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Monti Messmer

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Everything posted by Monti Messmer

  1. Leider ist das zumindest bei Apple nicht so. Alles was man bekommt ist eine Liste wie viele Apps, diesen Monat, verkauft wurden und in welches Land. Ein richtiges Formular ist das nicht und der Betrag ist nur "geschätzt" ?!? Mal sehen was das Finanzamt mit mir macht, ist ja bald Steuerzeit Monti
  2. Hallo, such dir einen Steuerberater für Internet-Jobs. Das gleiche gilt für Einnahmen aus App-Verkäufen aus den App-Stores ... Niemand dort stellt eine ordentliche Abrechnung zur Verfügung. Die Einnahmen müssen eine gewisse Grenze (hab ich grad nicht zur Hand) übersteigen um eine steuerliche Relevanz zu bilden. Danach kann man nur die Zahlungseingänge, auf einem gesonderten Konto, in das Steuerformular eintragen. (Einkünfte aus selbständiger Arbeit) Vielleicht hilft auch ein Besuch auf dem Finanzamt, manchmal trifft man dort sehr freundliche und fähige Mitarbeiter. Leider ist die Rechtslage hier sehr vage, also mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Monti
  3. Surprises in virtual worlds will enver end. Not a fan of him but listen to Einsteins famous saying "Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the former. " Monti and out
  4. Hi, what do you mean with multi-threaded ? Of course a lot processes run in the background, more or less same time. The official SL client starts several background tasks for rendering a scene and still stays responsible for chatting ... Maybe i misunderstood your question, but it´s close to weekend so Monti
  5. Hi, some clubs have their own streams. Not talking DJs are - in my opinion - uselesss. Thats like turn on radio. I do not mention the license stuff and this because you should already know about. Monti
  6. And check your connection if it´s WLan, forget about. This did work years back but now the traffic has increased because more and more people have WLan´s around you and more "things" in our homes use WLan connections. Well, thats a reason why i cannot run SL via WLan anymore. Homeautomation, Alexa n stuff. Monti
  7. Hello, since mesh the re-selling of premades has exploded and thus makes it hard to trace copybotted items. I understand your frustration that stolen items cannot be removed quicker and the thief won´t be punished harder but as said by others it´s not that easy today to separate the good from the bad. A lot creators (real creators), not just "retexture resell" because they only own the texture, can/want not go the way of DMCA. If you live outside the US it´s pointless. If the thief lives outside, it´s pointless. Thinking that the US law applies to the whole world is pointless. Report it to the original creator and try to forget, or that will make your SL just a hate place! Monti
  8. Hi, didn´t update till now. Since you not only pointed out the problem but even provided a workaround - thumbs up ! Monti
  9. Hallo, WLan und SL sind keine Freunde. Habe 3 Laptops von alt bis super-neu und apple probiert, alle brechen die Verbindung nach kurzer Zeit ab. Online-Spiele wie SL die ständig mit dem Server reden und dabei tonnenweise Daten übertragen stören sich am kleinsten Aussetzer. Sonst wäre plötzlich das Geld weg oder sonstwas. Wenn der Router und dein PC das neueste superschnelle LAN unterstützen und die Entfernung nicht zu groß ist kann das gehen, ansonsten hat bei mir nur LAN-Kabel durchs Wohnzimmer geholfen. Monti
  10. @Rolig Loon Sorry, we can't show this content because you do not have permission to see it. A picture ? i only see a sad smiley and this text. Monti
  11. I see all the reasons others say why they should have not made a better avatar, but i agree to you they should have! Especially starters have a hard time not to only learn how SL works, now they have to dive into technology, google read try ... As i started it was only to find nice hair, new skin and play with the sliders. Now you need appliers, mesh body, hand, feet clothes that fit THIS avatar, HUDs to make all look even .... Well, it´s pointless they didn´t and so we have to deal with, nothing will change it. For the few people that are good in blender, it´s great. I do not want to learn this weird software to make 1-2 $ on a set of clothing that might fit 1-2 different mesh-bodies and 5 others not. Or dealing with mesh-body-makers that only support the major creators with a creators-kit and the rest buys premades and re-textures them. How boring Monti
  12. Hallo, Freitags ist auf BDSM-Island Party (meistens ist ja Urlaubs-zeit). Auf der Party ist der BDSM/Sex-kram nicht so gern gesehen, also ganz normal (für SL). Monti
  13. Hello, the Radegast Viewer started as a text only viewer and now even has a 3D thingie. http://radegast.org/wiki/Radegast_Download It´s not that easy to install, needs some dependencies to add and stuff. There is a new iOS text-only client on it´s way, not approved by LL till now. Monti
  14. Hi, while i don´t care much, because this isn´t my forum, i think stories especially not about SL ones, would fit better on a blog than forums. Monti
  15. That url could be the url for the SIM where you put the ingame tool thingie. Best would be ask the creator on their homepage. Monti
  16. And it´s not only America you have to care about, it´s the whole world Right now i´ve learned pointing a finger to your head cost a few hundred euros but in US it´s showing others there´s police ahead! Gosh that´s funny. Monti
  17. @Corenia Bakerly this app is not available in my country but afaik. It shows your friends online with data read from your dashboard (webpage) To chat with people you need to buy another tool, ingame SL, place it on land owned by YOU! Then you can chat but it looks only to people who are online. If you only want to see whos online or not, just create a bookmark for the SL dashboard in your mobile browser. Monti
  18. Damit man Kleider für den Body machen kann die auch passen und nicht nur prefabs die jeder umfärbt und als "neu" verkauft Monti
  19. An app for what ? iOS, Android, Windows, Mac OS ...
  20. Mesh bodies kann man in der Größe anpassen, daher sollte jeder funktionieren. Das mit dem eigenen Skin wird wohl eher nix. Developer Kits von Maitreya kannst vergessen die rücken nix mehr raus. Falls auf dem marktplatz nichts zu finden ist dann kann man nur nach custom-avatars suchen/fragen, aber das wird teuer. Monti
  21. But even in RL you pay for the commercials on TV, radio, hate them or not. They should have this in the rental agreement to know before you rent ! And i agree that group liablities are a bad feature for most (not all) groups. Monti
  22. @Jerilynn Lemon jepp the symbol is banned and against the law. Sure asian people could find that funny or even racist but that´s another dumb law. Even in history books you an get into trouble for using the symbol. Modell cars, planes ... cannot show the symbol too. German people should avoid that sim or facing jail. For all other countries i see no problems. Because LL is an american company, and they can use the symbol all day long there´s no problems, again. Maybe if the german police would notice and than ask LL to ban all german people from the sim, but holy crap - that´s not going to happen. Monti The symbol didn´t kill people and deny parts of a countries history is just stupid and ignorant. No one is bothered if kids play cowboys and indians, even the "cowboys" got money for killing millions of native americans. Deal with your history not ban it, that will only raise people to glorify the crap each and every country did in history.
  23. Sansar was never Second Life 2, and after a visit, this time Lindens spoke the truth. Look at the forums here, so many people ask if their computer setup is enough, or why their Laptop cannot do this or that. Now you need a very good PC plus several hundreds of $ for a VR headset plus plus.. I loved SL for the easiness of creating things "ingame" (bad this got removed with mesh) and the amount of people from all over the world. Sansar looks like to only have the nerds, sorry it´s not ment bad more like - only for people that invest in new technology that has no real use right now. That leaves out me and alot of my SL friends because most cannot afford that technology or dealing with the amount of up/download rate Sansar needs. SL isn´t dying but people loose interest, it´s here for over 10 years. Count the people that are still active on games of that age. Monti
  24. Because LL cannot know if the maker has the permission, they had to find out the copyright holder, ask them if they gave permission, then file a complaint in someone elses name, maybe enter court for someone else ... That´s why things are as they are. Your things your problem. If you make a batman costume all yourself ! i don´t see as this can harm the copyright owner because they do not, like you say, care if that exists in SL. (Actually they do care, trust me) As for ripped stuff from Deviantart ... that´s just a matter of manpower vs. damage $. Personally, i´m not a police officer, not getting payd for care about others stuff - so all this doesn´t bug me. Monti
  25. Apple is not behind Android, because you compare an OS to a product. It´s comparing market share of cars to lamborghini´s. Anyway, most if not all Android apps go back to a library developed long ago and sadly the maker died a few years back. This library was made for MS and could "easy" be ported to android but NOT iOS. So, one had to write a complete new graphics engine, iPhones could handle a 3D viewer, instead of just add a few components. The time needed for that would never pay back. Apple developers sure know better ways to make money and that´s about it. Just as a sidenote. I was checking into a 3D Viewer for iPhones but refused because that´s not a job for an single indie developer to only gain fun and fame, not money Monti
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