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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. just some info on the vectors available to us to become involved in this the formalised Community Gateways are often accepting of experienced people to act as greeters and helpy persons the White Tigers mentors group provide the formal greeter/helper function on the Linden Social Islands including those islands that are restricted to new residents. White Tigers have an application process for experienced persons to take on this role in addition to these there are quite few informal places inworld set up by residents as newcomer friendly which are always happy to get experienced people to help out the new people who turn up at these places then there is the LDPW programme (Moles) which provides paid employment for platform content provision. Linden are currently recruiting to this role a couple of weeks ago Linden sent out a survey to some several thousands of residents asking for feedback, likes, wants, etc. Some forum readers got the survey in their rl email inbox, some never, which is how sample sizing goes the other vector is the formal user group meetings inworld, which Linden staff attend, and too which all residents are invited. A number of forum readers attend the user group meetings on a fairly regular basis then in terms of feedback on issues and hopeful resolution there is the Jira
  2. on the first part i think we can all agree on this and I think LPDW agree as well. The olde avatar helpy orientation path walkthru have been removed by LDPW when they have done WA makeovers, as well as the olde destinations landmark givers to nowhere. I notice that all of these were taken out of Waterhead and looks like there is just a Portal Park board now. Same happened at Violet, Idu, Lewis and Zebrasil as far as I can see there are still some tho like at Korea1, OIP and at Linden Village temple. I haven't been to every olde WA recently but I think will find that there are not more than about 6 or so WAs with really outdated olde world helpy boards. Which I suppose reflects the progress of LDPW in tidying this part up on the second Linden do have the antiquities programme in which resident-made stuff is preserved as you probably know. Like Ivory Tower as you mention, SS Galaxy, Governors Mansion, Svarga and Mont Saint Michel to name some. Which I think is a good thing. Maybe Linden could add an Antiquities tab to Destinations Guide and stick these places on there. I would quite like to see that myself
  3. this to me is incrementalism. Short steps that are limited to the scope of the task at hand. Short meaning when compared to the previous lifetime of the product and short when compared to the anticipated future lifetime of the product. So while 1 or 2 years might be seen as a long time in isolation to bring a task to fruition, is not all that long compared to a 20-30 year (potentially more)anticipated product lifetime another way incrementalism can be thought about is as continuous improvement. Which may be a better way to describe Linden's approach, as it can be borne out by their actions Viewer 1 had about 23 or so major improvement steps/iterations/versions as I remember. The 2-6 versioned viewer I don't know how many iterations. But each release has given some improvement to the user experience. On the long lifetime today's 6.x viewer gives a significantly better user experience than did 2.x, 3.x, etc also a quantum big leap that Linden did make was moving the servers to AWS. And now that this is largely bedded in then is unsurprising to me that more resources and attention have been directed to the viewer. The Performance Improvement project viewer being the most noticeable improvement as a consequence of the freeing up of resources previously dedicated to the AWS transition, which to me is the normally expected outcome
  4. people logging in for the first time see the Learning Islands, Social Islands and Community Gateways. To end up at old Linden builds elsewhere on the grid then new people have to actively find them (other than logging in to a offline region where they can get diverted and for most people who have GMA set then they get diverted to the Zindra WAs) in the context of this discussion, I just reiterate that we are talking about 40 regions out of the whole number available to residents to explore i just say also that where the Moles have replaced info boards at the old WAs the new boards are all destination-oriented to builds like the Portal Park etc. None of the newer info boards at the WAs are about how to dress your avatar, use your camera, etc; as the info for how to do all this is provided as context-sensitive help in the viewer should the LDPW be more aggressive in scheduling this kind of work ? Maybe possibly, but given everything else the LPDW has on their plate then I think their rate of progress is ok. And also last week, Linden put out a notice for hiring more Moles (paid platform content providers). So maybe some of the residents who are intimately involved with the platform as it is being used today can apply for the jobs and bring to bear their knowledge and understanding of how SL is supposed to work on the general thought line, about how the world should perform better in terms of platform efficiencies both server and client sides tbf to Linden they seem to me to be keenly aware of this as readings of the various user group transcripts attest. And they are moving forward on this. The Performance Improvement Project Viewer gives a 20-40% performance gain depending on client hardware, which is pretty significant given that this gain has been achieved with out obsoleting anything this all said tho I just say that generally speaking, I am more in the incrementalist improvement camp. Less in the improvement by obsolescence camp. The incrementalist approach influences my view of how I prefer things to move along
  5. on this we disagree in a broader general sense i think that bulldozing history for the sake of the latest shiny just because we can is not a good thing. I live in Auckland NZ, where the practice is to bulldoze everything and stick up shiny new , where ever, whenever, however. The end result of which is that Auckland is a dull and souless place, build-wise, even tho it sits between two quite beautiful harbours. There is a sameness to the city no matter where you go. Unlike cities like Melbourne in Australia where they have been careful to integrate their past with their present. Which makes that city look like what it is, vibrant and cosmopolitan about the older WA/Infohubs quite a few of them are still quite nice. Like Moose Beach, Hau Koda, Wengen, Miramare, Degrand, Castle Valeria, Violet, Zebrasil, Idu and Lewis to name some. Waterhead in my view is quite nice also as it is. I have always liked the totem there and would not like to see it replaced with a new improved version just because mesh more shiny on some of the really old WAs/Infohubs the Moles have done a bit of a spruce/tidy up. Put in complementary things like gardens and taken away all the no longer relevant helpy boards and put in more current info boards, without bulldozing the main builds themselves. I notice they have been doing this incrementally (as time permits I suppose) which is a good thing and addresses the concerns of irrelevant information kiosks the new resident signup retention problem is not solved tho by bulldozing the 40 or so old prim built public regions out of the about 5,000 public access regions that Linden also provide for new people then they do already get latest shiny when they login - the Social Islands
  6. technically is not difficult to do this with some variation of a voxel-based terrain engine. It just means that Linden would have to change from heightmap terrain if Linden were to do this then I think it would most likely come only as an option for private estate regions, probably for some additional tier payment
  7. orrrr! Linden can create a new region category. General, Moderate, Adult and Legless. Then go viral on Facebook. Will easy get at least a billion new signups in like only 2 days. Probably 3 billion if get some free face goggles attached to your starter legless avatar 😸
  8. i am not sure that new residents are sent to the old Welcome Areas and Infohubs anymore in the normal course. The onboarding system places them on the Social Islands and Community Gateways. Which these days are automagically set as their Home when they first enter the world, which is a vast improvement on how it used to be where No Home was set resulting in new people being shoved to some random place on the grid when pressing the viewer Home button or getting killed by a script a new person ending up at an old place today has in the main, had to search and find it for themselves. So this person does know how to navigate the world before they end up in these backwaters only other way to end up in the old places like Waterhead/Morris/Korea1 etc is when our Home region is offline when we log in i think also that new people who do search for and find infohubs are those who try to set their Home to someplace other than their starter Social Island/Community Gateway and get the system message: "You can only set your 'Home Location' on your land or at a mainland Infohub." Which leads them to search for "infohub" i do agree tho that Help information kiosks at the Welcome Areas should be relevant, and I just say that to be fair to the LDPW some of the old Welcome Areas have had makeovers. And the Infohubs that are maintained by residents are generally up-to-date in the helpy info department i think too that for helping new people to continue their explorations it probably be a good idea to put portals on the Welcome Areas same as the ones on the Social Islands. Just so that there is some little consistency for the few new people who end up in these backwaters
  9. i think Linden should not do anything about updating Linden Village. Is a snapshot of the way things were. I think the prim builds are still great yes the balloon ride could be restarted, but the mahjong game and the blackboard at Waterhead still work. The Prim Attack game is not broken as such, has been turned off and labelled Out Of Order. Can still get popcorn and drinks from the vendors by the balloon ride and I like the resident art gallery on Kirkby below the temple. My all-time fav art work is there. Morphing Sculpture by Sansun Steinbeck. Is a fabulous work of prim torture
  10. hmm! sounds like you may be caught up in an estate IP ban have a read of Whirly Fizzle's post here about what is involved in this
  11. Linden will take down a real world trademark infringement. You can if you wish get such a trademark
  12. just thinking about how this might be done in an eaay-ish way what Linden, or a TPV might be able to do is to have a clientside repository/folder on our own hard drive for Inventory thumbnails when we put a thumbnail image named say "GLYPH: KG Monique Light Blond Hair" in the repository then it shows on the Inventory listing in place of the folder icon/glyph then when we hover over the icon, it pops up a larger image if also in the repository, named say "IMAGE: KG Monique Light Blond Hair" is quite a lot of image editing software that can reduce an image down to say 64x64 size to make glyphs from images for our own use and being clientside then we don't have to upload the images to the SL server
  13. we get this message when the estate owner changes the access level of the region you will need to talk to the owner of the estate/region where your land is to resolve the matter
  14. while this might be a grief protector, it can also be a grief cloaking enabler. Examples greifer cloaks themselves by blocking people on the region, then launches an attack on the region/parcel mean people cloaking also. Block the victim then open chat trash talk them to everyone else present
  15. i read that Graham Nash joined Neil Young and Joni Mitchell in their protest against covid misinformation on Spotify. This 1967 protest song is amazing, both music and lyrics
  16. some people run bot armies to gather info on avatar presence and on objects both attached and rezzed. What they do with all this info I have no idea
  17. see the section: Transferring or canceling an estate
  18. when we own the whole region, then is better to restrict the whole region to group only. People not in the group will get the system message saying they are not able to teleport to the region
  19. in this case I would look into scripting a solution 1) Create a script which can be dropped into modify objects 2) On Touch the script will save the object's position then move the object laterally from the over-LI parcel to the under-LI parcel. For example with two adjacent parcels of 1024 sqm then add/minus 32 meters in the direction required. The distance to move will be constant for all objects. For other sized parcels then the constant distance will be different 3) Drop this script into as many objects as necessary to get the over-LI under the parcel LI 4) Other person buys the two parcels 5) Touch the object a second time, the script plus/minus 32 meters to move the object back. After MoveBack, the script deletes itself
  20. 1) set each parcel to Options \ Build = Everyone and Objects \ Auto return = 0. (this will ensure that no objects get returned when the parcel ownership is transferred) 2) join the two parcels into one parcel (current objects LI total will fit within the newly joined one big parcel) 3) Set new joined parcel for sale to other person (when they get ownership of parcel their objects (and any of yours and others will still be on the parcel (step 1) which they can deal with as they prefer)) 4) New owner can divide the one big parcel back into two parcels if they want. Their objects on the over-LI parcel won't be returned as the new owner owns both parcels
  21. on both viewers disableVerticalSync = True (the viewer default recommended setting) my NVidia setting: Vertical sync = Use 3D application setting my monitor resolution is: 2560 x 1440 (native) monitor refresh rate: 75Hz
  22. you could be right about this. The post does mention rigging for the Second Life Starter Avatars we just have wait and see I suppose if Starter Avatar means Classic Avatar (at least for basic human shape)
  23. on the first, some shopkeepers do come into the Commerce forum and ask for feedback. Some do this also thru their shop groups on the second, the SL sole proprietor is no different to the RL sole proprietor who has to do it all themselves also. Am not suggesting that is easy, it isn't in any world to be a sole proprietor, is just that the problems are the same. And if the sole proprietor doesn't make time to do all the necessary support functions the business isn't going to be successful for sure tho we can help them as you say, but personally I am never going to tell a creator what they should or not do to help their business at best I will sometimes commission a work but only if is an insignificant amount of work for the creator. Like I bought a jewellery piece one time for L$20 - no demo. Turned out to be no-modify and was not sized to fit my avatar. I really like the craft work tho. So I wrote to the creator, asked if I could have a modify version for L$200. They delivered to me the next day and said no charge. I gave them the L$200 with a note saying they will go broke if they keep doing stuff for free when they have overheads to pay. They reply: thanks! and we were done
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