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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. some thoughts on a grid-wide game 1) Use Linden Rezz Zones as game spawn points. The game map HUD contains landmarks to Rezz Zones - player able to rez game objects on spawn. Pick a Spawn point from game map and self auto-teleport 2) On Spawn, broadcast presence on game channel (allow about 2-3 minutes before Broadcast, player has time to rezz in properly) 3) On Broadcast, other players on region will auto-pingback (I am here and active in the game) Broadcast player then auto-replies with Ack. Players can OOC as they like 4) On Ack, game on between the active players given the game spawn points are public right-of-ways then what game could be played. One game could be Battle Wagons 5) Rez a Battle Wagon, sit/drive it and try to beat the other player(s) on their battle wagon(s) 6) How to win: Push the other player off the road. Battle wagon script can detect parcel underneath. On Pushed Off Road then lose, player unseated. Game Over 7) Battle wagon script: On Game On, changes battle wagon to PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ (auto clean up) 8 ) Cheating. Main cheats are: a) Flipping battle wagon status to non-physical or phantom. Battle wagon script can detect this - automatic lose b) Battle wagon teleporting (llSetPos). Battle wagon script can also detect this - automatic lose 9) Probably need a inworld group for communication to/between game players (maybe also a Discord) 10) Players can build any kind of battle wagon they like. Their vehicle just has to have the No-Modify Battle Wagon script in it 10a) add: Best to restrict the size of the battle wagon. Say max, 2 meters wide by 4 meters long and 2 meters high. If not then some people will make ginormous wagons which take up the whole road. Battle Wagon script can detect size. If over-sized then unsit - automatic lose
  2. a mini-golf course would be pretty cool. As you showing, activities are enjoyed by quite a lot of people
  3. Debug Settings \ ShowHoverTips = False
  4. yes. I am not the first person to think about this. Given a group of people thinking about a thing independently then they all tend to come up with the same basic concept, how it might be done and what the benefits/outcomes are most likely to be
  5. whenever I see this kind of build on Bellissaria I think about how could builds like this be catered for in an organised/structured way. Cafes, pubs, bowling alleys, bars, libraries, galleries, hairdressers, superettes, gas stations, post offices, freight/parcel centers, etc etc one way could be to designate a road (or connecting roads) on some regions as the High Street. When lucky enough to get a parcel on the High Street then can build the above kind of thing. Still would be L$ non-commercial. And can't do this on any other road on the region the outcome of which would be all these little towns spread across the Bellissaria estate. Which I think would be kinda cool how to designate the High Street easily ? Stick a town sign at each end of the road, and change the road texture, so is clear to everyone where the High Street Town starts and ends people who get a High Street parcel are not required to do a town build, can have own home as they like. But I think that over time as people move in and out of parcels then most of the parcels on the High Street will go town style
  6. same then i thought about it a bit and applied it to activites and groups of. Like Airliner Captain Block Captain Boat Captain Cuddles Captain Fire Captain Group Captain Pirate Captain Pursuit Captain Team Captain Tiger Captain
  7. yes. In the case of organisations like the Red Cross they do have to put infrastructure and distribution systems in place on the ground. This requires people who have to be fed, housed, transported and supported on the ground. To organise and administer all of this then need experienced professional people
  8. dang!!! this would rule out the 20 floor apartment build on top then also ??! 😸
  9. yes. It could happen at some future time just about why I think that is most likely a request from LDPW, is that llGetObjectDetails is restricted to region is not a grid-wide function like llRequestAgentData https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRequestAgentData which returns agent account info like: DATA_ONLINE, DATA_NAME, DATA_BORN, DATA_PAYINFO that Linden chose to surface OBJECT_ACCOUNT_LEVEL and not DATA_ACCOUNT_LEVEL suggests to me that the feature request was for a narrow circumstance/use case based on region. And I can only think of LDPW who would be able to make a compelling case to have it done the way it has been
  10. when this is clearly stated by the copyright holder then you are good to go (for the purpose allowed by the copyright holder) when the terms of use are not stated, then copyright and/or trademark laws apply if in doubt (is unclear to you) and you really do want to use some other person's work then contact them and ask. They will either reply Yes or No. Sometimes they never reply, in which case the answer is No
  11. from observation LDPW don't have a Seal of Approval. What they have is a Seal of Disapproval. Which works as Mercedes posted above when a homeowner does something with a Linden Home which is beyond the bounds of what LDPW considers appropriate for the theme then it gets the Seal of Disapproval and the disapproved object/device is returned to the homeowner from my observations I notice that the LDPW Moles are quite happy to visit (work hours permitting) and consult with homeowners about this. As Mercedes attests to above
  12. it could be something the LDPW requested. For inworld Premium gift givers/games/experiences and such. Like touch to get a ride ticket. If premium get two tickets, etc etc the return values are either 0 Basic or 1 Premium. So it appears that Premium Plus has not been considered for inclusion at this time, which doesn't mean that 2 Premium Plus might not eventuate one day (dunno tho exactly)
  13. when an object is moving faster than the current server frame rate then is possible for an object to pass thru another object and for the collision to not register (not be collision detected) as the entry and exit happens within the same frame. Back in the day weapons used to be made to take advantage of this to defeat shields and deflectors the workround was to make the detector prim thicker/wider, so that the collision detection space is wider. The idea being that it requires at least 2 server frames for the travellng object to pass completely thru the detection space, on which the collision is detected
  14. i think that this is something that every company goes thru at what level of catastrophe does the company intercede to provide temporary relief to its customers. And how does the company determine the length of temporary relief before it can no longer sustain the relief in my experience companies tend to deal with this on a customer by customer basis. If on due billing date the company doesn't get paid then it will follow its normal processes. And only if the customer contacts the company and asks for a variation to those processes does the company provide some form of deferred payment plan. If the customer doesn't contact the company before the penalty phase of the process then the penalty phase kicks in not able to pay a bill due to a catastrophe beyond our control is not a good situation to be in, neither is being in the catastrophe itself. Nor is it a good situation, when unable to even contact the company to discuss a deferment plan before due date i would like to think that Linden, like lots of other companies, has a contingency policy within their normal billing processes for customers caught out due to catastrophe. Even if the policy is only that the company bill collection manager will exercise tolerance and awareness of the customers situation before pushing the reclaim button
  15. i found a cafe and had a naughty cake 😸 Is quite nice this estate. It has that contemporary surburban feel to it, which is quite good
  16. from the look there might a couple of parcels next to the road side under 512m. If so then they would be AR'able probably get a better response from the owner, when point out to them that somebody will snaffle any under-sized parcel and stick a advertising board on it. And when so then any prospective buyer of another parcel will think nah! and go buy something else. Leaving the owner property dealer to wonder why hardly if anyone else is buying
  17. hey! is me on the road i went there to take a pic as well. Good on you for doing it tho
  18. the example code for llRezObject shows how to do this. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRezObject
  19. there are some things from the past that I think were glorious and still worth celebrating today yesterday I watched the movie Suffragettes. Is a dramatisation of the campaign to get women the vote in Britain. That was a glorious win. What I didn't know til I watched the movie was that the movement also secured parental rights for mothers. Up til then only the fathers had legal guardianship of the children. That was a glorious win as well the fall of the Berlin Wall, that was glorious Nelson Mandela wearing a Springboks jersey at the Rugby World Cup final in 1995. That was a glorious moment for South Africa, given what it took for Mr Mandela to reach that moment another glorious past event was the introduction of the Korean alphabet during the Segong period about 1445. It was the beginning of the journey toward literacy for the ordinary people. I learned about that thru watching a tv dramatisation about it. I was, still am, really proud of the young people that Segong got to make that happen securing legal rights for same sex couples. It was glorious watching/reading as this legal change came in lots of countries there are lots of other glorious moments in all of our past histories worth remembering and celebrating. For sure there is also lots of horrible things that happened in the past, and we should never forget these either. Just that our ancestors have done some good things and we can take some comfort, some pride, and honour them as well, for the good things that our ancestors accomplished am using the basic definition of glory: high renown or honour won by notable achievements. And in honouring the worthy accomplishments of those who came before us, we can find some inspiration to continue on in helping to secure further notable achievements for all of us
  20. i don't think that the choice is complicated given the publishing timing I think that this page started as a project for Black History month. Then either or both of two things happened. The editorial team didn't get the copy finalised before end of month, or the page presentation code didn't get finalised before end of month i don't get how showcasing a few creatives who are also black people can ever be divisive, except maybe to those into railing against the advantages and privileges that somehow come from being Black on Earth
  21. yes this latest effort by Linden is to feature highly successful black people in SL. When go thru the stories related on the page then is all about the success that the named black people are having on the platform that they have been featured in this way, I think is good and should their stories inspire anyone anywhere to signup then I think that is a good thing as well
  22. it helps us when you can describe the use case, rather than what is not working. As you understand what not working means when we know the use case then we more able to offer a path forward
  23. when type keyword combinations of 'secondlife' 'black' 'people' 'culture' then the page is the first listing on Google search edit add. I also notice that Linden are promoting this on the Microsoft platform. First page on Microsoft Edge browser i agree that this is an outward facing resource
  24. i agree with Linden that they should focus on the real world characteristics of people i would like to see sections on Brazil, Japan, France, India, Egypt, Italy, Kenya, Australia, Germany, Indonesia to name some that people from these real world ethnicities, cultures and localities can find a welcoming place for themselves in SL. And that within this they can be a furry, a pixie or play happy childhood remembrances as they like if Linden go with furries, aviators, happy families, etc then all I see in this is that Linden only be preaching to the existing choir of us more people identity more strongly with their real world selves than they ever do with their imaginary selves i don't mean to denigrate communities that are imagination based, I am a neko in SL, but in reality I am a kiwi with cat ears and tail on. I identify more with being a kiwi person than I will ever as a cosplay neko
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