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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. The pupper, yes. The crab? It deserves to take a dip in a crab boil with the potatoes and corn.
  2. I'm in so much pain, I can't even englisch right. XD They weren't joking when they said the second shot effects is worse than the first. I'm on day 3 and felt feverish at times but temperature remained at 98.5. I also got the headache too.
  3. I got my second shot was yesterday. There's swelling and pain at the injection site. Now I can't move my shoulder. 😭
  4. Got some ice cold lemonade and chilling with Herr No Drama Llama. SL is good.
  5. Let's see if I can pull this challenge off as a guy. Head: Head 02 *Aquiline Nose - Ca'lum - L$1 Body: TMP classic dollarbie - L$1 Skin: BROX [L'Homme] Readers Gift by DNA - L$0 Outfit: <Kalback> Work Trousers FULLPACK (L'Homme gift) - L$0 Shoes: L&B Swear Nomad Boots - Gamer Dust (Fameshed gift) - L$0 Total cost: L$2
  6. The no-bake key lime cheesecake is my go to when I want to whip up something fast. 16 ounces cream cheese at room temperature 14 ounces sweetened condensed milk juice and zest of one lime (about 1/4 cup juice) Graham crackers or gingersnap cookies 1) mix cream cheese, condensed milk, and juice together in a bowl. 2) line cookies on bottom of small glass dish (mine is 6.5″ x 5″). A loaf pan would work too. 3) spoon half of cheesecake mixture over cookies and smooth it out. 4) add a layer of cookies and spoon remaining half of cheese mixture 5) refrigerate until set
  7. Yes it is, but it's actually a dollarbie. Find it here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Meshbody/128/117/48 Look for the sign that says #FREE Classic. Then pick a gender. Pay the vendor that says "Get the free edition". The other vendor is a full price version at $2500L; you don't want that.
  8. Hey, that's Phillip Linden, the first Linden god. He's allowed to wear any kind of hair he wants.
  9. Thanks. I just filed it: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-230789
  10. I've updated the offical viewer to Release and noticed my alpha layers aren't working anymore, even after multiple relogs. Any insights on this?
  11. How else could we whip our hair back and fourth without flexi?
  12. Eddy Vortex


    He didn't even thank the people who gave him viable answers. How rude indeed. Kids these days. </curmudgeon>
  13. Welcome back. I suggest Skell Dagger's primer to get you up to speed on mesh body parts: https://virtualbloke.com/archives/3711 There is a feature called Bakes on Mesh that allows you to wear your old system skins with mesh parts. You can browse the tutorials on Bakes on Mesh: https://virtualbloke.com/tutorials As for the offerings on the market, Poema carries some mature skins and Logo has a mesh head, Victor. Hopefully someone else can come up with more suggestions.
  14. Some people don't want their houses to be open spaces for randos and I respect their right to use orbs. I have no issues with responsible orb owners complying with Bellisseria's covenant. You're right about the snide remark towards (some) orb users. My snark is more directed at those who have theirs at hostile settings.
  15. Same for me. I'm seeing the one with the blue avatar that may or may not be from inworld. Are we supposed to be seeing something different?
  16. Firestorm otakus are an odd bunch. Sid is not the only user of the official viewer and his reason is a valid one. If something goes wrong, there is a real company with a real address that can be held responsible. Third party viewer? Who you gonna collar when things go pear-shaped? I prefer the offical viewer for additional reasons other than security. I get to play with the latest features before TPVs get around to updating their wares. BoM is one example. When it went live, it took Firestorm weeks to catch up. Sure, I can't derender and will never know who's ogling my butt; do I really care about whose name is attached to the crosshairs? I also never have to worry about random RLV controls. As for the local chat commands like gth? I can plug in the elevation number after the last trailing slash in the surl bar in the offical viewer and it works just fine. 😛
  17. Half the time the orbs are illegally set at less than 10 seconds or even zero second in some cases. Sometimes lag or sim borders can slow them down so bad that they can't move fast enough. Not necessarily of their own doing.
  18. 1) Modern mesh with low LI makes it possible to have free LI leftover after I finish with decorating the ground. 2) With the leftover LI allotment, I can build another household in the sky where my homeless friends will have a place to crash, and my alts won't have to squat in sandboxes anymore. 3) Because I can. To stay on topic, I don't use security orbs and never will. People are free to wander in both my Linden houses and even help themselves to some food in the kitchen. There are times I have to fish a lost plane or car out of my waters because someone fell victim to an overzealous orb. My sympathies are with them. I am more irate at orb owners for tossing their victims from their vehicles. What good does that do? It's not like they can rearrange the furniture and some such.
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