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Gregorian Chant

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Everything posted by Gregorian Chant

  1. I don't blame you. I wouldn't have the the time and energy to hunt down the people who put me in the financial hole.
  2. Oof. Commiserations. What did you do with that negative balance?
  3. Logging in (on an alt) to a surprise negative balance because group liability is a thing.
  4. Granted, and now the prices for all your Christmas gifts will cost 4x more because their bosses are forced to stop exploiting them and pay them a living wage plus benefits. I wish hangovers aren't so painful.
  5. Ha! You haven't seen her walk all over the keyboard while I'm working. 🤣
  6. After stuffing my belly full with turkey, I scope the internet for Black Friday bargains, while steeling myself to battle the laggy crowds resembling something straight out of a Popeye cartoon.
  7. This is Chicken Wing. She likes to sit on the computer.
  8. Seeing as tomorrow is the observed holiday of Thanksgiving here in the blursed US of A, I feel a need to give thanks to the Linden gods for the wonderful crazy world they have given us. I'm grateful for free-form world where one's creativity and imagination are allowed to run wild. I'm grateful to the residents who made my pets to keep me company as I age into a crazy old cat bachelor. I'm grateful to the clothing designers who made my clothes so I don't get arrested for indecent exposure. And most of all, I'm especially grateful that the Linden gods didn't provide us males system genitalia to go with our system paddle feet.
  9. Sculpty clothing in multiple pieces. Like say, for a jacket, you attach the upper half of sleeves to shoulders, lower half of the sleeves to forearms, collar to neck, and etc., etc., only to have your AO shift them out of place. I suppose we had to make do until mesh was invented.
  10. That would make a nice topic for Mothers Day or some such. I would enjoy reading about other's stories. I could write a proverbial novel on my grandmother. Heck, it just might meet the NaNoWriMo goal.
  11. The man who had the most impact on my life is my dad. He's the reason I turned out relatively normal. He didn't come from a family rich enough to be unaffected by the Great Depression, and his family tree isn't cool enough to have a coat of arms. He had zero experience as a first-time parent when I was born, but he did the best he could with the understanding and awareness he had. If there's one thing he knows, it's that education is pretty important stuff. He placed and still places great emphasis on it. He always said that education is the key to empowerment and success in life. Learning is lifelong. One shouldn't assume that they are done with learning after graduation because it truly never ends; that's how dumbasses get left behind.
  12. Is this what you're looking for? https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_avatar_complexity_settings
  13. There was a monthly fee of 1K? Pffft, I could outfit an army of alts in full mesh for that kind of money. 😂
  14. Alton Brown's aged eggnog: https://altonbrown.com/eggnog-recipe/ It's the only thing I'm okay for an early Christmas head start prep before the Halloween candies are digested.
  15. 1) I love books too. I have a book log to keep track of all the books I've read in my life. I'm beginning to wonder if I should include books I've read in childhood. 2) The last live concert I went to was HIM in New York back in 2017.
  16. Granted, but you will outlive your retirement savings and inflation wipes out your last 10 dollars. I wish my waifu pillow is a real person.
  17. You know you're getting old and unhip when you have to ask what Latin trap music is.
  18. Facial and body hair appliers that are only available in one color, making it difficult to match the carpet to the drapes. Apparently blonds and gingers don't exist, and nobody gets old and grey.
  19. It sounds like a head HUD issue. Try looking for the makeup or tattoo button in that HUD and click it on.
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