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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. i haven't been able to hate Windows 11, as the Windows Update says my computer doesn't meet the min. specification. So I can only hate on Microsoft for preventing me hating on Windows 11 😸
  2. i am good with ads in my SL. Like my attached media-on-a-prim player Is tuned to a online web streaming music provider and plays digital ads on the moap surface, and plays voice ads on the stream same as RL radio and TV stations do is not something I think much about really. I have no idea what the advertisers could gather as useful from this. Seems when a moap player first links to a web url the host (music stream provider in my case) does get info that my computer is establishing some kind of handoff thru a Secondlife domain server. Not sure what the host might make of this either and am not really fussed about it myself
  3. i found this band on youtube when I was browsing vids from The Voice tv show they are Voice of Baceprot from Indonesia. This was their first own song I think. Is pretty good. They have a pretty big sound for a three piece they started out playing covers from like RATM, Metallica, Linkin Park, SOAD, Slipknot. Like you do when you first start here is their cover of Metallica's Enter Sandman which is my fav Metallica song. hooo!!
  4. a alternative to detection is for the blue script (in all cars) to listen on a dedicated blue flag channel. The blue flag script enabled-cars periodically broadcast their status on the channel. The blue flag script maintaining a list of all cars in the race for the duration of the race, then calculating relative status for itself it can be done so that the cars broadcast their own status at different times to spread the load. Car1 (some time lapse) Car2 (time lapse) Car3 ... etc. The blue script timer (which will fire the broadcast) starting at different times for each car, then at some constant time (for all cars) thereafter
  5. maybe alternatively we can think about how this can be done with the race control system when a car passes the race control points spread round the track then send the car a message from race control the message info can include: a) my race position (other useful info can be laps remaining in race for me) b) the car in front of me, their race position, and the time gap between the cars c) the car behind me, their race position, and time gap between the cars d) the time gap to the car next in front of me by race position e) the time gap to the car next behind me by race position from b) and c) we can deduce blue flag (car behind has a numerically lower race position than me) from d) and e) we can know where our nearest competitors are on the track when we go this way then the race control system detects the cars, the cars don't have to detect each other add: however we do still have the issue of detection (which can be problematic given lag) a way to do this alternatively is to have the car request the message when it passes thru a region grid position (race control point). With this the most reliable method is in the race controller there is a script for each car in the race communicating with race control on independent channels
  6. er hem!! the worst forum ever (TM) is rock-n-rolla the strapline: 8,500+ posts later from people who can't read straplines followed by another 6,900+ posts from more people who didn't want to believe what they never read, when it said: 😺
  7. Apple deprecated Quicktime some years ago now. Linden updated MOAP (media-on-a-prim) accordingly. So best to get another SL TV that uses the updated MOAP
  8. party up on the footpath on a night out start with Toia Mai Te Waka Nei and then why not! break out into Ka Mate and then after they done their waiata the guy doing the podcast has to respond to the girls with his own waiata (because thems the rules) and he do Te Iwi E. And he got all embarrassed and start to stumble so the girls back him up (thems the rules also) ngā kōtiro e whakaatu ana i te manaaki
  9. see this thread for animats workround for forcing garbage collection
  10. when the land is no-rezz then have to give the prim to the toucher and ask them to Wear it. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGiveInventory
  11. if you can name them then use a numerical prefix 001 a photo 002 another photo 003 this is another photo 004 etc etc if using a scripted list then sort ascending with: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlListSort
  12. i would not disagree with this this kind of behaviour I think works against Linden's best interest - use of micro-parcels that discourage other residents from paying tier to maintain that region add: if mircoparcels were to used as spawn portals for a grid-wide game then they don't have to be giant obelisks. They can be a flat floor prim - able to serve the function and not annoy the neighbours
  13. just about landcutting to get microparcels Linden could make it so that only Land Linden can set parcels less than 512 sqm for sale. Owner can only abandon ps edit add for complete. The above rule would not in itself prevent landcutting to secure micro parcels. As a person could buy a 528m+. Cut out the micro parcel and sell/abandon the 512m+ keeping the microparcel so would need a 2nd rule as well to work in-conjunction with rule 1. Cannot sell/abandon a parcel if this would leave you with less than 512m on the region
  14. this orange 4096 parcel is the classic definition of a donut parcel. Anyone buying the 4096m could submit a ticket to have the donut hole 16m parcel moved to the edge. Next to the green parcel would most likely be where Land Linden would move it too
  15. some history on the inworld game which these current obelisks represent is here: https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/Army_of_the_Sith_Republic#:~:text=ASR%2C Army of the SIth Republic or now,new resident of the TG back in 2007. in those days a older version of the obelisks were on pretty much every region on the TG/Sharp. The early versions were like "stargates", were scripted to be spawn points for the Sith Army game players to jump to when chasing/combatting other players. Then they started to disappear from the grid as the players drifted away and stopped paying the tiers seems most likely that some person who used to play that game has come back and is trying to memorialise their youth years which is what these new obelisks say: That they are memorials. As these new obelisks are not scripted, they don't serve the same function as they did another thing. I won't name the region on Sharp, but a couple of years ago, a new Army of the Sith Republic base was built. Was quite incongruous in the then setting as all the then neighbours had home and garden parcels. Then after a few months the base was abandoned (not sure exactly why but could make a good guess) and the obelisks starting appearing all over
  16. the Oracul Male Bento AO's are in the New-AX department. The vendors say (Bento) on them. There are 3: Bulldog Fire (Bento), Captain Bear (Bento), Monster Grab (Bento) when a vendor doesn't say (Bento) then is non-bento. When bought separately Bento animations are L$20 each. Non-bento are L$10 each
  17. Oracul for me. But have to have a skinny-ish avatar if you want all the animations in a AO pack to fit. Is some animations suitable for bigger avatars but not all of them
  18. ... are the payment vendor and I can't see the vendor because it is crumpled at 1.125 LOD (the default setting in the Linden viewer) when I am standing just inside your shop door, then I don't know how or where to buy your stuff even when I want to i noticed a few payment vendors like this at Shop and Hop. So suggestion: spend more LI on your vendors please
  19. yes we can definitely tldr this topic to pieces generally tho I think that the path you are describing fits the path that Linden, from my own observations, are already on. Remembering also that as residents we tend to gravitate toward new features ourselves, in the self-selecting way. Mesh being the biggest example of this. Residents prefer mesh to prims, which is borne out by their buying preferences. Preferences which the sellers reflect in their store offerings is only a relatively few creatives still working totally with prims - typically for their own use. Like me as an example, I like prims but I like mesh doors, windows, stairs, roof eaves, vehicles, garden stuff, etc more, so tend to add some mesh objects into what I put together. And I haven't worn any totally prim-based avatar accessory since ages. So I am as much a feature self-selecting person as everybody else your thoughts on modularisation for private estates (mini-grids) is a more nuanced way to go than is my big broad brush approach, but I think the issues (at least the technical implementation) are the same like suppose we (the royal we) wanted to offer estate mini-grids. We could try to integrate these new feature modules into the existing estate model, or we can design a whole new model for them for example: tunneling-enabled terrain, and physics water. Make your terrain, drop a water component(s) on the terrain and the water flows automagically into the dips of the terrain. Then drop a physics weather system component (with settable wind, rain, sun, snow, etc, parameters) on to the region and the water responds to the weather, as do the vegetation and animal-like objects we have dropped on the terrain (they get wet in the rain, and can get washed away in a flood, die in a drought, ice freeze and melt, etc etc). Physics water and weather system will also make vehicles a whole other experience then we can say that only objects that are made for this environment can be rezzed (some existing previous made mesh objects, that are conformant to the new model) will rez, others won't. There are no prims as we know them - they just won't rezz) This non-rez restriction also applies to avatar wearables. Some existing meshes will rezz, others won't being non-conformant. Being a physics environment then this leads to avatar cloth accessories that respond to wet, wind, dry weather conditions, then onto automagic avatar and object appearance behaviour like heat sources: fireplaces, heater and fridge appliances, etc this is a rich environment and I think that no matter how we think about this, planets, grids, mini-grids, rich estates, etc then it all kind of boils down to the same thing, at least in the implementation of it. For sure tho I think that functions for estate management, friends/contacts, L$, inventory, groups, etc can largely remain the same. Same with avatar movement controls, and object mounting tools - move, rotate, etc
  20. there might be more than a 100 people start coming if Linden put the meeting schedule on the Dashboard as you mention. Might not either tho as you also say i don't go myself even tho I am aware of the meetings. Everything I might say at such a meeting, tends to get said in one way or another by somebody else attending. So not go and clog up the venue and just say; yeah that! with appropriate oooo! noises on the voice. I am happy enough information-wise, to read the meeting summaries Inara Pey provides
  21. the people who do attend user group meetings are self-selecting, anyone can attend as they choose, there is no Linden-preferred resident attendance list if thru greater awareness, more than a single region numbers were trying to attend on a regular basis then in the first instance the meetings could be moved to 4 corner regions. Which would raise the max. attendance level to 400
  22. anything that makes it easier for people to access information I am supportive of as Coffee mentions there is the issue of region avatar presence that can limit attendance numbers. I think that the issue of not everyone being able to attend a inworld user group because region full, is a better problem to have than hardly anyone turning up to the meeting because relatively very few people know about it the latter problem adds impetus to making group text and voice conversations more performant, scaling up into the 100s of attendees (potentially some low 1000s). This performance problem is easier to solve than is region avatars numbers
  23. the user group meeting schedule is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:User_Groups Inara Pey provides the best documented summaries of the meetings I find, here: https://modemworld.me/2022/02/05/2022-ccug-and-tpvd-meetings-week-5-summary/
  24. suppose Linden did want to make SL But Better (as opposed to previous efforts of Not SL At All) how might this be done. Before we (the royal we world builder owner company) can get in to the design details of the world itself, the main question to this I think is: Who is going to pay to build SL But Better ? i think the answer to this is the current fee/subscription paying SL residents. And if we (the royal we company) are successful in building this SL But Better world then we will satisfy our current fee/subscription paying base, and have a good potential to grow our conversion rate of new sign-ins to fee paying subscribers because of the Better part so what would make SL But Better still SL. Two parts to this I think: 1) the inworld social component. In practice: avatar identity, existing friends, contacts, relationships seamlessly reachable from both SL (olde) and SL But Better platforms simultaneously. We can IM our friends/contacts on Olde SL from SL But Better and vice versa 2) The monetary component. In practice: L$. One ingame currency account balance for both platforms i thought Linden were going to do these two things with the Sansar project, but they never. Sansar ended up as Not SL At All, at least in the eyes of the people providing the bulk of the funding base for the build out. SL people never went to Sansar because Not SL given these two things which are I think iimperatives, then we can look at how we (the royal we) could make the SL But Better world. And is here that we can get bold. One identity platform and three grids. SL Grid 1: SL as it is. SL But Better Grid 2: SL for wireless phone/tablet devices. SL But Better Grid 3: Rich content for high-end performance devices three grids would be the bold move I would make if I was the boss of the royal we company (which I am not but if I was). Because I want to be able to partition content by type of client device to provide a performant service on the device, while retaining identity across the platform. Identity and performance are the keys to any world I think Inventory (object performance) would not be as great an issue with 3 grids - everything we already have will continue to work on Grid 1 when we teleport to Grids 2 or 3 then begin with our Grid Starter inventory. Then we have to build/buy content made specifically for that Grid to facilitate resident building I would make Content Creation Editors specifically for Grids 2 and 3. In terms of avatar and rezzed content, resident creatives will make their own choices about which grids they will build for. Like avatars for example: A version for each grid: Medium, Light and Rich.Or they just pick one if we think about the 3 grids as different planets, able to be teleported between (depending on client device), then we have a way to realise a land ownership model consistent with the SL way. If we think about Grid 1 SL as Earth, then Grid 2 is Mars, Grid 3 is Venus, then it makes sense that if we wanted our own home on each planet then that's what we would have to get/buy with Grids 2 and 3 then because they are new content worlds then they can be built from the ground up as whole new content delivery and rendering systems for the modern hardware on which they are intended to run, and not caring at all about olde SL backward compatibility and not breaking existing stuff - this is what Grid/Planent 1 SL is for, not breaking existing content over time I think people will migrate to the newer grids/planets, and Grid 1Olde SL will slowly reduce as the new planets grow, until one day Olde SL ends up as an antiquities museum this grid/planet model can be endlessly extended, Grid 4: Rich Water world, Grid 5: Rich Spaceship world and so on this model helps to address the perennial problem. How to have one identity platform that takes advantage of hardware advances, while not breaking existing content. For this to happen people have to accept that content is not transferable beyond the grid/planet that it is made for. And I think people generally get that this is so about content already
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