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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. You need a credit card or a verified paypal account
  2. *watches your L$ draining from your account* love that store
  3. Gawd what am I doing today (not including rl child to school and dog stuff) I have; made a quiz for an event on Friday made a playlist for an event on Friday rescued my brother from a teleport putting him inside a window (oldest noob in sl) written marketplace text and keywords for 3 items tested and triple tested perms and functions on same 3 items as next owner taken on a new blogger and gone through stuff with her moved stuff around in the store to make space for new items I am now sitting quietly with a coffee before logging back in to report to the boss what I have done and join him to take pictures *wipes brow* ?
  4. Yeah thats always possible but he was able to rez it in a sandbox just not at home.
  5. Did you try a demo before buying the head? The MP listing doesn't mention its supposed to come with eyes. The owners profile doesn't offer any customer service other than try the demo, quite shocking. No customer notecards or IMs please... oh but is accepting events
  6. Keep in mind its 7 am for me.. and only half a cuppa drunk so far... Is it possible you have applied a demo skin to your head and need to reapply your regular skin?
  7. I guess give it a while until the unscheduled maintenance all clear goes out and try again?
  8. seems odd. Can you rez it at a sandbox or another location? I am assuming you don't need a group tag to rez at home
  9. I never thought that might be what the OP meant
  10. Have you entered the correct date of birth? Have you already created 2 avi's in a 24 hour period? More info here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alt_account_policies You haven't given us any information on what error message you might be receiving
  11. I was underwater swimming today and brought my male alt out to keep me company
  12. Out of curiosity I just rezzed it without a problem. So is it possible you are rezzing it on/in mesh, too close the parcel edge or you don't have 6 land impact left (as this is how many it is)
  13. I have been browsing this post on and off the last couple of days thinking nope all fine here.... until yesterday I was on my sim alone and cammed out and the whole screen suddenly locked up. After about 5 minutes waiting for it to become useable I was still frozen, couldn't shut down the viewer at all without using task manager. I thought it was just one of those random things until last night when I crashed in a tp and then later my partner was taking ages to tp and eventually I got the message he was online but he had never gone offline. It has been a long time since I had any issues like this. I will just put it down to restarts day. I rebooted the router overnight and today has been back to normal
  14. Have you by any chance been caught out by this?
  15. If its unchecked I don't know why they have charged you 2L$ for group liabilities. Best contact the group owner
  16. Open the group information. go to the members and roles tab. Highlight your role in the group. scroll down to accounting and make sure that pay group liabilities is unchecked
  17. Some groups pass on their group charges to members of the group. If you don't wish to pay towards this I suggest you leave the group. I have sent you 2L$ inworld to correct your balance. You should check any other groups you have joined to see if there is a group liability charge. ETA I have no links to this group. just doing my good deed for the day
  18. well if residents can't help you then Alwin is completely correct in her response to contact support. That's what LL are there for. People here are just trying to help as a courtesy, sweetie
  19. *cries and shakes*
  20. Nobody is being deliberatly obtuse. to remove you US$ balance back to rl you have to process credit, it this isnt possible contact support https://support.secondlife.com/?lang=en-US The people here are just residents trying to help you
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