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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. not the official second life viewer. Nor do the recognised mainstream TPVs some rando viewer modded by some rando person and posted to some rando website then could. But more likely such a rando mod would shove some zero level exploit bot onto your computer. On the basis of why limit the exploit just to crypto mining
  2. to address this then we need to change to a 'conditional random' algorithm that breaks ties. Is a number of ways to do this. The most straightforward method to break ties is additive. Example: [hmm! wrong example deleted] this one quotient = (integer)llFrand(range); divisor = (integer)llFrand(range - 1) + 1; dividend = quotient / divisor; // calculate 'random' distractors that conditionally break ties // dividend == (0) -> (0) // distractor1 == (0) -> (1) // distractor2 == (0) -> (1) ... (1) -> (2) distractor1 = llFrand(range); distractor2 = llFrand(range); if (distractor1 == dividend) { // add some distractor1 += 1.0; } while ((distractor2 == dividend) || (distractor2 == distractor1)) { // add some. while loop will run max. 2 times distractor2 += 1.0; }
  3. just a FYI. At Step 5 we can also drag n drop from Inventory to the New box on the Replace Inventory Links dialog
  4. it depends on how many avatars you expect to collide with the barrier, whether that be riding on rezzed vehicles or just walking about if you expect many avatars then Lucia's method is the way to go. If there are fewer avatars expected then the collision barrier will be ok if you go with collision barrier (and assuming that only your vehicles can be rezzed) then rezz a barrier when a vehicle is rezzed. Delete the barrier when no vehicles are rezzed
  5. the limit on new accounts posts has to do with automated spambots. When there were no limits then this forum used to get overrun by spambot programs auto-creating new accounts and then spamming the forums. 100s of spam posts sometimes
  6. i tend to llApplyImpulse in the control event the main thing is to multiply the desired velocity by the avatar's mass llAppyImpulse(desired_velocity * llGetMass(), TRUE); add link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetMass
  7. to be fair to Paulsien, the drama came when some insecure dude wanted to know why Paulsien was looking at the dude's gf, when Paulsien wasn't actually next time it happens Paulsien then say back something like: "that lady looks even more delicious than the dragon she is riding on. You tho don't seem to be as delicious as the lady or the dragon even" which will raise the drama level of the conversation to eleventy 😸
  8. yes this is how it is going now - dedicated third party stores
  9. it actually doesn't a copy of the asset itself has to be uploaded to each respective platform for it to be rendered on the platform for all people in the view that copy for upload has to be stored somewhere that the platform owners and creatives trust edit: sorry, I gave a wrong steer in my previous post. I should have said repository rather than registry in my earlier
  10. ps add just thinking about this a bit more: "how to honour the use-license model thru the platform i think some kind of CMT permission flags in the asset file might be how it ends up. The CMT permissions are set by the creator when they make their models a buyer can then upload their purchased model to SL say and the platform respects the CMT permissions in the file. Applying the CMT permissions and the name of the creator in the file to the uploaded asset. Should the creator not have a platform account then the upload is rejected this can be subverted of course by rippers, but this is not a new problem, is an existing problem which is typically dealt with by DMCA i think tho that most people generally observe licenses, so I think in the main a CMT like permissions in the file will suffice
  11. this is the problem for everyone at the moment, outside of SL, assets are typically sold as use-licensed objects. Can use as many copies as you want in your own scene. In some cases (depending on license) can also sell the use-license to another person, but can't retain a copy for your own use once the license has been sold/transferred to another person which poses a problem for Linden (and every other world/experience provider), how to honour the use-license model thru the platform i am not sure if there is an answer for this, without there being some kind of asset registry system to which world/experience platform providers subscribe. And I am not sure who would administer and pay for this this said I think that for now is going to left to the creators to deal with this themselves as individuals, having to use the DMCA process, and/or making it a condition of the use license that a purchased asset can't be uploaded to some platforms Which is pretty much the current situation
  12. yes I think the best thing about this is the Pixar USD format for assets, as a common protocol not that USD is better or worse than any other protocol, just that a major company like NVidia has chosen to go with it, and being that Nvidia has taken this on, I think USD has every chance of becoming the 'standard' having a standard is a good thing i think too that Linden may/should/will look at USD as a asset upload option (in addition to dae) also too I notice that the RTX renderer appears to automagically handle LOD (subdiv), which I think is a very good thing
  13. i had a time to look into this. Is quite impressive. The min hardware spec of a RTX 2080 is a bit more than I can afford at this time but is pretty interesting and also given that NVidia are positioning/looking to the future then I can see why NVidia went with min RtX 2080
  14. in the Linden viewer is menu: Develop \ Avatar \ Show Look At (puts a 'crosshair' on screen, and a text for the type of lookat; Idle, Freelook, Focus and Select) in TPVs like Firestorm the name of avatar to whom the lookat crosshair belongs can also be displayed on screen in Firestorm is possible to turn off look at, so your look at info is suppressed and is not able to be seen by other users personally I don't see the point in look at (other than as a viewer dev/debugging tool) and I would not care if Linden nerfed lookat completely from the viewer
  15. best to contact Linden Support about this
  16. add: tbh I don't have crosshairs turned on. I don't even have overhead names turned on if i ever do want to know the name of a person in my view (which is not often) I will put my cursor over them, and sometimes that can lead to me getting into conversations like above
  17. them: what you looking at me for ? me: imma pervert them: oh me: that as well them: what ? me: this can only get better ! them: I am leave now me: bye. I pervert you again next time as well ok them: *woosh* me: kehehehe
  18. Linden have said that they are going to introduce a new starter avatar this year sometime i hope that it will be a basic bento/bom mesh avatar with a carefully crafted starter kit of mix n match body parts and garments
  19. is equal if (cmd == ...} else if (cmd == ...} edit: what Fluffy said
  20. to get you started have a look at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAgentInfo a simple way is to check for AGENT_WALKING in a timer event http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetTimerEvent
  21. there aren't anywhere near the number of parcels with weapons play as there used to be weapons testing/play sandboxes used to be all over. Linden still provide these today as well. Then were quite a lot of horror-like parcels as well - things like zombies, spiders, rats and other creepy things - so run fast and shoot faster used be some gun ranges as well. Skeet shooting and stuff like that lots of combat roleplay regions as well back in the day then it all pretty much went away as people left SL for other game-like platforms and those who stayed just got older in years and outgrew it, swapped their weapons for sitting on the beach and porch and watch the world go by
  22. with official Linden Viewer then toggle menu: World \ Show \ Ban Lines when toggled off we can't see the yellow tape of the ban line on our screen. Are avatar is still prevented from going onto the parcel tho
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