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Gregorian Chant

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Everything posted by Gregorian Chant

  1. I see those and I don't understand how someone has the time to post in that many groups. I attempt to post mine to 60 groups and I'm quickly over it, so there are days I post to just five, with the intent of posting to more later. So joining 400+ groups would be the key to fishing for most likes. It makes me wonder if there's some prize to be won for getting high number of likes on a picture. Mass spamming a platform seems like a full time job and ain't nobody ...
  2. Is anyone up for a game of basketball? What... in 6-inch heels? Why not? #GameBlouses
  3. It was a good call in not providing explanation cards. I think it's more fun to sit back and watch your audience project their own life experiences and interpretations on to your work, and thus allowing them to relate to your work in ways you would never expect. The message in your art the viewer gets may not be the message you intended, but it will hit a spot anyway. For that, I agree it's a success.
  4. Instead he is kicking a panda. It kind of reminds me of this old video:
  5. I could see how some people took that photo as inspirational. I see the wheelchair on the sand and your avatar standing upright in the water with arms outstretched ready to embrace the new lease on life. The pose gives the viewer the impression of the subject being overjoyed to have legs that work again, and finally being able to feel the earth's elements beneath her feet.
  6. My main vices are sugar and caffeine. Oh wait, you meant SL addictions. Judging by the looks of my inventory, I have way too many cosmetics and dances. And I'm always on the lookout for low LI furniture.
  7. *looks at his inventory and sighs* I guess a clean inventory will always going to be a pipe dream.
  8. People who ask for landmarks to a store in group chat because they couldn't be bothered to take 5 seconds to utilize the search function.
  9. Not sure if the new stuff has gotten good or they're made in Renderosity.
  10. You can try sticking a transparent prim or rug on the floor as suggested in this thread: https://kittycats.ws/forum/archive/index.php/thread-22948.html
  11. I find that reducing the "set range" to somewhere between 3-5 meters help in preventing the cats from walking through walls and into the water. I had a fright when one cat fell out of the skybox one day because the wandering range was set to the whole parcel.
  12. With that said... My grandmother was persistent on one "little" snack before sending me home despite my protests of not being hungry.
  13. I see that EEP has come to the latest viewer update. I managed to figure out how to import the old CalWL windlight to EEP and noticed it doesn't look the same. It's as if my face is in permanent camera flash, regardless of the amount of number tinkering. This is how the CalWL windlight looks in Firestorm: And this is how the same windlight looks with the Linden viewer. The sliders in Atmosphere Lighting, Clouds, and Sun Moon tabs do nothing. I can't seem to make that harsh face lighting go away. 😭 Apparently I haz a major case of teh dum. I'm open to any suggestions.
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