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Gregorian Chant

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Everything posted by Gregorian Chant

  1. I never would have thought to look anywhere outside the Preferences box. Thank you. This is very helpful.
  2. I use LL as my main viewer and occasionally use Firestorm when I couldn't get the audio stream to work. I poked around in Firestorm and found the deep & shallow depth adjustments @Nalates Urriah spoke about. I could finally see the various degrees of blur with the F number and focal length. OMG Linden Lab, Y U NO have this? (and please fix the audio too.)
  3. Thanks for the tip! I think I'm starting to understand it more. I'll have to keep play around with it. Here's one shot where I tried to focus on the scooter: And this one where I tried focusing on the cat in the foreground: There's one more thing I'm having trouble with. I can't seem to find the deep or shallow field adjustment in the LL viewer:
  4. I rather be ugly than to be perpetually coated in slime and suffer an affliction of an obsession with collecting Intarnet points.
  5. You're doing a lot better than me. I couldn't get the depth of field to work right. Everything looks as if I've misplaced my glasses; all blurry, even when I have the camera pointed at the subject... or should I have it pointed at any random spot in the background? I have a fast aging jalopy that would threaten to rage quit if I dare crank the graphic setting to ultra, so I have it at mid-range to keep the putter happy. Raw shots are just as nice, and in some cases better than post-processed shots. With the right windlight, you don't even need to color correct in Photoshop. I basically do the point & shoot method of taking pictures at anything that catches my eye. I never do post-processing on my pictures. Adjusting highlights, shadows, and exposure? What's that? The most I could do is crop and add meme texts. Sure, they may look like amateur tourist photos, but I'm not looking to get into the "photography super bowl". I do snapshots simply because it's fun.
  6. I was wondering if that dance existed in SL. Lo and behold, MP did not disappoint.
  7. The trick is to not approach them before they had their lunch. ;)
  8. @Cristiano Midnight may have started a trend: Men Swimming in Tuxedos.
  9. Aww, thanks. :) You only need to worry when an Orc challenges you to a dance battle in Warcraft.
  10. A slight furniture rearrangement in the living room area. I can see the Calm Waves Island from my window! Behind me is the battlestation and the kitchen is further down.
  11. Shopping for a new sofa. It looks like the average avatar height has shrunk in recent years because I'm having increasing difficulty finding new furniture to suit taller avatars. My feet goes through the floor every time.
  12. *points to you* You get a forum point! *points to next person* You get a forum point! Everybody gets a forum point! </ Oprah Winfrey > (Except those who know who they are.)
  13. May I ask where you got that hair? Asking for an alt.
  14. "HTT?", asked the guy who was named after Catholic church music.
  15. ikr? It's as if they wished RL would work that way. 🤣
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