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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. best to contact your card provider and have them investigate in the first instance your provider can cancel the card and issue you with another. In the second they may be able to reverse the charges for the 12th,13rh and 15th
  2. is not automated no. A Land Linden goes round and does it manually inworld, while also joining up small parcels to make larger ones. And yes is true that some region heightmaps are really spiky looking
  3. just a FYI Linden revert mainland parcels to their original state, so that potential buyers of Abandoned Land can see that original state before they buy. The original state is that which conforms to the region's heightmap, which we can see when we use the Revert tool on the Edit Terrain dialog
  4. weeelll they do already mostly. Like the TLDR summary is: "A BILL To require the Federal Trade Commission to issue a short-form terms of service summary statement, and for other purposes."
  5. i was expecting this and it came on the first response kehehehehe 😸
  6. a bill has been drafted for presentation to the USA House of Representatives is call the TLDR Act and is aimed at Terms of Service documents TLDR will require all Terms of Service documents to have a Summary on the first page, and that significant terms that impact the users must be referenced in the summary sounds like a good plan to me draft of bill here: https://trahan.house.gov/uploadedfiles/tldr_act.pdf
  7. $299.99 pa for quads tier (4096m) and quads stipend (L$1200L a week) and 25% discount on upload fees if the entry price is less than this then $174.99 pa for double tier and stipend and 12.5% discount on upload fees what I think tho is that only people who currently use multiple premium alt accounts to get double/quads tier would go with these. Am not sure tho that it will tempt people who only have one premium account to pay another $75 pa just to get more tier and/or stipend the above is just more of the same just cheaper so i think Linden have to come up with a whole other offering not just cheaper tier and more stipend. If was me (and it isn't) then I would go with an offering that targets different types of commercial activity like Premium Merchant for example. What offerings/benefits would induce merchants to pay @299.99 pa for a premium merchant account ? there is already a full range of things that merchants do want that have been widely expressed and are known already from which to craft a package
  8. just adding on to this i haven't seen the Belli butterflies but typically these kinds of things are unscripted, they just do movement with animated texture. Which is a good thing when trying to keep script count down, which the Moles do try to do. Again not sure about Belli but quite a few trees and bushes are made this way as well. Slight animated texture movement of the branches. Beach/stream/pond water texture animation as well - no script
  9. you might want to look at getting a rezzer script and try to make your own. Google on keyword: LSL REZZER. There are quite a few opensource rezzer scripts from the conversation I am assuming that you have surfboard/jet ski/paraglider like vehicles, bought as a package - rezzer + vehicle(s) if so then most times the vehicles can be copied from the provided rezzer to your inventory when so then make your rezzer and stick the vehicles in it
  10. when agent can only be on your rezzed vehicle (and vehicle is third-party no-mod) then capture the uuid of the rezzed vehicle in the rezzer http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Object_rez 1) rez the wall from the rezzer (if it isn't already) 2) pass the vehicle uuid to the wall 3) when the vehicle hits the wall then return the vehicle object http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlReturnObjectsByID the premise being that you want to restrict the vehicle
  11. yes this is the most straightforward explanation what I wondering about is inworld god status both thru Linden last name and/or Linden godmode powers should Philip Rosedale on his Rosedale last name not have godmode powers then I think that this is significant a person who has direct input into the strategic direction of Second Life not having (nor seemingly wanting) god status. So the statement - I am just a man
  12. these are the minimum classifications in the USA. More about them here: https://www.census.gov/topics/population/race/about.html
  13. this is pretty interesting, preferring to not use a Linden last name. I was reading last year some time about Mr Rosedale talking about his life experience and how since getting older has changed how he thinks about the world and his place in it. I hear this a lot from people as they get older - more experience, more wise, more everything. There is also a element of humility in this kind of reflection a reflection/realisation/understanding that I am not god in my own eyes nor should I be in those of anyone else', I am just a man there is a song by Faith No More which is kinda fitting I think Man was born to love- Though often he has sought Like Icarus, to fly too high- And far too lonely than he ought To kiss the sun of east and west And hold the world at his behest- To hold the terrible power To whom only gods are blessed- But me, I am just a man and maybe will be true, Mr Rosedale will just be a ordinary person in SL with no Linden god powers. He just be in and see SL in the same way that we see
  14. as far as remedies go, i still would like a invisible parcel box. Like in the space above 3,000 meters in the sky nothing outside the box is received by those inside the box. Nothing inside the box is received by those outside the box nothing means nothing. When inside the box then you show as offline to everything (including scripts) and everyone not inside the box except for Godmode Linden accounts, they can see everything and everyone same as normal
  15. i think this is more a defensive move than a offensive move. With all the big deep pocket companies currently getting into this space, all playing offense, then playing defense is quite a sound strategy. Linden is very good at playing defense, always has been. Lots of enterprises have come and gone in this space over the years. Linden and Second Life still standing Linden lost quite a lot when Ebbe Linden passed. Ebbe Linden was really good at (promoting) articulating The Point of Second Life. And while Philip Rosedale has a whole different other approach/persona to articulation than Ebbe, Mr Rosedale does bring both swag and swagger (rockstar/visionary as you say) while also bring the ability to articulate The Point in the fora that matter to the Linden company (from a promotion/articulation) pov. Swag meaning he brings actual resources also (highly experienced developers/patents/etc) my question whenever I see products/services (new/revamped/enhanced/etc) is what is The Point of this product or service. The Point is not the same as The Purpose or The Meaning The Meaning is what the users of a product/service think about it (which means there is more than one meaning). The Purpose is what the users do with it (again more than one purpose) so what is The Point of Second Life ? Is to have a creative platform on which people can engage, and thru creative engagement can realise A Purpose and A Meaning for themselves Philip Linden has always known this. So too did Ebbe Linden. Philip Linden coming home is a good thing Philip Linden is not the same as Philip Rosedale. Philip Rosedale is this articulate and well-respected industry person. Philip Linden is this person who sat on rock in Second Life having a conversation about the contrasts between various forms of western and eastern existentialism with a green and pink giant spidery thing. Philip Linden was so engaged in this he never even noticed that his feet were stuck in the rock the whole time
  16. i think every survey should have a final question "How would you rate the number of lies you told in this survey? Mostly Lies | All Lies | Totally All Lies" 😸
  17. when look at animateMouth() then it restores the appropriate animation for both MuzzleMouth and openMouth
  18. i noticed this myself when I logged in. So I went with my usual of logging out and then logging in to different regions. After the second go today it fixed itself. Sometimes it can take more relogs on 3,4,5 regions why it does this I dunno
  19. don't hold me to this because I haven't tested this extensively but I think what happens when we stand, the system stops all animations from playing on our avatar, and then our worn animation scripts kick in and restart the animation(s) when our script doesn't kick in then the animation doesn't restart i think that your issue is in the timer event. After you stand the timer will fire within 1 second and restart the OpenMouth animation and doesn't restart the ClosedMouth animation. This condition here: if(openMouth) // attempt to keep mouth open. animateMouth(); in the first instance suggest to try animateMouth() without the IF condition so it works for both Open and Closed and then work it up from there
  20. groups have always been a bit intermittently laggy. Sometimes changes take effect immediately and sometimes takes ages for the changes to show up for other group members is possible to file a Support ticket and say that your group changes are not showing up as expected. From what I understand Linden Support have some process whereby they can restart an affected group server. So could try a Support ticket if is still wonky for you after say 24 hours
  21. OP probably never come back because having received feedback they went off and read up on Linden's No Investment Banking rule in SL that rule makes the promotion of OP's business model unactionable on the platform. Without the ability to promote the business on the platform then OP has to do this off-platform which affects the viability of the model. Viability question: How to promote to SL users and generate enough investment to sustain the business ? technically the idea is sound: Invest in the enterprise, get a parcel rental in lieu of a cash dividend. Sound meaning as an idea, the implementation of the idea is the hard part, which I presume OP has gone away to investigate more fully
  22. somebody named Monty hit it with a spanner maybe 😺
  23. Mollymews

    Skin is "Stuck."

    the bake thingy usually fails when one or more must-have basic avatar system assets cannot be found (glitches) on the server database. Must have things include: system shape, system brows, system hair and system skin a way to begin fixing/finding the cause of your issue is to reset your avatar to the system default avatar and then change it back up from there to your normal look. (changing one asset at time if you must) to reset to system avatar (with Linden viewer) then menu: Develop \ Avatar \ Character Tests \ Test Female might need to try this on different regions til you see the default system female avatar - lady in the pink polka dot dress
  24. have a look here have your partner assign you to the Estate Manager role
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