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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. The Smurfs have the best theme song. I was happy to discover, back in the early aughts, that a midi clip of it exists and could be put into my old Nokia phone as a ring tone. Having young kids in your life is a always good excuse for cartoons without having to justify yourself. I have younger cousins and friends with young kids so I got to be a bit familiar with the newer cartoons. The Last Airbender is a pretty good series with none of the vapidness. I actually enjoyed watching that. My Little Pony generation 4, not so much.
  2. I do not agree. May I present the best no-mayo egg salad and the Austrian style potato salad.
  3. Games: Uno, Chutes and Ladders, and Battleship. Books: The Curious George books were my absolute favorite as a first grader. Around fourth or fifth grade, there were Charlotte's Web, and Choose Your Own Adventure series. I also loved reading everything about Ancient Egypt, though I can't recall the exact titles and authors of those books. TV: The Smurfs, He-Man, and Thundercats. I'm old enough to remember when MTV used to play music videos. It all went downhill when they started the "real world" garbage in the 90's. Speaking of music, it was a simpler time when one's biggest grief was someone insulting your favorite band. It was funny how kids at school would get into a tizzy when you say, "New Kids On The Block, Poison, or Motley Crue sux." Clearly Anthrax, Judas Priest, and Iron Maiden are the more superior bands.
  4. Real life textures applied to SL rocks, found in the Walsh County sim I hope one day to learn how to create a sim so realistic that people will mistake its snapshots for RL.
  5. I'd rather eat pineapple pizza or even casu marzu than touch anything containing Satan's slime.
  6. Not intentionally. Its strong sulfuric sour smell that permeates the room is unavoidable when working with glitter and construction paper.
  7. Why do mayo look and smells like craft glue?
  8. You can ask the mods in the SL frees & offers group. I believe they have a list of stores offering rezday gifts. secondlife:///app/group/601a412e-f210-e20c-2f01-e186b0ea4f42/about
  9. Meet the members of my new band: Synth Pop Avant Pop Progressive Pop Top40 Pop Electro Pop (Not really, I don't have a band.)
  10. Puff Daddy Bubblegum Pop K Pop Lolli Pop Gude Sire
  11. "In Second Life nothing can be said to be certain except drama and lag." - probably Ben Franklin
  12. My bedroom (in the Victorian) is slowly coming together. I'm not sure if the rug should still stay there.
  13. In case if it's not obvious. (Totally inspired by someone's comment in another thread.)
  14. One of those old banes of the internet; it's hard to tell moods from plain text. haha 😅 Oy, those sales, our coffin dancing wallets, and our ever burgeoning inventories.
  15. At least you can take comfort in the fact that is a very nice piece of furniture at whatever the price it may be. ^.^ I've had that happen to me many times in SL and RL. I pay full price for something and it goes on sale the next day or week. Such is life. I think it's a good approach to buy full price things when you need it now, now or if it's a sales event exclusive that you fell in love with so hard.
  16. This daybed is now on for the Saturday sale for L$75 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Darkling Vagrant Zerkalo/213/119/21
  17. My disappointment at finding a nice outfit (that isn't a tank top or sweatpants) only comes in Jake and TMP sizes. Not even Gianni? Feh. I would've rocked the hell out of that hot little number.
  18. This one is for the kids. D-Lab toy kitchen for Fifty Linden Friday. Refrigerator (2 LI) and sink & counter sets (1-2 LI) are sold separately. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/D LAB/33/142/3001
  19. Popcorn? I gotchu fam: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/articles/50-flavored-popcorn-recipes
  20. Two birds, one stone with powder blue and white.
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