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Gregorian Chant

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Everything posted by Gregorian Chant

  1. Roll the clock back to its correct time first, then nuke.
  2. It depends on the ailment. If it's the stomach flu or a nasty migraine, I'd be too busy curled up in a fetal position wishing for sweet death, much less finding time to putter around inworld. If it's a head or chest cold, I'm more likely to go kill some time in SL.
  3. This is one of my fears too. I've fought too hard for my houseboat to give it up now, especially with the current housing crisis. Strange things happen when you're in a sleep-deprived state and you'll hit the wrong button without realizing it. (Don't ask me how I ended up with some weird dance purchase.) As for the "lock down", you can use an alt as a workaround to prevent losing it. Have them catch the LH and never log in on that account again. Only they have the ability to abandon as landowners, so that button will be greyed out on your main and other alts. I wish I'd thought of that first before grabbing one on my main.
  4. I currently wear Lure with this BoM nail fix. I remember Belleza has some old skins in their group gift boxes in their store. I haven't got around to play with them yet, but you can give them a try.
  5. Sounds like the type of places I'd like to visit. Gesturbators are the main reason I haven't set foot in clubs in a long while. But they don't only happen in clubs; these canned gesture loving yahoos can be found in other public places.
  6. I don't mind either way, chatting in local chat or IM. But if you want to get my attention, IM is more effective because chances are good I might miss your text in local chat in a sea of gesture spam.
  7. Slink recently released a male mesh head that's BoM ready. Thus, you should be able to use his sytem skin with that. I have no experience with the Jake body, but you can give the demo a try.
  8. Good for you, clivesteel. But I think my boyfriend is hotter. Don't you wish your girl is hot like him?
  9. She needs to get shoes that fit and allow for proper blood circulation. I don't understand why some people are so vain about their shoe size to the point of point of self-detriment.
  10. I have 3 outfit folders with the base body and no clothing. In it, there's the head, body, shape, skin, eyes, and tattoos. That way if there's an update to the mesh body, I can simply edit that one folder to link the changes instead of going through tons of individual folders. Then I have other folders labeled according to body base with just the clothing pieces (shirt, pants, shoes, jewelry) and no mesh body parts attached. So far it looks like this: I've stopped using non-BoM mesh and their appliers since BoM went live. There are some favored tattoo and cosmetic appliers with no system layer equivalents, which I can't use anymore. Such is life; I'll deal with it and find something else to wear. I have a lot of work packing away the obsolete parts. I am not looking forwarding to KonMari-ing my inventory.
  11. I don't remember what I had originally planned for my first name, but when I saw Chant on the list of name choices, it was a prime opportunity for a punny name and here I am.
  12. Pout: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/187628
  13. It's hard coming up with a username to go with the Resident surname that isn't already taken. I wanted to create DetroitRockCity Resident because I was listening to a Kiss song. Nope, taken. Someone already beat me to Neverland Resident when I thought about making a child avatar. If I want to create blog showcasing expensive vs. cheap buys on the grid with NameBrand and GreatValue Residents? There's no more wind in my sails. FunnyFarm? LaLaLand? Permanoob? All taken. Man, I can't wait for last names to come back. #SecondLifeProblems What are some of yours?
  14. I hope I'm in the right forum for this. Someone gave me a very old pair of sneakers. Nothing fancy; just a system layer type. It was probably made at the time before prim shoes were invented. I got curious about who the creator was and the inspection shows the creator as "unknown/multiple". Now I understand the "unknown/multiple" creator comes from an object composed of multiple prims created by different people linked together. But I'm not understanding this for a simple system clothing layer. How can this be for an article of clothing that doesn't have prim or sculpty parts?
  15. I have no idea that SmartBots is and have never noticed nor touched it. I wouldn't give away my email addy on things I don't understand. Please feel free to shoot an IM to me inworld. I'm usually on in late evenings and my time zone is SLT +3 hours. I'll try my best to help figure things out. We were all noobs once.
  16. Until SL is up again, I guess it's time to go outside and do dumb outside things.
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