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Gregorian Chant

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Everything posted by Gregorian Chant

  1. There are still too many stories of people having difficulty coming up with usernames that aren't already taken. Surnames from a list would alleviate this frustration. Right now what if someone wants to be plain old Frank? That poor bastard is 10 years too late, for there can only be one Frank Resident. All others would have to come up with some rough alternative, like frank963257somesuch just to get in the door. Display names simply does not cut it. We can still see your username. From what I understand about the eventual return of surnames, it makes me sad that new accounts won't get to have them the same way like oldbies do. I was hoping to see a new generation of double namers (and maybe, hopefully necro this thread). But alas.
  2. The only thing I could take a guess at is to check for a missing texture in the edit menu. The image below shows a texture in the lower alpha box for a pair of pants as an example. Blank white squares have no textures added to them. So if you're not seeing anything alphaed out, it could be all the squares are empty. Try putting on another alpha to see if it makes any difference. I've made a short list of places where you can grab some free alphas in another post here:
  3. I just got the updated body myself and figuring things out as I go along. This is how I did it.... 1) Take off all alpha layers; every single one. 2) Put on new mesh body and its HUD. 3) Click the BoM activate button. 4) Detach body HUD. They said you can now use the Omega appliers with the updated body. I dug out my old tattoo and nail polish appliers and saw that it's true. But what if you want to change tattoos? It depends on the type. If you used the HUD applier, take out another HUD applier and apply to replace. If you want to use system/BoM layer tattoos, first whip out the body HUD. Go to the Textures Dropbox section. Click on the clear button, choose "tattoo' in Destinations section, pick the tattoo location in Body Parts, and hit the "Apply to Body". Now you can wear the system tattoo. They also said you can use clothing alphas the same way you would with the Slink body. When you put on a system alpha on a BoM enabled mesh body, it should render certain parts invisible in the same way for a classic avatar. I've pulled out an old shirt with its alpha to test this. And now for the moment of truth: does it work? Indeed it does! The Signature rigged clothes with scripted auto-alpha still work, so there's no need for system alphas. What I appreciate about Signature is that they didn't do away with the alpha HUD so you can get at those little bits where the system alpha missed. I hear you about the time spent on the body HUD being a pain in the backside. That's why I've started a collection of alpha layers for clothes that didn't originally come with them. As for the clothing mesh item itself (your shirt for example), it doesn't need to be BoM supported. I could imagine it looking mighty weird if it does.
  4. Granted! You get unlimited supply but they are cheap knock-off brands of questionable origin of manufacture. I wish I could mute and block people in RL like I could in SL.
  5. Methinks the old kitchen needs a dining area. And I was getting tired of looking at the black granite countertop. After: Not sure if it made any improvements.
  6. I never thought to hang on to the old alpha layers to anticipate for their comeback later. My father and I have more or less worked out an algorithm for matching up missing alphas with clothes. 1) Hunt through old boxes and/or visit redelivery terminals for alphas layers. 2) It they don't exist, try on the freebie layers or existing ones from other clothing pieces to find the best coverage. 3) Failing that, we'd fire up Photoshop or Gimp and make our own. By the time I finished organizing my inventory, I'll be asking what year or century we're in. 😂
  7. I don't think I see anyone mentioned alpha layers resources yet. So here goes... Now that Slink has done away with the alpha HUD, Redux wearers will need alpha layers to go with their old mesh clothes that didn't come packaged with them. Below is a small sampling of alphas you can find to build your collection. Slink's Extra Alpha Layers: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Slink/75/173/26 Avatar Alpha Masks, full perm by Imnotgoing Sideways: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blumfield/117/174/28 Alpha Layers for Boots & Shoes 2011 - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Alpha-Layers-for-Boots-Shoes-2011/1805419 Alpha layers for your feet! - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Alpha-layers-for-your-feet/2202579 Alpha Layers for Jackets 2011 - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Alpha-Layers-for-Jackets-2011/1810775 [SK]- Alpha Mask Combos for StinkyKitty Products - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SK-Alpha-Mask-Combos-for-StinkyKitty-Products/3162123 *KaS*-Hobble-Dress, Auto-Alpha-Layers Version 1.0 - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/KaS-Hobble-Dress-Auto-Alpha-Layers/5614534 *KaS*-Catsuit, Auto-Alphas-Layers - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/KaS-Catsuit-Auto-Alphas-Layers/6933530 *KaS*-Corset-Dress-AutoAlphas - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/KaS-Corset-Dress-AutoAlphas/6933531
  8. Ich denke, dass sie von sich auf andere etwas zu viel schließt. Und auch....
  9. I think they're going for the stray baby hair effect. I'm pretty sure the hair's unrigged. (If I recall correctly, rigged mesh can't have resize scripts. I get confused.) This is the ad: My natural hair color on the left and the dye job on the right:
  10. That's me trying on a demo. That demo prim floating in my face is part of the demo hair.
  11. I love my Culprit Hovery Craft for traveling around Bellisseria. It's a great all-in-one vehicle that allows you to drive on land, water, or in the air. It also sits 2 avatars so a friend can ride along with you. (Their inworld store is here.) I have one out at my home for anyone to try it out for a joyride. It derezzes once you get out of it.
  12. There are a few old people skins your brother can get if he wants to stay with a system avatar. He can spend a bit of time stalking the lucky boards at REO-G SKIN at this location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tinder/48/223/3608 The larger collection board on the left is the paid group version ($300L to join). The smaller collection board on the right is the free version, no group membership needed.
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