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Gregorian Chant

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Everything posted by Gregorian Chant

  1. lol. Sorry, I didn't make that game. It's apparently a thing in The Sims.
  2. Also, having an all black wardrobe makes it easier to do laundry; no colors to sort out.
  3. I'd probably be fronting a glam or butt rock band.
  4. We can make a compilation album out of this thread.
  5. I take your gummy worms and raise you casu marzu (Sardinian worm cheese).
  6. Unpopular opinion: Mayo is the greatest abomination that was ever invented and introduced to society, and should be banned from this planet. It looks and smells like craft glue. People who like that foul stuff are barbaric clods with faulty taste buds.
  7. This happened to me too when my alt was trying to buy stuff on the Marketplace and forgot that Greg was already logged in on the dashboard or this forum. Try checking if your main is logged into the dashboard, forum, and/or my.secondlife.com. Log your main out of all three places, then your alt should be able to buy on the Marketplace.
  8. I prefer text. It leaves no room for mishearing things and it's easier to go back and re-read what was said. Voice? Haha, no way I'd ever do that. Nobody will understand me through my funny accent. Expectation: Whatever silvery singsong image you may have of me in your head. Reality: Some German politician's voice coming out of my pixel mouth.
  9. Nothing is going to happen to your name. Nobody is forcing you to change your username. Your display name will remain as you like it. The return of last names the blog post talks about is simply an optional paid service for those who want to change their name. You don't want it, that's perfectly fine; you're not paying for it. (upon edit I see @LittleMe Jewell said the same thing. 😉)
  10. Anyone rezzed after me could be up to 9 years old and they hardly qualify as n00bs after nearly a decade. Nobody said those single namers need to abandon their existing accounts for a new name. They (and everybody else) can pay for the optional service to change or get a new name. No inventory to forsake. I'm pretty sure I saw someone mentioned upthread that new sign-ups won't get a last name automatically without paying for it. IMO, this is 100% spot on. Maybe an existing account holder creating a new alt that they specifically want to have a last name for some reason. However, a totally new person just isn't going to hand over $50+ at signup. I've never thought of this from the perspective of how a truly fresh newbie might view this. Thanks for helping me understand with the insight.
  11. Whoa, I never saw a jacket do that before. I'm completely baffled. Is it just happening with that hoodie, or is it happening with all your other mesh clothing? (Anyone who knows better, please feel free to chime in.) May I ask where that hoodie is from? I'm thinking of grabbing a demo to see if I'm seeing the same thing.
  12. Just to be clear, new residents will have the same (somebody) resident designation until they decide they want to pay for a last name. Then it is $40 US plus at least one month of premium dues. See the official blog post on this for confirmation :D. Yes! I have no problems with this paid option available for everybody regardless of age. I think it's one of those nice things to have. The point I was trying to get at is that LL should have never done away with surnames in the first place. I dunno, it strikes me as a little unfair to make new avatars pay for a last name from a set list (if they so choose) when us oldbies didn't have to pay for ours. I guess we'll see how this pans out.
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