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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. Hamlet has a article up about some SL people from Russia reaching out to SL people from Ukraine to help give them a practical assist. Is a good thing for them to do and I am supportive of this https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2022/02/second-life-tribute-to-ukraine.html
  2. i think that the Newbrooke homes will be quite popular i also think that if there are houses on 512m parcels that seem large for the parcel then I don't think that this is going to be a deterrent as this is the case with the Meadowbrook which is the most popular of the old Linden Homes estate
  3. breadcrumbs probably best done as a minimap function sometimes I think about how TPV development could be funded. This would seem like a feature that some people might help pay for. Like have some kind of FundMe for a feature. If get the asked for funds then code the feature
  4. 3rd party viewers like Catznip and Firestorm have parcel lines showing on their minimaps, so can most easily see where the Linden public right-of-ways are for rez zones, use keyword REZ ZONE in inworld search. It will list a whole bunch of inworld locations. Explore the listings and make landmarks for the ones that suit your use for example the Blake Sea area has lots of rez zones for water vehicles. Half Hitch region for example there are also some public airports which can be found on search REZ ZONE, like Hau Koda for example also with planes, rez zones on the public roads can be used as runways to take off from
  5. for one-click outfit changes this is the best solution for sure. You are a good friend to your friend to do this for them
  6. i had a quick look at this, as I have a Maitreya body not sure if this is contributing to your friend's issue, but what I noticed (which I never noticed before) is that when we are also wearing the BOM Add-On Parts then we have to use the BOM Add-On Parts HUD to toggle the alpha for the parts. Seems the main maitreya HUD alpha toggle doesn't know about the Add-On Parts
  7. a follow up on the Sith Army game obelisks i got a communication from the original creator of the game. They are rebuilding the game inworld (as there are quite a few people who used to play the game on the Teen Grid and who have in recent times returned to SL, which in itself is a good thing) the plan according to the communication is to replace the obelisks with a more low profile uplink dish object (when they have been made), which should be less visible to the neighbours
  8. this is me my google search is to preface with; lsl lsl agent info lsl timer lsl touch and so on the wiki entry is almost always the first link on the search results i think is because the search engine learns that lsl means the wiki for me
  9. i think this game is a good fit for an Experience the Experience would make auto detach/attach between players fairly straight-forward Experience KVP can keep track of who has had the blunt, and who is yet to receive it the game object could be a visible blunt attach to mouth, and a largish linked invisible sphere (touch my own head to get the game menu dialog) dialog menu giving a Nearby list of people in Experience to deal with AFK players then there can be a time-limit, after say 3 minutes then automagically give (attach) the blunt to somebody else
  10. on the SSP3534 seems like is 3 people working and about 12 people lined up waiting for the bus home 😺
  11. a group needs a minimum of 2 members, else it gets deleted easiest is to create (if you haven't already) an alternate account for yourself and invite your alternate account to group as the other member ps. Is safest to invite your alternate as an Owner of the group, this way if you ever make a mistake on either account and leave the group then your other account can invite you back in as an Owner pps. If you have already done this and the group is still being deleted then best to raise a Support Ticket people have mentioned on here that they have been having some recent issues with group invites not working as they should. A sometimes fix is to make sure that the account being invited is on the same region as the inviter
  12. something to consider when our resolution is 1 second then I tend to go with llGetUnixTime(). Which can help to make our code a little more efficient. Example: integer secondsToFullHour = 60 - llGetUnixTime() % 60; this also allows us to more readily inline the function while remaining code descriptive. Uses less clock cycles than does parsing llGetTimeStamp() and by inlining we save the 500+ compiled bytes that a user-defined function costs oops. Just noticed my snippet is seconds to next minute. Seconds to next hour is integer secondsToFullHour = 3600 - llGetUnixTime() % 3600;
  13. a way to help with this is realtime calibration (as best we can) we can write our calibration method in different ways as they suit our app. The basic principle tho being: when the script is running too slow for our app, have the event fire sooner. When the script is running too fast for our app, slow down event firing using a timer for example of this kind of technique float PERIOD = 1.0; // the timer realtime period that we want to slave toward. 1.0 = once every second float LENGTH = 60.0; // the number of past timer events from which we calculate the next timer period float aggregate; // the total of realtime event periods for the length float previous; // the realtime the previous event fired state_entry() { aggregate = PERIOD * LENGTH; previous = llGetTime(); llSetTimerEvent(aggregate / LENGTH); // = PERIOD to begin with } timer() { // get the current time float time = llGetTime(); // deduct the average of aggregate then add the latest elapsed realtime period aggregate += (time - previous) - (aggregate / LENGTH); // save current time previous = time; // when our script is firing at a average realtime greater than PERIOD (going slow) // then we want to increase the rate of the timer. Decreasing the rate conversely llSetTimerEvent(PERIOD / (aggregate / LENGTH)); }
  14. i don't think it is never ever 1) the development department has also gotten more developer resources recently which includes some olde linden devs 2) the influence of Patch Linden's department (responsible for the inworld experience) is growing. Is getting more resources (recently/currently hiring for LDPW) all these new hires have to do something to earn their pay. A growing LDPW signals to me that the inworld experience is going to get more love from a residents perspective and the LDPW has pretty much taken over all of Linden public access mainland already in terms of ownership. That department's influence on governance is also growing. (Who would have thought that LDPW staff would end up as forum monitors) the LDPW is going to come for mainland. As Patch Linden once said when we/me was complaining about some of the Belli restrictions on here. Patch said this is Our Estate - Our meaning LDPW. Our Estate will soon include olde mainland also, LPDW will swallow up Land Linden, if it hasn't already
  15. i think this Resident Plus package could come in for about $US299pa. 4096 tier, L$1200 a week stipend. Name change $US30 per about not sure if discounted upload fees would be included as given L$300 stipend per week over the current pricing the right to buy a Homestead might cost more than $299 tho given its potential impact on the larger estates for no real reason at all I think Premium Plus is going to be at least $US299pa, if not more
  16. what I have found in all my times on SL is that if we want Linden to do something then keep on mentioning it. Sometimes we don't get things we might hold dear, like bake materials for example. If we stop asking for it every time an opportunity presents then it has zero chance of happening i am quite relentless in asking for stuff and supporting others who ask for stuff that makes sense to me. The end result of which is that Linden have done quite a lot of things over the times that I asked for and/or have supported others in their asking all with never having had a can-you-do conversation with any Linden ever, or ever going to any user group meetings. I have filed exactly 1 JIRA in all my times. Was a bug report when Linden made me a attached media player because I kept asking for it til they did edit add. Now that I remember I have filed 2 jiras. The other one was the viewer memory crashing exploit on the Linden Realms back in the day. A Linden did reply on that JIRA that I should file a Abuse Report, and I said thats not actually the fix. Some other residents came on and gave some technical details and Linden ended up fixing it properly and more recently a person mentioned on here a bug with MOAP on the then newly released Linden Viewer. Prof came inworld and we troubleshooted it as was affecting me as well. Prof done a detailed JIRA, and Linden did a rollback and then put out a fix for it the next week
  17. at the moment Linden (thru LDPW) focus is on Bellissaria, which is working for them as this lis increasing the number of people paying Premium fees. It is a land development that is attractive, that people are willing to pay for, and are paying. So all good olde mainland has attractive areas as well, attractive meaning that people are willing to pay more for parcels in built-up areas so I think the aim for Linden should be to make more of olde mainland more attractive, which I think LPDW would love to do, as I think the Moles as individuals (and many if not all of the Land Lindens also) treasure the land as much as the mainland residents do but mounting attractive-looking objects only goes so far. I think that Big Boss Linden has realised thru the Bellissaria project that attractive land is a treasure, and from this realisation I think that changes are going to come to olde mainland i think that Land Linden within the forseeable future will start with addressing the causes of egregious pollution of the land. The two main visible causations of egregious pollution is micro-parceling and World Map branding signage on mainland
  18. my thought more comes from basic GDP economics as this applies to a mass of inhabitants in a space/on a land there are two basic pillars of GDP growth. 1) increase labour inputs. 2) increase capital inputs. Most governments try to manage/balance the two (for this argument we can equate Linden with government as they control the space) Linden have suceeded with 1). Marketplace dramatically increased labour inputs. There is more user-generated content available today than at any previous time in SL history, and there is little sign that the rate of production will decrease, even as prices per item (averaged across the board) are falling. More and more items are surfacing on Marketplace even as prices fall. Why ? Marketplace, the cost of entry for creators is sans tier, unlike it used to be before Marketplace Linden have not succeeded as well with 2). To increase capital inputs then two paths. a) increase the spend of the existing customer base and/or b) increase the number of paying customers every Linden CEO since the beginning, has said that the company needs to diversify its revenue away from land (tier). If Linden did want to do this then they should treat land as a treasured resource, and when the government treasures the land then so do the people when something is treasured then people want to buy it. When bought then people will want to buy stuff to put on it - both of which are increased capital inputs so resident calls for double-primmed mainland, more roads, rivers, parks, lakes, themes, etc are calls to Linden to treasure the land ps add. should say that LDPW do their best to do what they can to make mainland as attractive as they can as best they can within the constraints. The constraints are fundamentally that Linden as a company treasures the tier the land delivers, not so much the land as an objective in itself pps. add more. I never got into the effect of land speculation as it distracts from what I was hoping to say here
  19. a caution. If we are hosting a youtube player, for relay to our users, and we attempt to block adverts and links in youtube videos then youtube will block/ban our host from using their service. Adverts and links are deemed to be content, and content is the discretion of the content provider, not us the relay host is best not to do this to cater for this, we can LSL script a Reset button on our inworld TV. Should a person click on a link in the video playing (taking them to another webpage/website), then if they click the Reset button the script will re-direct back to the current frame of our playing video
  20. for total control over what patrons of your auditorium can see then is best to host the youtube player on your own web server and point the MOAP at your host as on our host we can script the youtube player using https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference the most notable effect of server-side scripting is that everybody in the auditorium will see the same video frame at the same time (give or take a few frames due to internet lag)
  21. Mohamurderer would not fly MohammedIblis would fly, in the same way Jesucifer flys. These two names associate good and evil in one entity. Good and evil are thought concepts murder on the other hand is not a thought concept. Which doesn't fly, in the same way that Jesumurderer, Dalaillamamurderer, Budhamurderer woudl not fly either
  22. this is changing. More people today are willing to pay for digital things that they want I have noticed quite a few online news/opinion blogs that once were totally ad-revenue funded now offering ad-free full read subscriptions in addition to continuing with limited read editions with ads like Vanity Fair, Talking Point Memo, Alternet to name some
  23. depending on rl country, internet DJs typically need to have a public broadcast license for all music (not their own) they play. Linden don't get into deciding what music is/is not licensed, the responsibility for deciding/determining this is the parcel owners
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