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Monti Messmer

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Everything posted by Monti Messmer

  1. Well hows about using one of these dance-chimeras, some are free and u can strip off the crappy dances to replace with your animations. A few of them use menus, others chat-commands, to select animation. Animation-Overriders where you can switch thru poses could do the job too. Need some research but i bet you´ll find something.
  2. Searching items in related doesn´t really work perfect, btw what does on the new Marketplace ! I have one outfit that never shows up under related only when i type in the full name...
  3. Hi, fully agree to all. One thing to add. Some have only a store on SLM because inworld sales kept dropping. Actually i make 99% from SLM. With only having a store on SLM it is more likely this people take their money out of SL because they have not a single reason to spend inworld.
  4. Might be odd to say but have u tried place a 2nd Magic Box on another sim ? For some reason lately it keeps switching delivery between my 2 boxes (on different sims), never happened before only if the main sim was offline.
  5. Like it or not that is the future. Please leave that silly comments about overpriced whatever.... No one watches porn if you ask friends but they make billions each year ! This wouldn´t only be for the iPhone, the mobile market is getting bigger than the PC market. No matter which manufacturer, a small version of SL could run on the newest mobiles. There was a software to connect to a running SL on your PC, bit like one here allready said. Render on a server or in the "cloud".
  6. Its nothing with the Boxes. Open the marketplace webpages then check if you set a sale-price. Try to buy your own item. Next see if there is a split-amount set so your money goes to someone else. Check also account history because your ingame balance might not change quick (SL Servers or Viewer problem)
  7. This might be the "next owner" bug. Even you are the creator owner..... when you rezz items and take them back, sometimes or allways? you are the next owner and so you loose the full perm. Allways keep a full perm copy in your inventory and only change perms before give away. Can´t remember how often i told this to myself :smileywink: Sorry, this doesn´t help you much but maybe someone else have better infos.
  8. Hello a combination of Linden scripting and some PHP could do that job for you. But like said before, why would a club want listeners outside ? They don´t cause traffic or tip .... Sometimes as i was DJ i gave my URL to friends who couldn´t or want to be on SL, but that was my choice. Means, the club would need to ask all performers for the right to do ....
  9. Hallo, also ich denke nicht dass jemand eine spezielle Software für Haare benutzt. Es gibt einen Importer für prims allerdings braucht man dafür auch noch einen exporter in Maya. Den kenne ich jetzt nur für AC3D und 3dMax. Denke wohl, die meisten erstellen "ihre" Haare direkt mit dem SL Editor und dann fleilßig copy/paste bis der Kopf voll ist :smileywink:
  10. Wait, this happened seriously ? Oh dear and i thought i´m a patient person when it comes to buggers. Knowing what he "wanted", i told him to leave after the first 2 or 3 lines. First lesson to learn, respect others privacy. Well the little level of privacy you can have in SL.
  11. This is even more funny when you get bombed with group-invites on enter a shop or club ... from bots but the group is invite only :smileysurprised:
  12. That be the first time Lindens do something quick. With the weekly server-rollouts we allready have enough to cope. I hope they wait till all the important questions are answered and then release Mesh on the MG. ...Prim Count...Upload Cost...Size Limits... and more more more
  13. Hallo, vor Viewer 2 waren es noch viel weniger. Dies ist eine Serverseitige beschränkung um Lag zu vermeiden. Ob dies sinnvoll ist wird in vielen anderen Posts diskutiert. Allerdings gibt es jetzt die Möglichkeit mehrere Dinge and einem "spot" zu attachen. Möglicherweise braucht das dann eine Neuausrichtung ... Sicher keine große Hilfe aber als Mann reichen mir üblicherweise 4 oder 5 :smileywink:
  14. Hello, check the usual places for dances. Sine Wave, 3FX and others. Some dances can be used for poles too. But be aware that the market for dance-poles is pretty tough. The makers of good dances won´t usually give them away for sale cos a pole is nothing than a stick with good or bad dances in it. The scripts and design are the "easier" part. Good Luck ! Monti
  15. Hello, while Ardy Lay´s (hope i spelled your name right!) script is very helpful for DJs and this, more and more internet radio stations make it useless. They don´t have the 7.html or whatever page to get the infos and alot are forcing you to use their own player. I´m still working on a way to get this directly from the stream but that stupid thing called RL won´t leave me enough time :smileywink: This would be an outside solution via PHP .....
  16. What Cato said and ... For short yes. If you slam down a Linden in the forums there is no difference in doing that ingame; well for me
  17. While i agree to have more options to keep people away from places, ban by IP and we´r back at R..zone. The Jira says "Avatars connected to this account..." but how to know. The closest would be ban then machines hardware-adress but like email and .... this can be faked to easily. Someone who wants to grief or stalk will never state the same email-addy than used at the main account; well i hope or this person deserves a lifetime ban :smileyvery-happy:
  18. Hello, even Mac and iPad/iPhone share the OS the difference is the CPU speed and the Graphics. However some text only clients with rough mapping and inventory support, fully chat, are avail. The new Linden CEO spoke about this in an interview and who knows what will happen when this "HTML"-viewer is released.
  19. Create a prim, go to the content tab and click the button "Create New Script" Open this and paste the lines in it. Then put you animation in it too and voila it works. A notecard is just plain text and won´t operate in any way. Still confused, just ask again no worries !
  20. "Dropped in the notecard of the script that I had copied and pasted from your post" Hi, not a notecard?!? Create new script and put the code in. Script, Animation goes into the prims content tab. If you used a script nvm my post
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