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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. just going off this i get that we can appreciate everything that the Linden Department of Public Works has done to make the inworld more pleasant, but I think that this kind of move toward inworld monument building adulating Linden staff is bit concerning, at least to me the thing that made go hmm! the most recently is the statue monument on Eyrie that the LDPW erected as a tribute to itself. It might just be my real world culture affecting how I think about these things. Is culturally disconcerting to me this kind of self-adulation by staff. In the same way that back in the day some Linden staff themselves created Fan Club groups to their own adulation, which culturally I also found to be disconcerting another tribute I find unsettling is the monument to Ebbe Linden on Altberg region. That there is a region named for Ebbe Altberg is fine, same as there are regions named for Philip Rosedale and even Mitch Kapor. That there is a death memorial to Mr Altberg on the Altberg region is unsettling to me, culturally speaking Ebbe Altberg made a significant contribution to all of Second Life, not just one part of it, and his memorial (his life memorial) should be at the Linden Memorial Park along with the other people there (Mr Altberg's peers) who also made significant contributions to Second Life. Culturally I find it disrespectful toward Mr Altberg for the LDPW to not have done this
  2. not sure if this one has been posted before. The object is made by the Avatar Formerly Known As Jack Linden
  3. yes i might be misremembering about temp attachments and teleport the big attack came in 2015 for the few days after Grid-Scope Experiences were released to the public. Once accepting the Experience then could/can llAttachToAvatar without any further interaction by the wearer (now owner). Any place that the greifer could rez an object. The script of which would continue to run on any script-enabled parcel thereafter creatives were planning on going big with Grid-Scope Experiences then a few days later Linden nerfed it here is a pic from one creative who was big into the beta development program and had lots of hope for doing all kinds of creatives things with Grid-Scope. Their Grid-Scope got nerfed a few days after Grid-Scope went public, same as everyone else at the time [i scribbled out the identifiers because this creative is not a griefer] edit add: so my previous b) above is wrong as Lucia points out
  4. back in the day when Experiences were first introduced there were Land-Scope and Grid-Scope Experiences. From the Knowledge base: the Grid-Scope Experiences was nerfed/removed by Linden after only about two weeks, as llTeleportAgent in a temp attachment become a pretty massive greifing vector. Invite (social engineer) some person to join the Experience (like is a club for cool people or some such). Then temp attach an object to them on their accepting the invite. The script then randomly teleport them to multiple destinations as fast as the attached script could do so. The Teleport screen that is invoked by the viewer made it very difficult to detach the grief object, the consequence for most people caught like this, was that they would crash out of SL. And crash out again when logging back in to a script-enabled parcel so Linden nerfed/removed the ability of residents to use the Grid-Scope Experience and we are stuck with what we have to teleport a person to another region then a) the person has to own the teleport script, or b) an object rezzed on the Land-Scope parcel can teleport the Experience member to another parcel or region. And the destination parcel has to be enabled for a Land-Scope Experience (of which the person is a member) for the rezzed script to teleport them from there to another destination
  5. there is also the question of the capacity to generate electricity for these large consumers for example in New Zealand in 1970 Comalco [Rio Tinto] built a aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point down in the far south, and it drew the bulk of its electricity from the then newly-built Manapouri hydroelectric power station. The Comalco smelter currently consumes about 13% of all electricity generated in New Zealand Comalco are looking to exit the smelter in 2024 as the aluminum market is glutted and has been for quite some years. The question for the country is what to do with the electricity which will be freed up from this exit for most people they would prefer this to be re-distributed across the entire country. Cheaper electricity bills leading to spending in other areas of the economy there are a number of blockchain mining proposals to replace the smelter but they are not being seriously entertained by anyone the only digital based proposals that are being entertained are digital data stores (server farms) combined with more ocean cables connecting New Zealand with Australia, Asia, the Pacific Islands and continental america these proposals make more sense, as more storage and carrier capacity leads to lower digital prices which can be distributed across the population as a whole all blockchain technology does is change the medium of payment [and record keeping[, which in itself doesn't lead to lower prices. If anything it leads to higher prices. It costs a whole lot less to print fiat money than it does to generate the equivalent in blockchain payment medium [and a SQL datastore containing millions of records is a whole lot cheaper to maintain than is a blockchain]
  6. the idea is that new people have a starting avatar on which they can learn how to edit/change their appearance, on an avatar which broadly follows the conventions of today's modern bom mesh avatar i think is more about simplifying the learning path of how to do edit/change appearance, more than it is about what they look like for example: when a male Complete Avatar is picked, it makes a named folder in Clothing folder: Named folder: Ashton, Feng, Leonard, etc when say wearing Ashton and go into Leonard folder then can change to Leonard hair, skin, clothes, etc. And generally Leonard garments will fit Ashton. Same in reverse, as they all rigged for the classic avatar shape the issue tho is that, how to do mix n match is not always intuitive for the new person they just have to know to find the named folders in their Inventory. They just have to know that Monty is the name of the grunge rock guy avatar (there is nothing on the selector dialog to tell them I am Monty). Nor when Monty is selected from the dialog does it open in inventory to the newly created Monty folder in Clothing. Nor for any of the others selected maybe it could be this simple. When select Monty then open inventory and highlight Monty named folder. When this happens then new person will also see folders for Leonard or Feng or Ashton or whichever they have previously selected. It gives the new person, information that they are not currently receiving and the curious will open the folders they can see and think hmm! I wonder if I can change my eyes, hair, clothes, etc, Like can I wear Ashton hair on my Monty. oooo! yes I can cool. What else can I change too
  7. i was think about maybe sneaking up on some mole inworld and licking them to see what they taste like. But if they smeared themselves in black jelly bean sauce or marmite then errrk!! i like apricot jam tho 😺
  8. in the first instance the animateMouth function is being called twice when both openMouth and MuzzleMouth are TRUE. In the second instance the animateMouth is only being run once - when either openMouth or MuzzleMouth are TRUE
  9. this pretty much. A basic BOM mesh avatar (male and female versions) which allows the new person to mix n match their outfit at the moment we can select a whole avatar appearance with Complete Avatars what I think would be good is that there is a further dropdown selector on the dialog which shows the other assets that can be worn with the selected Complete Avatar. Like different skins, eyes, hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, etc made for the selected starter avatar
  10. have to work out what Quartz would keep in their fridge that Maddy would want to steal hmm! only thing I can think of is the sekrit recipe chilled mole armour juice that prevents moles from getting fried. Like they rub it on themselves when they go to work so they can't get turned into Mole n' Chips with a side order of medium coke, by random people coming by them with a portable barbecue set am not sure what barbecued mole would taste like tho. Might be more yummy if lightly toasted with sweet chili sauce. mmm!!! nom! nom! nom! buuut thus assumes that Maddy likes sweet chili sauce so might be wrong 😸
  11. yes would not be simple another issue that adds to complexity is permissions compliance. One example amongst others: if I gave a body shape asset to you with no-modify permissions then by the rules you would not be allowed to merge it with your own shape or if it were possible to bypass this part then the rule would be that the merged asset would also have to be no-modify (the most restrictive permissions of the two assets) if not then the CMT permissions system as we currently understand it, would be broken
  12. as you have found there is no LSL API function to modify the avatar shape as you point it would be great if Linden were to create a head shape asset that could be merged with an existing shape. This is a often repeated request from residents/users at the moment all we can do is make the shapes independently as a whole and sell them this way
  13. only the Land Linden working on this could say for sure sometimes tho when landscaping terrain we can just make a mistake and not realise it. Like we think we have just raised/lowered a selection area, not realising that we have lost/dropped the selection and the change is applied to the whole parcel. Which we may not noitce when we working with a parcel that is made up of 4-8 metre wide paths going off in different directions between pre-existing builds which obscure the view
  14. personally i think that abandoned parcels should be leveled and smoothed to fit with the existing occupied neighbour parcels, so that it 1) doesn't mess up the neighbours view, and 2) gives a strong indication to prospective buyers that working in with the neighbours is a good thing
  15. you sort of have it right. At least in the outcome we do not have to contribute tier to a group of which we are an owner. Any member of a group can contribute tier regardless of their group status/level if we do contribute tier we are individually responsible to pay the amount of contributed tier on our due date to Linden - up to the amount of our contribution we are not accountable for the non-payment of tier by other members of the group should there not be enough total tier contributions to cover the parcel then Linden will reclaim the parcel
  16. without seeing the code changes made then we just be guessing at what the newest issue is but if was to guess then should the timer be firing for all states of muzzled | not muzzled | open | close then not all the states are conditioned as they should be
  17. have a look into: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Collision_start http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlDetectedKey http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlPushObject
  18. in game money (Linden Dollars) are sold for US$ on the Lindex. Then the US$ can be withdrawn to your Paypal or Skrill account info about how to do this is here: https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000138105-buying-selling-linden-dollars
  19. i can't speak to what other countries are doing as I haven't looked into them in any great detail a thing tho that is interesting about the percentage comparisions is that both USA and NZ peaked in 2016 overall percentage-wise NZ migrant residency has been a bit ahead of the USA since about 2008, Prior to then I think was about the same the increase was a policy decision by the then NZ government (centre-right) to help ameoliorate the effects of the then global financial crisis over the longer term migrants bring skills and/or money, and energy (capacity to work), which can be applied to grow the wealth-generating sector of the national economy. Migrants also have to live and eat as well as work like everyone else, so they help to grow the consumer base also to support the quite significant increase in NZ population (4.4 million to 5.1 million over the 8 year period 2012-2020. 6/44 = 0.136%) NZ had to spend quite a lot on upgrading infrastructure that would support wealth-generating enterprises. the two main spends items in NZ being upgrading the national main trunk road transport network and building out a nation-wide fibre broadband network. The thought of the then government (and continued by the successive centre-left government) was that these two main items would provide a base on which a migrant/tourism economic base could be built. Which was largely true, broadly speaking then COVID came. (which tbf to all governments world-wide, is not something that can be predicted in the ordinary course. In the extraordinary course then sure it could be. Same like earthquakes, tsunami, meteor strikes, etc) COVID has put a big damper on the NZ tourism/hospitality industry. But a consequence of COVID was the inability of ordinary consumers to travel (not just NZ people but worldwide peoples also). So the people, not able to go anywhere, started to spend their travel and hospitality discretionary money on consumer products (and still are). Truckloads and truckloads of products and services. Which the upgraded national road and broadband networks have ably supported network infrastucture spending is critical when increasing population and/or consumer spending. Is why the Biden Administration Build Back Better (BBB) plan is pretty necessary. Tbf to Donald Trump he wanted to do a infrastructure buildout as well, same Obama, same Bush, but they all got distracted into other things. Not Joe Biden tho. Mr Biden is not for distracting when the current networks can't support the increase in volume of people, product and services movement then is trouble for everyone BBB Part A has been put through. BBB Part B (which includes a quite large social spending component) is stalled in the US Senate but I expect that as much as possible of BBB Part B will be put thru the US Senate reconciliaton process before the 2022 mid-term elections tbf also to governments everywhere, including the USA, increasing government social spending is a pretty arduous process given the differing cultural/political viewpoints in the Min-Max State debate in New Zealand since 1999 to present day successive governments (both center-left and center-right) have, as a matter of policy, broadly addressed the social spending component using a pretty blunt economic activity tool - increasing the national minimum wage on a regular basis this policy is the surest method of distributing wealth from the top of a society to the bottom with this policy the whole social spending component debate for the largest number of residents/citizens, gets reduced down to a single annual consideration by the government how much can NZ as a nation, afford this year to increase the wages of the least-paid workers ? Work this out on the numbers setting aside the political implications for the party in power, and then have the political courage do it. Which has been true of NZ Prime Ministers since 1999 (30+ years now). Helen Clark, John Key, Bill English and Jacinda Ardern. None of who have lacked the courage to do the business of the nation in the best overall interest of the nation. In some years the minimum wage increase has been zero or less than people want. And the Prime Minister of the day has not lacked the courage to explain to the nation why that was. New Zealanders appreciate this, rational decision-making and explanation from their political leaders about refugees. Refugees settlement is hard. Refugees require a lot more wrap-around government, local body and community services support than do migrants. When the numbers of refugees exceed the capacity of the wrap-around services then is hard times trouble for everyone on topic, about the future i am fortunate to live where I do and I am not fearful of the future. I still have some little concerns about the long-term implications for maori people, being maori myself. But tbf, there is a willingness today by the descendants of the settlers to embrace New Zealand culturally as Aotearoa - a pacific nation. And not so much anymore as their forebears did, as a province of a overseas nation. So is all good this part and I am happy to mostly stay out of the way and just let the future generations continue on this path as each new generation does
  20. in absolute numbers the USA definitely takes a lot of legal migrant residents for sure estimates from USA and New Zealand government sources over the last few years by comparative population USA Legal Year Migrants Population % 2012 1,031,631 314,043,900 0.328% 2013 990,553 316,400,500 0.313% 2014 1,016,518 318,637,400 0.319% 2015 1,051,031 320,878,300 0.328% 2016 1,183,505 323,016,000 0.366% 2017 1,127,167 325,084,800 0.347% 2018 1,096,611 327,096,300 0.335% 2019 1,031,765 329,064,900 0.314% 2020 707,362 331,449,300 0.213% New Zealand Legal Year Migrants Population % 2012 24,441 4,415,600 0.554% 2013 23,828 4,457,900 0.535% 2014 26,656 4,540,300 0.587% 2015 25,496 4,636,300 0.550% 2016 30,786 4,741,200 0.649% 2017 28,301 4,836,300 0.585% 2018 22,932 4,921,300 0.466% 2019 20,584 5,006,900 0.411% 2020 17,524 5,098,800 0.344%
  21. to borrow more “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, Except for like mexicans, guatemaleans, haitians, ecuadoreans and such, Some cubans are ok, just not them commie-looking ones which are too much. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
  22. when we escape to another planet then we will get eaten by a bronteroc. So best to just stay home and get killed by an asteroid oh wait! I think thats a movie! but still I don't want to get eaten to death, so I will go for the death by asteroid way 😸
  23. another vote for more RAM before anything else. Get 16GB if you can afford it
  24. another way to look at this the direction the world is going in overall is toward the Maximalist State the Maximalist State is predicated on laws, regulations and resourcing which benefit the individual, enabling them to make life choices for themselves while being supported by the State, a support which ameliorates the personal risk for harm in making those choices the opposing view is the Minimalist State in which poor life choices result in heighten risk for harm (biblically - you reap what you sow on a individual basis). This view is less favoured by the most number of people an effect of the Minimalist State is that when there is no or minimal State support then people are more dependent on their immediate family members and neighbours/local communities\tribes\etc. The Maximalist State removes this dependency effect so altogether the Maximalist State provides more opportunity to have more personal independence from everyone else than does the Minimalist State whether or not being able to have more personal independence from family and neighbours is a good or not so good thing, is pretty much the crux of the debate
  25. getting the card cancelled is the first step. The longer the card is compromised the worse matters will get for everyone as you have already contacted Linden about this then should your card provider be able to reverse the charges for the three transactions in dispute then when Linden see the reversals they will already have on file some heads up from you about this Linden will not tell you of any action they may or may not take against the account to whom the L$ were paid
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