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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. we do this by selecting the linked object: Edit linked then Features tab: Physics Shape Type: None so with a two prim bath for example. The root prim is the bath, the linked prim is the water link the two, select the whole linkset, Features tab: Physics Shape Type: Convex hull select the linked water object: Edit linked: Features tab: Physics Shape Type: None the result is the bath (root prim) is solid (has a physics shape) and the water has no physics (non-solid) a few months ago now Linden added CLICK_ACTION_DISABLED for linksets http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetClickAction so now we can disable click actions on some parts of our linkset builds, and enable others. Like our bedframe/cupboard/walls/etc may be disabled (no click action is enacted on a disabled prim), and the drawers/doors/windows/etc are enabled and the script(s) respond to click actions on only the enabled prims in the linkset
  2. Patch Linden posted here, looking for expressions of interest from mesh creatives
  3. oh! a typer, they are cool in this case delete 'string msg = "play" bcause is not needed then in the listen event add a llStartAnimation to play the wolf_bark animation to be clean there should be a permissions condition check in the listen event before you attempt to llStartAnimation http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetPermissions if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) ... start animation
  4. yes the result is nada but you are on the right path change llListen to listen for the 'msg' from you the owner. So that when you type 'play' into the open chat box the listen event will hear it, nd the listener will ignore anything else you type in the public chat box llListen(channel, "", ownerid, msg); http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlListen then in the listen event: play the sound and start the animation
  5. script is requesting permissions from llDetectedKey(0) when it should be requesting permissions from 'ownerid' edit add: what Fluffy said
  6. needs a } close bracket symbol after the line llStartAnimation("wolf_bark"); need to delete the last } close bracket at the bottom of the script
  7. Linden did try that in the early days, sending transgressors to the Cornfield the problem with this was that it became for some, a source of pride to be corned. And some turned getting corned into a cause celebre. Like one person whose name starts with Jump, broadcast live from the Cornfield about the awesome of it fines on the other hand are boring news, like nobody much cares that we got fined L$301, our weekly stipend + L$1, for having a zero-time orb on our Belli parcel. And nobody much cares that we got fined L$301 for tagging our marketplace product as shoes when it is a top
  8. yes, usually once Linden are happy with project viewers they usually move them into the release candidate queue. On which TPVs start to include the new code in their own viewers i have a pretty low level gfx card by today's standard (NVidia 1050TI on a 2K monitor) so I am really happy with what looks to be about a 20% performance gain with Shadows On for me. I have seen some other posts on here where more powerful gfx cards are seeing a 40% performance increase for them. So is pretty good I think where Linden is going with the work
  9. chucking stuff in the bin is taking action. Not telling the shopkeeper why we chucked it in the bin is taking action. Not ever shopping in their store anymore is also taking action and if the storekeeper ever did care about why people are not buying their stuff then they could ask a FYI for shopkeepers who do need to include multiple versions in the same vendor box there is a LSL function designed specifically for this situation: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGiveInventoryList
  10. at the moment the penalties for breaking the rules are goto jail (login blocked for X days) or death (account banned) i think people are more likely to moderate their behaviour when they get fined in game currency (L$). Same as people do in the real world when they get fined egregious people with throwaway accounts will end up with a negative L$ account on the first offence as soon the account balance goes negative then goto jail (login blocked) til the full sum of the fine(s) are paid. The system calculates how much US$ to charge the account payment method to get the L$. No or insufficient payment method then oh! well, have to stay in jail sometimes people will want to appeal their fine, protest their innocence. JudgeAI Linden will just reply: Sorry you guilty, there is no appeal
  11. pretty good actually if somebody files a JIRA bug issue. If nobody files a JIRA then the priority assigned to a not existent JIRA is zero
  12. is what Qie says there is a missing return in the code here: MODE++; if(MODE <= 1) { loadNoteCard(); return; // this return is missing in the posted code } else //--done with both cards { MODE = 0; //--start biped state running; }
  13. agree that the Linden viewer snapshot dialog Save To Inventory size setting should persist across logins i think on login, the snapshot dialog is supposed to initialise to Debug Settings: LastSnapshotToInventoryHeight and LastSnapshotToInventoryWidth. But it doesn't, so might just be broken best to raise a JIRA about it and maybe Linden will fix it: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?null
  14. back in the day, a bit shift called a custom Linden library at the time that Omei was doing their investigation of the CIL bytecode that the LSL compiler produced done most likely because in those days the generic Mono CIL compiler was quite primitive when it came to handling (not handling) big-endian, little-endian, etc subsequent versions of the Mono CIL compiler have become a lot more sophisticated and is no longer a need for custom libraries for basic functionality, as much as there was
  15. i think the last code file versions that were available are the files in Sei Lisa's work
  16. Linden removed the LSL compiler code from the viewer source a while ago now (can't remember exactly when - circa 2010, may be later) the LSL compiler resides server side now
  17. (project viewer) (standard viewer) same scene, same graphic settings. So am pretty happy with the project viewer edit add: Should say that this scene is on a LDPW Homestead region with only 5 Linden grass objects on it which are not in the view. Just me, the terrain, the sea and the sky but it seems the gain is consistent across all regions percentage wise. 20% gain about for me looks like give or take
  18. i only ever had one new Linden Home, was a 512m camper when they first came out by the time I did the garden I was running low on LI (as I like to keep about 100-150 free for rezzing/making things) so I just stuck fake curtain prims in the camper, locked the door, and lived in the shed. They never show on this pic, but I put a wood stove, wash basin and a tatty old couch for having a nap on in the shed
  19. i can't remember now where or when I read it but the story goes that back in 1916 some science reporter for a major newspaper was trying to write an article explaining to the general readership the recent published Einstein's Theory of Relativity the reporter was having trouble understanding it all, so spoke to a eminent professor (who's name I can't remember either) at the local university. The professor says: "I am not surprised to hear you are having trouble. I believe there are only three people in the world who understand this work. And I don't know who the other person is" is pretty cheeky funny this 😺
  20. if I was the boss of SL (which I am not but if I was) then I would fork Blender and call it Slender then I would slenderise the forked codebase to be able to create content optimised for SL. Reworking the Slender UI to incorporate much of the SL Viewer build interface methods (object/face selection, rotation, etc) while retaining the Blender mesh methods for things which are not possible with classic prim building methods in the SL Viewer so that what we see in Slender locally will be the same in the SL Viewer after we upload it
  21. agree can I have Hollow Offset and Hollow on the other 2 axes please (all at the same time). Thank you!
  22. Linden blogged recently (January) about a modernization of the LSL compiler and runtime here: not sure what the exact impact of this. I think tho that operations like division and bit shifting would be significantly faster than they used to be hint hint! PleaseToGiveMeStuffIReallyReallyWant Linden. I would like to be able to get a dump to local file of the byte code for my own created scripts please. Thank you!
  23. best to post your ask in Commerce \ Wanted forum. People who can do this for you look in that forum for work commissions
  24. if you have a specific question about making EEP cycles then ask it and people maybe come by and try to help you with the answer
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