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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. ahh yes, the government will legislate every social interaction to ensure "fairness". I feel so much better now.
  2. Suppose someone opened a restaurant, and posted a sign that said... "no blacks allowed". Someone else opens a restaurant next door that says "everyone welcome" If everything else was the same, (quality of service, price, etc) which restaurant will thrive and which one will fail?
  3. I'm talking about private business. Government services should be equally available to everything. I think forced segregation was wrong, but, I think forced integration is equally wrong.
  4. So there's no misunderstanding, my statement included the situation of posting the words "Whites Only" or "Blacks Only" on a private business establishment, either in SL or RL. The marketplace should decide if a business that restricts its customer base should thrive or fail.
  5. ooo I typed Addams into search on mp and that top came up on the first page. Its totally a deal, I'm gonna buy it for myself
  6. Phew, for a minute there I thought you were having a Whites only party.
  7. yes one should be able to totally discriminate based on any criterion they choose in deciding who they will allow on their property as customers. I'm gonna get royally roasted for saying this but I think business owners should have that same right in real life too.
  8. Me too. I'm much happier just being me instead of some one else's version of perfection. One time I had a guy tell me oh you look amazing, I must photograph you for a layout. When I showed up, first thing he said was "lose the bunny ears" Umm no, byeeeeee
  9. You work in SL because... you are in SL while you work. I escort whenever I get the chance, not because I need the money, I buy all the Lindens I need, but because I like getting paid for doing something I enjoy and would do anyway. If I make enough money to cover my rent, then that's a bonus, but its not why I do it.
  10. There's big money to be made in modeling in Second Life... as the owner of a modeling school. Avatars pay big bucks to learn how to be a fashion model. Lesson number one, max out your height slider, because doncha know even in RL all supermodels are 8 ft tall. After spending only thousands of lindens you too can be a fashionista, a runway model, adored by all the lowly avatars (like myself) that secretly snicker at you every time they see you. And, I speak from experience, one of my SL sisters constantly implores me to lift myself from the muck of the common herd to join her at the peak of fashion model perfection. *rolls eyes*
  11. The reason is I don't like kids, they are creepy and I don't want them on my land. They have every right to be in SL, just not on my property. I don't appreciate being called an a s s h o l e just for setting my own rules about who can be on my land.
  12. We have visited this topic before. No one has to justify banning any individual, or class of individual from their property
  13. Make sure you enable life first. I wanted a friend of mine to set up his property for the gold hunt quest, then we could at snipe anyone that showed up, but he was afraid there would be something ARable about that.
  14. There's nothing more satisfying than watch a child avi flying off your property when you eject and ban them. *grins*
  15. I'm usually right around 100,000. When i'm at a club I'll render each person in turn. If i like what i see, they stay rendered, otherwise its back to jelly land for them
  16. I went there several times and not once did anyone say anything in local. *grins*
  17. That's sounds like any random s e x sim one might happen to visit
  18. On a moderate sim, any land owner can designate any part of his property as nudity permitted. I've lost track of how many property owners on moderate sims have told me to cover up because being nude on moderate is against the TOS. To be honest I think a lot of them know it isn't against TOS to be nude on a moderate sim, they just want to make LL look like the heavy instead of showing themselves to be uptight prudes. And yes I'm fully aware of "their parcel, their rules" which is why I leave without making a fuss when they say something. *shrugs*
  19. I love how LL contradicts itself. Non sexual nudity is fine, but on the other hand, walking around nude isn't fine. *rolls eyes* Sometimes I think LL rules are not meant to clarify, but to create confusion
  20. All profiles, since they are viewable by anyone on the internet are supposed to have no adult content at all in them. Important: Content in profiles must be General, and must obey the Terms of Service and Community Standards. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/profiles-r395/
  21. But if our goal is to create some standard of perfection, our "ideal" self, why would anyone care to introduce imperfections? But to be honest some peoples dream avatar is another persons nightmare. As in while standing in a busy club with a gf saying in IM...OMFG look at the butt on her.
  22. Well LL's goal was to make lots of money, so while people inside SL have no set goal, SL itself reached its goal of being a successful commercial venture.
  23. of course, but there are reasonable limits to how accurately we can recreate a human body in avatar form.
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