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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. oops. Sorry about that. I can't find anything else in debug that might do what you want
  2. in this case pass the channel to the rezzed object in llRezObject channel = -3456721; // change to whichever, channel can be a constant for all rezzers regardless of ownership and doesn't need to be random or obscured llRezObject(..., channel); then in the on_rez event of the object on_rez(integer channel) { // get the key of the panel that rezzed me key rezzer = llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_REZZER_KEY]), 0); // set up the listener to listen only for the rezzer on the channel llListen(channel, "", rezzer, ""); } the rezzed object will only receive messages from its rezzer. As each rezzer has its own unique key (uuid) then it doesn't matter what the channel number is
  3. it seems we can revert to our original name. From the KB it seems also tho that we have to pay again to do this. Probably be best to ask Support about it
  4. Tilia is a subsidiary of Linden Lab. Linden Tilia has other customers in addition to Linden Second Life i read recently that Tilia has reached an agreement with Unity to provide some money transmitting services (the details of which I don't know exactly) Linden have quite big plans for Tilia in money management of the virtual world/game/metaverse space beyond Second Life
  5. can you clarify this a bit please is it that each person has only one rezzed pair, and there can be multiple persons with one pair each ? or is that that each person can have more than one rezzed pair, and there can be multiple persons with more than one pair ? and if there are more than one rezzed pair for each person, then does each rezzed pair for each person have the same name ? edit add: example of most complex: Blue person can rezz multiple pairs of Blue pair Red person can rezz multiple pairs of Blue pair
  6. from my life experience, the thought that multiculturalism means a melting pot can be true ish. The ish is that the rate/pace of melt (or melding if preferred) is dictated by the dominant culture. The dominant culture typically in turn being dominated by ethnicity as a matter/consequence of history for example, in Aotearoa New Zealand where I live, the dominant ethnic culture is that of the settlers to whom governance over all the people was given by the once colonial imperial power. And is only after many generations that the melting/melding of native/indigenous ethnic culture has begun . A pace which has accelerated since the turn of the century a danger with this is that it can lead to assimilation. The dominant culture only picking the elements they like/understand and embraces them. Ignoring or disregarding the elements they dislike or don't understand. When dig into 'don't understand' then we sometimes find that this comes from 'don't want to understand'. As having to go thru the activity of learning that which we don't understand can make us feel uncomfortable at times what Linden are doing is a more true form of multiculturalism. More true meaning the way I understand multiculturalism. Which is: ethnic pluralism and the more broader grouping: cultural pluralism (the broader grouping cultural pluralism includes gender, age, orientation, religion/non, etc) ethnic pluralism, like cultural pluralism, allows us to be ourselves in all of our ethnic and/or cultural respectivities, while at the same time understanding that we are together part of a greater nation of peoples, a nation to which we all belong as I mentioned I live in Aotearoa New Zealand, Auckland city. In our city there are multiple ethnicities and cultures. Each exists in their own right, doing their own thing within their communities, and is all good
  7. agree i think this is about Tilia planning to become a global money transmitter. Obeying the tax laws in every jurisdiction across the globe would I think be part of the plan
  8. this is the most likely explanation
  9. at this time there is no tax payable on L$ transactions. The US Treasury (IRS) has not made any determination about in-game transactions. If Linden ever do start charging tax on in-game (L$) transactions it will be because of a change to US Treasury regulations your estate owner tho will be liable for any tax payable by them, when Linden charge the estate owner the monthly tier
  10. yes you are right, that changes things quite a bit https://www.tax-rates.org/taxtables/local-sales-taxes for zero sales taxes then looks like only: Delaware, New Hampshire and Oregon
  11. i looked it up for the USA only 5 states with zero sales tax: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon lowest non-zero at 4% is Alabama highest at 7.5% is California edit source: https://www.tax-rates.org/taxtables/sales-tax-by-state
  12. the latest Linden Viewer release Second Life Release (64bit) made some changes to single click on land SL-14457 Make "Single click on land" default to "No action" if your changes to the setting are not being saved then best to file a JIRA referencing SL- 14457 JIRA here: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?null
  13. debug setting: ForceLoginURL if type 'a' in as the value then 'a' will not resolve to a legit url and will get a blank in the tips section of the login screen
  14. icecream for breakfast cheese sandwich and glass of milk for lunch half a 300gm chocolate bar for dinner and I will mostly likely eat the rest of the chocolate for supper Monday is my allowed to eat what I want day. Tomorrow and the rest of the week then I be eating veges and stuff like I am supposed too
  15. as the code is toggling between ANIMATION, 0 and ANIMATION, 1 then to be a little bit cleaner, stop ANIMATION, 1 then start ANIMATION, 0 in the run_time_permissions event
  16. it also sometimes works the other way. Get a notice for a special offer in a general shoppers group. Teleport to shop. Landing point right in front of the board. \o/. Click the board and it says" You have to be a shop group member". Group joiner nowhere in the view. Begin hunt to find the shop group joiner somewhere in the shop
  17. "name not defined within scope" means that the variable referenced (in this case 'option') is not declared in the script. Going by the code posted then 'option' should be declared as a global variable of type string there are a number of other variables referenced in the code, which are not declared either about the pulling weeds. We get past this eventually if we persevere. Even if the end doesn't seem to be on the horizon. Just have to keep on as best we can
  18. this is me. I wear at least 16 layers and more when I add eyeliner, double eyeshadow, double lippy, blush, double tops, etc put them all on, save as outfit (which creates one baked texture for my avatar) and done easy
  19. without what line ? if function string At() doesn't require a return value then declare it as a procedure: At()
  20. function string At() doesn't return a value
  21. is the same with me. My wireless TV when I watch Netflix gobbles up way more bandwidth than SL ever does
  22. the local view grief vector already exists in all viewers the presence of a BD-like local poser tool doesn't change this
  23. 'e' key is mapped to arrow key PageUp. So when you type 'e' and the chat box doesn't have the focus then your avatar jumps up keys W,A,S,D,E,C are mapped by default to the arrowpad keys: Up, Down, Left Right, PageUp,PageDown
  24. with Linden Viewer Preferences \ Move & View \ Keyboard \ Arrow keys always move me uncheck this option to stop jumping when you don't mean to
  25. as I remember there is a 7 day waiting period before we can sell L$ when first establishing our payment method
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