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Gregorian Chant

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Everything posted by Gregorian Chant

  1. np. Before you spend another dollar, I recommended you pick up the free demos first from various stores and test them to see which one suits you best. Most stores have a "Join Group" sign inworld where you click to join and follow the instructions in local chat. Some are free to join, and there are some you have to pay to join. Pay careful attention if a group requies a fee.
  2. Akeruka is having a sale on their heads for $L1000. But you have to join their group first to get that price. The join fee is $L150 so the total cost will set you back $L1150. [ Source cited ] Since logging in is borked right now, in the meantime you can take a peek at some of the heads the store sells: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kaoz/
  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Thanks for speaking up.
  4. Ya'll mean I can finally shed my high complexity mesh body so everybody can view me good and proper? \o/
  5. Text is still where it's at. Chat lag is bad enough as it is. I don't need another memory strain for my CPU to worry about. If you want to convey a mood with a meme, you could simply type "name_of_meme.jpg". It sufficiently gets the point across, I think. ain't_nobody_got_time_for_that.jpg
  6. Old LH: 512 size parcel 175 LI allotment Banlines are allowed. No skyboxes allowed. Though I think there’s nothing wrong with the old houses structurally, some people think they look old-fashioned and dated. common areas are meh; the ones I've seen are just benches around a bush. New LH: 1024 sized parcel (I think the campers are 512.) 351 prim/LI allotment (175 for campers) Allows skyboxes, but they cannot be below 2000 meters No banlines! better landscaping and common areas, such as, swimming pools and campfires. Both old and new houses don’t count against the LI allotment, so you get a full 175 or 351 to work with.
  7. OMG, I forgot about that. That could've saved me the heartache and a few lindens.
  8. Making a low-lag version of myself to prepare for the next laggy event. Hoo boy, I am not used to seeing myself as a system avatar.
  9. When a store only sells an outfit ensemble in a gacha that you have to gamble for individual pieces to complete. I already got 500 gloves, just give me a skirt GODF&*%$DAMMIT, I don't care what color it is at this point. *crumples to the ground in tears* I wish they'd offer a complete outfit at a higher price as an alternative.
  10. Well sure, they do look nice with their modern textures compared to my old sculpty rugs. I just feel they're not worth eating into my parcel's allotment. I have functional furniture that are 1 LI each, with my piano being one example. I guess I'm just spoiled by the low prim stuff; anything higher than 6LI is too high.
  11. I was shopping for a new rug for my living room. There's this one rug that clocks in at 9 LI and another at 17 LI. For rugs? GTFO
  12. I tried Vegemite on buttered toast for the first time. I half expected to have this reaction, but surprisingly enough, I end up liking it. I'm going to start putting this on my bagels from now on.
  13. Sorry about that. Oh, I thought your spiritual vision quest was trying to send a message in the form of spiders or something. Thanks for clarifying. There's something to be said for minimalist living. Capitalism has drilled into people's heads with the idea of "whoever dies with the most stuff wins." Those who let their material possessions define them tend to lose touch with themselves. People don't realize half the stress comes from spending too much time and money on maintaining their tchotchkes. I know I get a sense of relief when I chucked the stuff that sat untouched for months off to Goodwill. Less things to worry about cleaning or stub my toe against. That's quite unfortunate for arachnids as many people find their looks intolerable. They're not as fuzzy, cuddly, nor cute like kittens and puppies. Tribalism has long outlived its usefulness for the modern world. Unfortunately some people haven't caught up with evolving out of their reptilian brains.
  14. I did the same thing but with milk crates when I was in college. At the risk of dating myself, my stereo had a double cassette deck. 😆 *Goes to search for milk crates and a boombox on the Marketplace to recreate the aesthetic in my LH*
  15. Dear Diary, Let’s go camping, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Thanks, I hate it already. The wilderness aggravates my allergies and it’s full of creepy crawlies. I'm still mad at my parents for making me miss the music festival for this stupid camping trip. There’s no internet access and I can’t post anything to Myspace. :`( </emo kid mode> (Seriously, many thanks to the Moles and Lindens for making this place look so awesome!)
  16. I would've tapped out of this mortal coil. Did she explain the meaning of the spiders in your vision?
  17. And don't forget a Glamour Shots session to preserve your mug with that glorious getup for all generations!
  18. I had an emo phase during my awkward teenage years. I thought I was edgy and cool. Braces? Smokey eyeliner? Hot Topic choker? Check, check, check. My embarrassment is immeasurable. #BlunderYears
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