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Gregorian Chant

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Everything posted by Gregorian Chant

  1. So I went and bleached my hair. I'm not sure if I'd end up regretting it.
  2. Cats are awesome. I have a few of them in my house. There is a Portuguese proverb that says, "A house without either a cat or a dog is the house of a scoundrel."
  3. That makes you and me both. I was rezzed at the tail end of the double-namer generation, so I'm too young to have shared memories with others on here. It's fun reading about all the aforementioned things that happened before our time. I feel like a kid sitting around listening to oldbies tell these stories from days of yore.
  4. Flaws have a couple of wrinkle appliers. Here's some for Lelutka , one in medium tone and another in light tone: A couple for Catwa, in light and medium tones: And another one for the male Catwa head: (and demos are always nice. 😃)
  5. That would be a rough-looking 30 after years of boozing, drugging, and constant sunbathing. (Looking at a certain Hollywood actress.)
  6. Making potato and cheese perogies with my grandmother.
  7. I never intentionally sought out a SL family, nor did I imagine myself being in one. Besides, I suck at roleplaying. My family consists of a couple of close friends who developed organically into parental figures over time. They're like the relatives I was meant to have. Family to me in this sense is defined as the people who are in your heart.
  8. What I meant was in the sense of being new to me, as in, I haven't heard of him until now. Sorry if I was unclear.
  9. I recently discovered a new favorite live musician: Joaquin Gustav
  10. Checking out the Hello Kitty 45th birthday sim.
  11. You sound lucky not to have encountered too many of them. They work the same way as regular bulbs in lamps, except they're bulbs that attaches to the face.
  12. Speaking of lights, there are avies still walking around with megawatt facelights in the year of our lord two thousand and nineteen. We have windlights for over a decade now. 2008 is calling for their facelights back.
  13. For those who do, maybe it's an omen or something.
  14. At least I know I'm not naked the next time I try to log back in.
  15. Her lower lip is supposed to be a rounded curve, but the way the skin maps over this particular head gives it two pointy angles. Feet are a given for anyone. 😆
  16. This is the RuthTooRC3 body with a Belleza skin. Her hands look relatively okay without the help of the nail cover fix. Her lips, not so much...
  17. I'm outfitting an alt with a BoM Ruth body and fiddling around with Belleza and Eloh Eliot skins. Looks like Maitreya sized boots fit her legs quite well.
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