her without her clothes and mesh body but wearing a bed
  15. I haven't tested any yet but reading the above responses I am not going to rush
  16. My other half complains EVERY time that he needs a degree in the aeros hud. I say nevermind just leave it to me
  17. I dont have a ? I have Like and then when you hover over like a very dark box with black text with choices of Thanks HAHA Confused and Sad as well as just Like
  18. Do those videos cover colour matching because that is a huge thing to master with the new attachment
  19. Trying to look cool while reverse parking
  20. This might help with opening and wearing adding and attaching purchases. and for a Hud
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