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Gregorian Chant

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Everything posted by Gregorian Chant

  1. My bliss would be a combination of little things. Good music that brings on an eargasam. Getting some extra shuteye on weekend mornings with no kids ruining it and feeling vindicated in my decision to remain chidlfree for it. Walking through a botanical garden in full bloom. A quiet day at the beach with the sensation of ocean waves slapping my ankles at the seashore.
  2. The Gianni body has the most designer support that you'd be hard-pressed to find a store that don't have anything for it. This thread has a sampling of stores catering to Gianni (with the exception of Belleza) :
  3. My alt has been messing around with his mug lately. Body: Roth BoM Skin: current Altamura's L'Homme group gift Beard: current Man Cave gift by GA.EG Face tattoo: current Man Cave gift by fuoey
  4. Wait until he finds out that dragons and faeries exist. Poor guy is going to stroke out.
  5. Yeah, but the draw distance can only go up so high before my graphics card starts to crash and burn. And when you try to double-click teleport to a certain spot only to find out that the place has it disabled. It doesn't really encourage me to visit such a place again.
  6. I once got a nasty IM from a skin store CSR about their no-fly rule while airborne in their sim. Fine, I'll just spend my money elsewhere where they don't make it hard for me to navigate their stores. I can understand disabling fly for roleplaying and RL historical immersion sims. But in places of commerce, what purpose does it serve to do that? I am not leaning on my arrow key for two whole minutes just to reach the vendor. They need to get over themselves.
  7. I thought I could try my hand at it with an alt. So, I've put together a style card for this guy. It's free for all to use. Do what you want with it. No warranty is given. Body: Robert by Altamura Where to get it: London City @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/London City/110/215/24 Shape & Eyes: Sweet's Free! Shape for ROBERT by Altamura The shape is mod, so I made the following tweaks: Shoulders: 35 Lip Fullness: 33 Lip Thickness: 61 Foot size: 40 (Be sure to make a copy of the shape first before making changes.) Where to get it: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sweets-Free-Shape-for-ROBERT-by-Altamura/17616820 Hair: *Dura* 2018 Group gift Where to get it: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dura Dura/78/168/27 Join their group for free, click on the ad, and it shall be yours. Vest: :::Breath:::NS16 jacket(leo) Where to get it: Freebie "F" @ https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pals meadow Clover/92/20/501 Jeans, Socks, & Boots: Kauna - 4Mat Boots & Jeans Where to get it: Kauna @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Time Portal/247/131/1930 Animated Override: -VA-VISTA ANIMATIONS- AO MALE CASUAL 2 Where to get it: Ajuda SL Brasil @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/AJUDA BRASIL VOLUNTARIOS/128/25/24
  8. Granted, but your altered timeline leads to alternative futures that aren't much better and you'll end up with brain damage and terrible nosebleeds to boot, Butterfly Effect style. I wish my country isn't such a poophole and not let people die from lack of health care.
  9. You don't need a lot of money to dress your avatar. @Vanity Fair has an excellent guide on finding stuff for little to no cost: https://ryanschultz.com/2019/11/24/clip-and-save-ryans-all-in-one-guide-to-freebies-in-second-life/
  10. Attending a Trans-Siberian Orchestra SL Tribute band concert where my friend is performing.
  11. Granted, but you'll only be writing for politicians to use in mudslinging campaigns. I wish I could dance as well as my avatar.
  12. I'm still in the same houseboat since the day I got it. I have a clear view of that fancy couple island in Calm Waves, the next region over from me. I don't plan on giving up my parcel anytime soon.
  13. Gregorian Chant, age 42, reset character, went to the wrong side of the grass, is bereft of life, gave up the ghost, bit the pixel dust, le jeu est terminé. He passed away on Groundhog Day, after a long wimpy non-battle with non-rezzing and bake fail ailments before succumbing to the Perma-Ruthed state. He was a kid from Meadowbrook who grew up to live the Bellisserian Dream of home ownership on the waterfront and five demanding high-maintenance cats. His passions included Gothic horror novels, MMORPGs, and making his cousins uncomfortable with his awkwardness. He also really loved cheese. Greg leaves behind a helluva lot of stuff that his family doesn't know what to do with. So, if you are looking for a rare skybox gacha now would be the time to call dibs. In lieu of prim flowers, donations may be made to the Salty Sailors swear jar relief fund.
  14. Back when we had last names, Chant was in the list of choices and I jumped at the opportunity of making a corny name. Sometimes I get asked if I sing in RL. lol
  15. Bakaboo: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Royal Blue/97/71/1198 Riot: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RIOT District/135/163/29 Breath: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crocus Island/189/22/3502 Tori Torricelli: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tori Torricelli/97/142/19 Meva: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Manifesto/150/77/1518
  16. Granted, but everyone else does the same and now everything is a boring cookie cutter hegemony. I wish all the tasty foods aren't so fattening.
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