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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. "whiskey-sheer" "woo-stir-sheer" This has always been a challenge for me since childhood. I like this one better.
  2. As a younger avatar who missed many works of art before their time, I only know Mr. Frost as the guy who sang the Rockstar parody song.
  3. This avatar, I think I need this in my SL. May I ask where you got it?
  4. Altamura is already mentioned. I recently learned of a new release of two dollarbie bodies from DNA: I had an alt try out the Brox and found it okay. The head is not detachable and the body has no nails, so forget about nail polish. As for clothing, it works well with standard size clothes and can be made to wear Gianni, Jake, and TMP fits with alpha layers. But tighter fitting clothing such as boxers and thongs will not fit. Head skins from other brands don't look so hot, but older pre-BoM skins seems to work better. No, no, and no. I am way too picky with the way my avatars look to be satisfied with a "one-stop-shop" type of package.
  5. Trying to fool the internet into thinking I'm not a #ForeverAlone loser.
  6. *laughs in alt* My typist talks to himself all the time, which might explain how I got manifested into SL by spinning off from Greg.
  7. Chez Moi is having a 50% off sale from May 10th to 14th, excluding gift cards and gachas. https://twitter.com/ChezMoiSL/status/1391740340885991427
  8. Free gifts at Fameshed with free group join: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FaMESHed/168/177/22 From left to right: Cloverleaf Anniversary Wall by Galland Homes Fancy Decor: Dome Lamp Atelier Burgundy . Gift Norwich Side Table Tuesdays Antiqued Caged Candles Gift MH Lana Candles David Heather - Retro Flatscreen ChicModa // Doormat // Hello 220ML - Gouveia Wine Kraftwork Shabby Console Desk . Laptop ACORN Trio Book Gift -Make a Wish Pitaya - Straw Baskets *Tentacio* Nostalgia console -BigBear- Autumn Corner - Basket 02 DaD "Industrial Photo frame" Dahlia - Sunny - Doormats
  9. Long Awkward Pose. Greg still has the old AO he got as a under-30-days-old gift. Wavie Haller used to have a store, Sacred, for skins and Valiant for clothes. He now makes furniture.
  10. So that's where the "I regret nothing" chicken is from.
  11. Apple Fall. Their stuff are amazingly detailed and reasonably low LI. If you walk through their store, you can pick up some freebies scattered throughout.
  12. I come in with a plate of biscotti thinking this thread was about baked sweet things of the crisp crunchy types and soft chewy kind.
  13. I had my first shot of Moderna a week ago. It made me sleepy for the night and I had soreness at the injection site for two days. I'm due for a second one in a couple weeks. I've been advised to drink plenty of water before going in and move your arm around to ward off some soreness. Wished someone had told me that before I had my first one. haha
  14. Alwin and Rowan already mentioned the camming around. Anyone using firestorm can derender and it's "peekaboo I see you". Your best bet for complete privacy is to put it on another parcel or isolated sim with no public access and take off the check-mark option for 'Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel'.
  15. Soup Labels secondlife:///app/group/665f4f09-a98d-b9ae-96f7-0407e9954060/about
  16. I love BoM. Would it be a stretch to say that I love it more than pizza? It is so much easier to locate the system layer to add or remove instead of racking my brain trying to remember which applier HUD has the clear button so I could whip out another HUD to apply another tattoo, all the while forgetting I could've used the body HUD to clear everything to square one. Those body onion layers with the alpha glitch that causes tattoos to disappear? And be limited to only two onion layers if you want to wear multiple tattoos? I do not want to go back to those days.
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