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Monti Messmer

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Everything posted by Monti Messmer

  1. Hello, no idea about this specific thing but i had some pages refusing yahoo and other emails because "they are in the spam-list" or whatever. If possible try another email account to sign up. Monti
  2. Hi, the terms buy and rent in SL are a bit misleading. You always rent land. Like in RL you own land but you have to pay yearly taxes for it. Either you rent land from Lindens (mainland) or from a landlord (private regions) you have to pay a monthly fee. If you would pay a private owner for a year or two and then this person decides to leave SL and abandon the land, your money would be lost. Short answer: No. Monti
  3. Look around other texture stores to see about pricing. Demand EU/US ..., well you would have to ask car makers but. Best is to open a shop and see how it goes. No one can give the 1Mio$ instruction how a SL buisness works. Ok, one thing maybe. Don´t be too cheap just to sell for less than other merchants. Quality work has it´s price. Monti
  4. Cannot understand why this would be a private information. Could be nice to see when a sim was "opened", just for curiosity. Well that´s LL. Monti
  5. While this avatars may be nice for starters but they just add on confusion. I wish they would remove the system avatar and replace with a standard modifiable mesh avatar, all creators can use to build clothes and stuff. And that long ago before we had different mesh avatars with incompatible "shapes" and functions. And mesh-ava-creators that can´t be bothered to support even smaller creators with a developer kit. Anyway that´s too late now Monti
  6. It´s a real time social platform, if most everyone would hide from others for whatever reason, we could call it Faceb..k Monti
  7. Didn´t read all the stuff maybe i missed your connection type ? Wireless Internet ? Recently i have alot of problems accessing SL wireless and thats mentioned on the forums very often. Newer WLAN cards often crash while the old ones keep working. Monti
  8. Kids around 13 and up (maybe younger) being shocked about SL Sex ? really. Most of them know all of it already and done some things in RL too. It´s not babies its kids in the puberty, having the Internet ! No one needs Dads ugly old magazines to see some ti..s To the topic: This would finally bring the end of second life, as seen by many people through all the years it exist. In the last years we lost alot of freedom in SL and that already killed parts of the fun. Monti
  9. Hi, sorry to hear about your bad second life but it´s not much they can do. Ban one avatar, that person just makes a new one and another and another.... It´s like avoid viruses. Anti-Virus update, virus update ... Still, i think lindens really keep themselfs out of troubles with this - Resident to Resident dispute - we´re not getting involved thing. Have a break calm down, maybe make another avatar or if you cannot deal with leave SL. It´s not worth harm yourself about it, it´s supposed to be fun ! And like Alwin said, dutch ?, posting here doesn´t help much because Lindens don´t often read/answer posts, but you could blow your steam off Monti
  10. Monti Messmer

    land stream

    OGG isn´t supported anymore ? Been a while since i was DJ, thanks for the info ! Monti
  11. Second Life really heats up my macbook because it takes alot of rendering power from CPU and GPU, maybe a fan is blocked ? I run graphics music and developer software and only the SL client really push my mac to the limits. (because of the not mac style programming) Monti
  12. Hallo, es gibt neue Einstellungen in den Land/Sim-Rechten. Möglicherweise hat der Sim-Owner das noch nicht bemerkt ? Laut LL sollte es aber keine Probleme in der Übergangszeit geben - sollte! Falls ich das falsch verstanden habe liegt es an der sehr knappen Fehlerbeschreibung Monti
  13. It´s 2 quotes saying the same, do not use "LIFE" in your viewers name. I cannot understand why the world life is a TM, damn i used it right now. It´s like Microsoft do not allow the use of Operating System or such. Usually i wouldn´t care but right now i´m looking for a name where people should see what it´s ment for. Back to the thinkdesk Monti
  14. I cannot believe that LL forbid any 3rd party viewer to use "life" as a part of it´s name. I know you have all the rights to do so but this limitation is way overdone. Not using Second Life Viewer or whatever ... ok; but things like Virtual Life ???? honestly Sorry just hat to spit this out, now i´m quiet again. Monti
  15. @Klytyna hate threads help no one. Looking at the Laptop market, Macs have gained alot, anyway. Because the original viewer is made for windows, like most/all developers might work with mac but develop first for Windows because of the greater market, the current mac viewer is just a port and will always be. Some of the technique used is way out of date, like XMLRPC login ... Mac doesn´t have and want to support old versions, that was always the problem for windows. Stay compatible. A real mac viewer had to be written from base but use out of date stuff. Some people had a look into the viewer code to really create a mac viewer but that´s not a 2 friends project, you would need alot people write 1000s of lines and each update on the SL viewer you had to check in all changes again. All for no money ! like the firestorm crew does. Monti
  16. System informationen wären hilfreich. Betriebssystem, Grafikkarte, welcher Viewer - Version....(im viewer gibts dafür einen menuepunkt, persönliche Info löschen und hier posten) alle Updates gemacht ? Neuinstallatoion bringt meistens nix bei diesem Problem. Monti
  17. You have nothing to do with all the different servers. The ingame object connects to "YOUR" server, the linden server are only a gate between this relaying the communication. Your object/server never "talks" to the Linden server directly. Look at the answer about HTTP connectoins to outside WebServices. If your object wants to read the friendlist and stuff, that is done ingame with LSL and no outside connection is needed. Monti
  18. Hi, it isn´t only the mesh body. With mesh bodies all clothes even underwear ... is a separate item. On the system avatars alot clothes, pants shirts .... were just textures that didn´t add much (except 3000x300 textures for gloves!) I´m still as old-style as old my avatar is. Hiding my feet Monti
  19. Hello, make things for the system avatar isn´t quite popular. You have to research/google about "Second Life Mesh" and then "apply skins to mesh avatars". If you cannot use 3D software like Blender to make your own mesh avatar it´s hard to find one you could apply a -drawn texture- = skin without further knowledge about UV-Maps and stuff. Anyway now you have some words to google to get an idea about SL avatars. There are great videos on YT too explaining the old style system avatars and the mesh thingies. Monti
  20. Hi, there is a project running for at least a text-only-viewer, but that depends if apple accept it. The rules for Apps on iTunes are ridiculous. Maybe the reason the only app ever was removed from there. A full featured viewer with graphics, well i doubt it because all the controls (no mouse, no separate keyboard) would make on to rewrite the whole interface and controlling. Monti
  21. Hallo, weißt du, daß items jetzt in einen gesonderten Ordner geliefert werden ? Extra "Reiter" im Inventar hab gerade den Namen nicht im Kopf. Das mal was nicht ankommt kann immer passieren aber dann entweder den Händler anschreiben oder ingame nach eine Redelivery-Terminal suchen. In 10 Jahren hatte ich nur ein mal, daß items vom Land verschwunden sind. Oftmals hatte ich keine Rechte oder das falsche Tag und dann ging alles in den Lost&Found, manchmal dauert das allerdings einige Minuten oder Stunden. Auch kann es sein, daß man was rezzt und nicht genug Prims/LI auf dem Land verfügbar sind. Sorry seit dem Mesh-kram blick ich da auch nicht mehr durch. Wenn wirklich items verschwinden, sei es aus dem Inventar oder vom Land kann man leider nur den Weg über ein Ticket gehen; oder falls du des englischen mächtig bist einen englischen Post im General Forum (oder ähnlich) schreiben. Neuerdings sieht man da wirklich öfter mal einen Linden antworten und helfen !!! @iCadeCopy items kaufen ist ein toller Tipp wenn der Händler diese nicht anbietet. Monti
  22. Monti Messmer


    The Internet of Things is made of things connected to the net. But the Internet is still not a/the thing it´s just the glue keeping things together Monti
  23. Für Camping, dazu gehört auch Putzen (was nur eine Animation ist, da Putzen in SL keinen Sinn erfüllt) gibt es weniger als der Strom zum Betrieb des PCs kostet; vielleicht 5L$ die Stunde oder so. Ordentliche Kleider oder anderes Zubehör kostet vielleicht so um die 250 L$. Einfaches Rechenbeispiel ... sinnlos. Wie schon, leider mit Google Translator erwähnt, wenn man etwas Talent hat kann man das zu Geld machen. Aber Vorsicht ! Um wirklich einen gut bezahlten Job zu bekommen ist oft ein großes Investment an Zeit nötig. Feste Schichten oder für das erstellen von Objekten, viel Zeit in 3D-Software usw. Für ein paar Euros kann man ordentlich L$ bekommen, das ist keine Arbeit kostet keine Zeit. Monti
  24. @Chase While i agree with you on the refund part, at least in my country you cannot get ownership on stolen things. Police will remove items from you without refund and with some luck they wont arrest you for "having" (not owning) this items. So, deleting copybotted products from inventories isn´t much different. Fair ? No, but life isn´t Monti
  25. If someone shows online and isn´t sending an IM can fix it. This feature is not 100% reliable. You could also look into a group you both belong to. Monti
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