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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. I you rez you already have lost. :) If you don't know what it is - delete. If you haven't touched it in years - delete. Don't think about it - with thousands of items that takes way too long - just click the delete button. If you can not do that - you are doomed to have an ever growing inventory :D
  2. Small changes sometimes don't trigger a viewer update. So it's there but you don't see it. If it's a bug it's a viewer bug, but maybe the sim server just don't send an update so it's LL's fault :) That's a general problem with small changes. Maybe try to move the tabs 1m instead of 1cm? I have no experiences with huds though - my huds move the texture position to change content. That seems to work.
  3. Not quite. llMapDestination too only works for the owner. For other avatars it only works when used in a touch event. So there is no useful way to teleport others by using a hud - except you use an experience. But experiences only work on land that have this experience enabled - so again, not useful for a hud.
  4. That gave me the idea to check my blocklist - is pretty long now! Most are shop owners and objects though - spam blocks. A nice side effect is that vendors with blocked owners no longer work - but unfortunately marketplace is not affected. If someone pisses me off by spamming too much garbage in chat or making too much noise/musik I'll quickly switch them off (block). Fire and forget :) Does not happen that often. Unwanted IM's don't need a block. If there is no reaction they assume I muted them and I never hear again anything. :)
  5. This is expected behaviour !!! A decimal floating point number like 0.1 or 1.0 or whatever is stored and computed in a binary format. And a 0.1 in decimal notation can not be converted into a binary format without using an infinite number of digits. So the number is cut off after using 32 or 64 bits or whatever float format is used. If you caculate with this number it is NOT a 0.1 it's just very close to a 0.1 If you compare 2 different calculations it's very probable that they are NOT equal even if they should. That's why I never compare 2 floats for equality - I compare if the difference is less than 0.0001 for example or whatever precision I need in this specific case.
  6. Use that link to install LSLForge into eclipse. It's still maintained. LSLForge - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elnewfie/lslforge/master/eclipse/
  7. A sripted Object can't teleport you that way. It only can do that if you are the owner of that object and only if you are not sitting - unsit before teleport is required. Only if you have entered an experience and the experience is enabled on that parcel a scripted teleport is possible by an object that is part of that experience. If you wear an object (NOT temp attached) then it can teleport you too. The 3rd possibility is to use RLV. There are no other options for a scripted teleport.
  8. I started scripting because I wanted to "move things" and you can not buy scripts that do your tasks. So you have to do it yourself or hire someone. Knowledge of programming is very helpful if you have no problem to learn new things. Once you find out the general concept of how scripts work in SL - things seem to be easy. Expect surprises in the specialties of SL scripting and alot of "oh's" - "what?" - "OMG's" though.
  9. I see some talking about memory limit and how the sim handles scripts and so on. Fact is that none of you has even the slightest clue how this things are internally handled. So reading that made me laugh. Until this things are officially documented by LL - I will NOT use llSetMemoryLimit because it has zero effect. Every talking about that is guessing and fairy tales and I don't believe in fairy tales - they only entertain me. :)
  10. Can be done comfortable with experiences. 1. use PRIM_SCRIPTED_SIT_ONLY to prevent sitting on the object. 2. the script can detect what prim is clicked and what distance the avatar has and perform a force sit. (llSitOnLink) That way you get an easy one click sit. Experience required!
  11. set_texture_grid (integer num, integer grid_size_x, integer grid_size_y, integer face) { float step_x = 1.0 / (float)grid_size_x; float step_y = 1.0 / (float)grid_size_y; integer part_x = num % grid_size_x; integer part_y = num / grid_size_x; float pos_y = -0.5 + step_y/2.0 + step_y*(float)(grid_size_y - part_y - 1); float pos_x = -0.5 + step_x/2.0 + step_x*(float)part_x; llScaleTexture(step_x,step_y,face); llOffsetTexture(pos_x,pos_y,face); } Just some math. "num" is the number of the grid element starting at top left with "0" 2nd row will start with "8" (in your case) and so on.
  12. Yes, keys are strings (kind of) and an uninitialized key or an uninitialized string is an empty string wich is not the same as a NULL_KEY.
  13. llDie kills the object and doesn't care for sitters. I observe it regularly since I have some interior that is hosted in rezzers. (NOT temp rezzers) I'd wish the avatar would crash to the ground when the couch vanishes but SL is pretty unspectacular here. :)
  14. A few weeks ago I had sticking login data on FS. I found them in the settings.xml and removed them manually. I'm clean now so maybe that was some leftover of a previous FS version? However, if you edit the settings.xml manually you must not damage the structure of that xml file, so make a copy b4 you try or just delete the settings.xml and start with a clean one. In the same folder is a file with the name bin_conf.dat which holds your login credentials. Delete that too and your FS should no longer have any stored login data.
  15. The if else statements are chaotic and can not work example: else if (step == 3) { if (msg == CT) { llSetText("Step " + (string)step + " completed move on to next step",<.004,1.0,0.439>,OPAQUE); ++step; llWhisper(0,"Move on to " + (string)step); } else if (step != 3) { llWhisper(0,"Wrong Tool - Resetting"); step = 1; } } "if (step != 3)" will never become executed for example. Make a plan and start with the steps Step 1 - what is needed to get there? Where you can go from there under what conditions? So you get a graph with some arrows and conditions for a start.
  16. - you don't know if that person is in your groups, is one of your neighbours or even on your friends list since you have no clue how many and what alts this person has. - since a script can easily alert this person whenever you log in that doesnt matter anyways. - how can this person send you IM's while blocked?
  17. pfff ... mouse pushers make a TEXT file - for example "sl.cmd" (ending on .cmd is mandantory) Put that content in and save: start "Second Life" /WAIT /B "c:\Program Files\Firestorm-Releasex64\Firestorm-Releasex64.exe" del /Q "c:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Firestorm_x64\nova_convair\screen_last.bmp" Make a desktop link to that batch file and give it a nice icon and launch sl with that link then. Adapt the pathnames to your system and viewer of course b4 you try.
  18. ok, tested it and I can confirm the behaviour. llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_ALPHA_MODE, ALL_SIDES, PRIM_ALPHA_MODE_NONE, 200]); llSleep(0.1); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_ALPHA_MODE, ALL_SIDES, PRIM_ALPHA_MODE_MASK, 200]); That solved the issue. Don't know if the sleep is necessary. I couldn't test it again. The 2nd cube I rezzed behaved differently and works fine with the original script. Funny
  19. If you want to use it on an expression that works too: integer ichan = (integer)("-"+llGetObjectDesc());
  20. One thing to remember for the future: llDetectedxxx functions do NOT work in listen events.
  21. The space is whereever you want it to have. You get it by setting or enjoying a matching windlight setting or a build (space bubble).
  22. If you look at the charts you see a crash or attack every few hours: http://gridsurvey.com/economy.php With this repeating pattern I think it's an attack but LL will surely say something when things are settled.
  23. When changing position of a skybox I hover next to it in the air. Then I select everything by lasso-ing it multiple times from different angles. Then select the Z-arrow of the movment cross and hold the mouse button on the arrow and press pgup or pgdn at the same time and fly to the new height. The selected objects will follow me. It's easy and done in a minute. For a building-noob there are some possibilities of failure as you play with multiple controls and camera at the same time. If you fail just repeat - it's a good practice ?
  24. The permissions giving to an experience are the same than every other permission in SL. 3 differences: - for an experience you give them all at once - you can easily revoke everything. (note: the permission you give to a danceball you can NOT revoke) - permissions are only granted at the place the experience is active So reading the thread made me laugh multiple times - lots of funny hysteria - very entertaining You can of course debate if experiences need to be forced. For an RP sim that doesnt wan't tourists: YES! Kick 'em out. Everything other installation: depends. I personally would make a different approach here. I would simply ignore everybody that is not in experience in my scripts. They can stumble around on their own and try to find someting interesting or get into locations without entrance on their own. I noticed that you can prevent sitting on objects too, so nobody can block things. No need for pressure. I dont't think the tourists would not stay for long anyways.
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