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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. there is a $US50 a month tier difference between a grandfathered region and a regular region more info on the history of grandfathered regions here:
  2. in round figures will take the buyer a little over 5 years to break even on the asking price. So yes the asking price may be a little optimistic on the part of the seller. Still tho there are some optimistic people willing to buy virtual things that may appear to others to be overpriced, so never know
  3. ^^ this Mr Zuckerberg's version of the metaverse is going to be about as interesting as Facebook is now. Which from my own personal pov is not very much. This said Facebook is important for its users tho, so I think Mr Zuckerberg's Metaverse will be important to a lot of them it may turn out that Facebook vanilla metaverse becomes a rising tide that lifts all boats, and helps to grow membership of worlds/experiences like Second Life. Facebook users who having ventured into the vanilla metaverse when they might not have done so ordinarily, might get piqued to try out something a bit more interesting
  4. with Maitreya 5.3 the high shoes setting is this one (red arrow) on the Hands/Feet tab if this doesn't solve your issue can you post a pic please of the shoes on your feet and we might be able to help further
  5. we do this also in a functional/practical way. 3 times a year we do cemetery cleaning up home down the valley. Not everybody comes every time, just when they can. We have four cemeteries / urupa, the valley is rural, so is quite a bit of work to do. Clean and fix all the stones, weed the beds, trim back the bush surrounding, fix the fences and gates, etc, etc. Many of us travel up home on Friday and stay over on the marae and come home on Sunday night is good for the people. When they come home then they come to do mahi/work. Is nothing special in itself is cemetery cleaning, is just hard work when a young person comes for the first time, they get told here are your bones. The bones of your ancestor whanau/family. And here is a slasher. All that bush on the other side of the fences has to be trimmed back. Off you go, and when you get puffed out doing that then we have a spade and/or a scrubbing brush waiting for you. And they go ok and have a go. Sometimes they go good and sometimes they get puffed out pretty quick, but just encourage them and they keep on as best they can every stone tells them of their ancestors. And the older family member present working alongside will tell them as they are working how this person relates to them. And that the ancestors, and their whanau present, are pretty pleased to see them here doing the mahi. Thru mahi/work which benefits our bones, our whanau, do we bond
  6. in the prim only days was lots of this style. Prims, as basic building blocks, lend themselves to building this way. That and the old prim counting method. 512m parcel == 117 prims. 1 prim == 1 prim count, linked or not since mesh (and sculpt to some extent) came then not so much as before
  7. "i hope they have body sliders in heaven" 😸
  8. be best to post a couple of pics of realworld houses to give a better idea of the style you are looking for
  9. check if the radio is transfer permission when an object is no transfer then it can't be deeded to group, as deeding changes the owner to the group (owner change requires transfer permission)
  10. i think the one thing we can expect is variable pricing for asset uploads (is built into the viewer and is most likely currently enabled on the server as well) it may tho result in only relative cheaper pricing, with an increase in upload fees overall. Premium Plus pay X. Premium pay X+. Freemium pay X++
  11. LSL is an event-driven language for offline learning with coding tutorials then get the Jeff Heaton books here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Jeff-Heaton-SecondLife-Book-Examples/16675718 and the LSL Editor here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/lsleditor/ both are quite old and don't include all of the later LSL library functions available here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal but for offline learning of the basics of LSL event-driven programming, the LSL Editor and Jeff Heaton's tuts are pretty good aids
  12. mix n match googy body: Maitreya Petite body skin: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara - Petite Add-on Skin America (Pink Fuel) body freckles: [PF] < Level 2> - Body Freckles (Pink Fuel) head mesh: Lelutka lel EvoX Kaya 3.0 shape: Gloom. - Julie Shape - Avalon (head untouched, modded body shape to my normal) head skin: Lara Hurley - Dani face [Lelutka Evo X] Mid eyebrows browm neck fade: Lara Hurley - neckfade Midtone Lelutka.EvoX.Freckles.012 Lelutka.EvoX.Hairbase.018 (f) (darkened with Edit tint tool) Lelutka.EvoX.Eyeshadow.043 (darkened with Edit tint tool) Lelutka.EvoX.Eyeliner.041 Lelutka.EvoX.Lipstick.036 used the lel Kaya HUD to: - blend darker eyebrows (Gani skin has brown eyebrows) - blend purple lipstick onto the black 036 lippy eyes: green/gray from lel Kaya HUD
  13. if we can envisage what we want then we can write it down when a builder can write down in their natural language what it is they want their build to do then it can be translated to another language, which can be a computer language builders engaging other tradespeople on work-for-hire contracts must be able write down exactly what is required for the product and on receiving the requirements the work-for-hire scripter (same as any other trades person involved, texturers, sound engineers, model makers, animators, etc) can apply their knowledge and skill set to realise their contribution to the product according to the requirements writing down what is envisaged for the product is not hard. Is the same difficulty as writing a shopping list
  14. most of the private estates where home parcels can be found, have a nautical theme. Sea, sun, clothing optional. Some have homes, sea side baches, etc. Most tho have berths for boats i haven't ever seen myself a winter theme with people running round saying hihi! to the neighbours nekkid in the snow jumping in and out of natural hot springs but there might be one, dunno
  15. if we format this code using braces then integer comma = llSubStringIndex(message, ","); if (names > 0) { string command = llGetSubString(message, 0, names - 1); string avi = llGetSubString(message, names + 1, -1); if (command == "Add") { if (llListFindList(access_list, [avi]) == -1) { access_list = llListInsertList(access_list, [avi], 0); } } } the above code should be using 'comma' instead of 'names'. And if we fixed this then as wrote is not looping thru message which may contain multiple names, so will only ever add the first name included in message we can parse 'message' as a string but is a whole lot more efficient to use a list, as Qie mentions. Example: list buffer = llCSV2List(message); integer idx = -llGetListLength(buffer); string command = llList2String(buffer, 0); if (command == "Add") { // add each name to global var access_list while (++idx) { string avi = llList2String(buffer, idx); if (!~llListFindList(access_list, [avi]) { access_list += [avi]; } } }
  16. just adding to Wulfie's method of using llTakeControls this also allows suppressing and enhancing movement impulse for the player. For example a player can take an injury or be tangled which slows their movement for a time. A player can earn game potions that enhance/boost their speed for a time, and so on
  17. i agree that you have cracked the cipher is going to be unfortunate if this turns into a rune hunt where the winner is determined by whoever finds the last phrase which includes the last rune/symbol
  18. Whakarongo kaitito/composer is Ngoi PÄ“whairangi assisted by her whanau/family, as a help for people of all cultures to learn a action waiata/song. The composition follows the old school style ps. TJ & Huri help to keep the old school style fresh and relevant
  19. not to be overly nit picky but this is a bauhaus paraphrasing the bauhaus school: "A design and build approach that unifies the principles of mass production with individual artistic vision and strives to combine aesthetics with everyday function" the bauhaus build processes are highly efficient when compared to the build processes for other design types you are right though that bauhaus is popular in contemporary asian societies, as popular as it is in western and other societies also. All for the same reason: mass production of homes at the lowest cost in the least amount of time, which are aesthetically pleasing and functional ps add just add that I do like this style of housing. And I am happy that you like it as well
  20. husband: *heating up the last two slices of pizza wife: aww is one of these for me ? husband: wife: husband: wife: husband: yes
  21. you are not wrong as I remember the very first dance chimera devices were bracelets. Enabling two people to dance together then the multi dancer chimera came then the ball worn on your head or bottom with the ubiquitous /99 stop
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